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Ignorant people

Guest Dans 77 Limited

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Yesterday was my wifes birthday. As part of her day she wanted to go to a local cruise in her 67 Skylark. Now her Skylark is not perfect, but it has managed to win a trophy or two in its time. It has a scrape in the passenger side door and could use a bit of freshening.But overall its a solid car with a ton of potential and a nice cruiser. I followed her in my Grand Ville as yesterday was just too nice of a day not to drive a convertible. Its in about the same condition as the Skylark. We get to the cruise and park. Im not even out of my car before these two people in a 64 Caddy convertible start tearing down our cars. We have been doing this for a lot of years and are fairly well known , have lots of friends at most cruises we go to and for the most part the people we know would never be critical of another persons car. These two ignorant A-Holes ruined my wifes day which up to that point had been a good one. The worst part was they were displaying a plate showing them to be members of a club I used to belong to and was actually thinking of rejoining.This club always struck me as the type of group that accepted anyone who was truly interested in bettering their car regardless of what it started out like. Now Im so damn mad at these A-Holes for upsetting my wife on her birthday that I dont think I want anything to do with a club that would accept them as members.


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Don't blame the club.......few (clubs) have serious rules that would keep these people out, all they need is a checkbook.

To make up for the likes of those folkes, try and make someones day by telling them how much you like their car...even if it is not a better than showroom example. Especially the young guy, girl or couple that are maybe just starting in the hobby.

Not everyone can afford to purchase or build a fine example...they find something they like and improve it as funds allow. We need all these folks to keep the hobby going.

Think for a moment what would happen if all the car shows were like Pebble Beach. There would only be a very limited number of shows around the country with extremely nice cars that were there by invitation.

Most of us live on the other side. We have cars we like and go to shows that have similar vehicles.

I like the car activities that have no entry fees, classes, or rules. Some very interesting and unusual vehicles show up because the owner is not competing. Some of the best shows are those without class distinction(s)

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Dan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Missus.

Those folks just had to run some one down to feel good with themselves. Sad.

I will put myself in the position of being judged like that soon. My 50 Super will never be perfect. Nor do I intend for it to be. I guess we just have to get thick skinned. Most of the fun in my [our] hobby is ,as Barney says, working to improve our ride.



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Guest garys64wildcat


Happy B-Day to your wife.

I have been through that before. But The 'Nice car' or "thumbs up" while driving make up for the " A-Holes" Some folks are born to be "perfect or No-It-Alls" no matter what.

My old 64 Cat Convert is not perfect by any means. But it is driven for our pleasure, not those type of folks. I think for being born in 64 shes in better cond. than most of those folks that run down your pride and joy.

My wife isnt afraid to tell them what to do with their perfect car.

Most of us are respectful of others

Gary and Carol

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I fully agree with Barney. Don't blame the club. Every organization (at work and play) has a few snobs who think their way is the only way.

I don't enter my cars in judged events because that is not my thing. But anyone who does, should be parpared to take what they get from critics and judges and use it to best advantage. In other words, take the info and use it to fix whatever is wrong with the car....

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The car hobby like any other has it's share of snobs. You need to get a thicker skin........Bob </div></div>

Believe me Bob Ive got a thick skin. It wasnt what they said about my car that bothered me. Its got a very strong 455 in it and if I wanted I could have shred my back tires all over the caddy in retribution. What POed me was the fact that they upset my wife on her birthday with their B.S. I mean this wasnt even a judged show ... it was an ice cream parking lot cruise, there were cars there in all conditions . Some were completely primered, mine had a little primer on it , a friend who just spent years restoring a 56 Dodge Pickup to concourse condition got involved in an accident with it last week and the right rear corner is crunched . My problem with this was if you want to go to a judged show ..... go by all means and if I go too Ill take my lumps. But this was a cruise .... not a show, what if I or my wife had been newbies, what kind of impression would these clowns have made on someone who might have had their project out for only the first or second time. Do you really think they would have wanted to stay? or comeback, or join a club potentially full of people who had just burned down their pride & joy ? Think about it .

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Do you really think they would have wanted to stay? or comeback, or join a club potentially full of people who had just burned down their pride & joy ? </div></div>

Dan you are totally correct in all you say. But the fact still remains that any group of people has a share of flaming A-holes. Fact of life! letting them get your goat will not change them or the situation. Some of them actually try to [censored] people off on purpose.

Just shrug it off or go hock up a big lugey on their windshield when they aren't looking............Bob

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Dan you are totally correct... the fact still remains that any group of people has a share of flaming A-holes. ...Just shrug it off or go hock up a big lugey on their windshield when they aren't looking............Bob </div></div>

Bob, LMAO on the lugey. But my comment really goes out to Dan and anyone I ever offended by absently mindedly doing the same thing as those Caddy owners. Sometimes I look over cars with a critical eye to compare what I have to do to my own cars, which also are not even in the same hemisphere as "very nice". Then often I catch myself talking out loud, without meaning to, and potentially offending some people. I really feel foolish when I realize it and try to stop. But I'm sure some of my musings have been overheard by proud owners who then label me a flaming A hole. But I really don't mean to trash anyone elses car, I just want to capture what I would and would not do to my own cars when or if I ever have the disposable income to pursue perfection.

My apologies to your wife for those Caddy owners insensitivity. It is a shame that she had to be subjected to this. It's hard enough getting the significant others involved in this hobby, without throwing more road blocks in front of them.

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Some times when I look at a car I will see something that I don't think is "correct". If I say anything I try to make it in the form of a question so as to not come off as a critic but still let them know that they may want to change it. I NEVER comment on condition.

At the recent G'Burg meet there was a car fresh out of a 7 year professional, mega buck, restoration. I thought that something was incorrect and asked the restorer and owner if they were sure that it was correct in the form of a question. We ended up having a nice little discussion with no hard feelings. when I got home and double checked it turns out they were right, but since everyone was civil it turned into a learning experiance.

As a bonus there were no lugeys on my windshield.......Bob

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Guest Dan Cook

Well, you know, a passing comment about anything that is not actually directed to you should be overlooked in most cases since people tend to talk about cars and other things as they walk. In Dan's case it appears the comments were directed to him and his wife which is a very different case in my opinion.

I have a couple of original condition cars which are nothing fancy and I like to go to shows and cruises and enjoy the people at the events and I never let idle comments upset me. On the other hand, if, and this has happened, someone asks me why I would bring a piece of crap like that to a cruise I reply in a calm voice and with the most fluent use of profanity acquired in my 20+ years in the Navy what I think of them, their car and what they should do with their car.

I don't go out of my way to be an A-hole but if it is started by someone else they better be prepared. The up side to this is that if they see you there they will never bother you again but will most likely talk about you to everyone else. And if this ever comes up in a conversation

with anyone else I just say we were having a discussion about our cars and let it go at that. I know other people who feel the same way but don't want to offend the offenders even if they deserve it.

Have a great Buick day Dan.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Except isn't it a shame that you can't comment on condition?


The way I figure it, John, is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'd no sooner comment on the condition of his car than on the condition of his wife. Hopefully he loves them both just the way they are.......Bob

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JohnD1956</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yes Bob, that's the way it should be done. Except isn't it a shame that you can't comment on condition? </div></div>

John they werent commenting on condition per se. They pointed out the flaws on the cars and then said something along the lines of those cars dont belong here. And they said it loud enough for my wife and son to hear them over the turbo mufflers on both her Buick and my Pontiac, so I dont think they were commenting amongst themselves and I also dont believe they were offering "constructive criticism". The one thing that has come out of this is the number of people we have talked to since Saturday night who have come out in support of my wife and her Skylark.

The Cadillac owners are in for a rough summer........ There are about 10-20 local cruisers who are about to go over that Caddy with a VERY critical eye and a clear commanding voice in the upcoming weeks. Another friend has plans on parking his 60 Edsel for several weeks and taking his beat up Sundance convertible to cruises and parking it next to the Caddy every time he sees a spot open. And his wife who has absolutely no problem expressing her opinions and who also happens to be a good friend of my wife has plans on letting them know what she thinks of them , their attitudes and their car every chance she gets.Id be willing to bet that after a few weeks they wish they had really kept their mouths shut on my wifes birthday. Should be interesting.......

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It's my guess that you nailed it in your topic headline. They're just ignorant.

I assume they are new to cruises in general. There is a huge difference in a cruise and a show. People bring all kinds of cars to local parking lot, hangout type, kick the tires, meet up with your buddies, cruises, and actual car shows. We have several hundred cars come out to a grocery store parking lot once a month. Several hundred "classics", hot rods, street rods, mini trucks, Corvettes, etc. If you don't like the cars or people, you just walk by. For the most part, restored car guys talk to other restored car guys. Old school hot rod guys don't necessarily talk trash with the street rodders, but they don't want to be associated with a fiberglass 32 Ford, even though their cars are similar. It's just the nature of this type of "show". I don't enjoy looking at a 10 year old S-10 pickup slammed to the ground with neon lights under it, but I wouldn't say they don't belong. It's just silly. (plus those guys look like they could/ would kick my a$$ if I chose to say something inflammatory) !

Cars are funny things to get that worked up about. If you don't like it (as they say) "Change the channel" !

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Sorry to hear that! Unfortunately, as Barney said, it happens. But, thankfully, we have tons and tons of people like Barney, whose comments are always a breath of fresh air AND aimed at building people up! Thanks, Barney!

Now, next time that happens, please quickly go to your cooler, pull out an ice-cold long-necked beverage of your choice, and as Mr. and Mrs. Perfect go on and on about your car, set the sweating bottle down on the hood of their car, and urge them to tell you more.....

Naw, just kidding! No need to punish the car because its' owner is a jerk! But, you COULD tell them that you had heard a rumor there were very arrogant people at some of these meets, but you had never actually met two of them before.....


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OK, I live here, and I don't know directly of the "incident" Saturday....cause at that time I was elsewhere in front of a TV being disappointed.

OK, where were you Saturday morning? The Bible Chapel cruise was well attended and everyone had a good time. I even had a cake for Sandy (yea right), but had to eat it all by myself cause you guys weren't there.

I like Rich's idea of parking the Edsel for a while. That could be fun to watch.

We gotta talk and find out who this was, and do they attend the regular club meetings? If so, how about this....JOIN the club. whistle.gif Be sure to park next to them at every club meeting and talk about how you're in the process of rat-rodding the Skylark whistle.gif ...and people just don't understand you cry.gif ...and how hard it is to rat-rod a 400 point show car. whistle.gif Then point out how it was in a national magazine (The Bugle) when it was on display at the World of Wheels show whistle.gif ... and how those were the good old days when keeping chome shiny was easy. whistle.gif

Wow...picking on the Skylark is cruel. That's a nice car. It's on my picture frame here at work with all the shots from the world of wheels. I seem to recall lots of people taking pictures of it there, and commenting on how nice it was.

Yup, ignorant probably sums it up well.

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Guest my3buicks

At the risk of having people jump down my throat, wouldn't many of the above idea's put you in the same boat as them? Just because they acted like azzes doesn't meen you want to stoop down and do the same.

I know there is nothing worse than being at a show or cruise and sitting and hearing someone ditz your car, it sucks big time. We all have had the same thing happen no matter how nice or not nice our cars are. It deflates you real quickly.

Again, I think going about it by having everyone "pick" on them is just sinking to their level. Sometimes conflicts like this escalate and in the long run no one wins, just hard feelings that make it uncomforatble for all.

In your mind you know what you have, shrug it off as a "consider the source" and enjoy your beautiful Buicks and Pontiac.

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Guest imported_Thriller

I wasn't going to comment, but I like Keith's post.

A lot of folks don't like confrontation...if it were me, I likely would have challenged them then and there, especially if it were upsetting my wife. That's just me though.

Yeah, if I show up with the pace car, which is "modern" by some standards, and not as nice in terms of shape as some of my other cars, I could understand folks commenting negatively, but I draw the line at being cruel to folks. Then again, it is still nicer than a lot of other cars that show up at cruises.

I really don't understand people though. I remember quite clearly on our way home from Rochester with the Wildcat and the '62. Whenever we stopped for fuel, someone invariably made a positive comment about the convertible, but the car is in quite a bit tougher shape than the Wildcat. I spent the trip with a puzzled expression on my face not understanding how folks could like the convertible more than the Wildcat. I guess it just goes to show that it takes all kinds.

Dan - I'm sorry that your wife's feelings were hurt, particularly on her birthday. There are boors everywhere.

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Guest palosfv3

Sometimes when meeting new people things like this can happen. If your uncomfortable about calling them to task about their comments ,a series of well thought out relevant questions to them will quickly get things back on track. Questions are startegically great in these situations. They cause the other person to break their thought process to answer the question and allow you to gather the time for an appropriate response.

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Oh believe me I called them out about it in my own "special "way whistle.gif

I like the beer on the hood idea cool.gif

As far as the mass reltaliation goes ..... it wasnt my idea , it was the idea of the people I had talked to. In fact the Edsel parking idea was thought up by Richs wife and I hadnt even told her about it.

Dan the club in question is one of the clubs you belong to. Ill call you about it.

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Guest Reatta1

Been following this with interest. Here's my take. People like that have a problem. It is their problem, not mine and I don't make it mine. If push comes to shove, I politely tell them to crawl back under the rock they escaped from, cause I don't have time for their bullshit. Then I simply ignore them from that point on.

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You know in the old days they would have challenged them to a duel, and in the 21st century, I would have challenged the driveability and surviveability of their caddy vs. a Buick any day! And why did they feel the need to do that?

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Guest 53Nailhead
someone asks me why I would bring a piece of crap like that to a cruise I reply in a calm voice and with the most fluent use of profanity acquired in my 20+ years in the Navy what I think of them, their car and what they should do with their car

Dan, I laughed outloud. Why can I picture this grin.gif

It's a shame they ruined your day....I guess it's good that my personal "Give a Frig Factor" for what people think or say is very low, guess it comes with being a General Contractor for 25+ years

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: my3buicks</div><div class="ubbcode-body">At the risk of having people jump down my throat, wouldn't many of the above idea's put you in the same boat as them? Just because they acted like azzes doesn't meen you want to stoop down and do the same.</div></div>

Blast! My3buicks is right. I was laughing about parking some wrecks next to their car, but he's right. Confrontation equals more of the same. Too bad. Imagine being boxed in by wrecks every cruise that you attend. Oh well, it was funny to think about but not to actually do. Enjoy laughing at their ignorance and keep enjoying the car that brings you and your lovely wife together more.

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Guest als 66

Why do people have to be so CRITICAL.. I have driven over 2 thousand miles on my 66' Skylark over the past 4 months. I drive my car. Is it perfect, of course not. It is physically impossible to own a perfect driver, period.......

For those guys and gals who want to spend thousands on their cars and park them in the garage. Have at it. That's not me. Don't be ignorant and question the imperfections of someones driver. We know it's not perfect. We're not stupid! We go to the cruises to meet people, check out some cars, and have fun..

At least 99.9% of the cars that are purchased have something wrong with them. Some of us have money to fix them to show quality and some of us have our heads under the hood all winter just so we can enjoy the short summers we have.

My advice (like anyone cares), "If you don't have anything nice to say, move on".

I read these threads every day and never post any comments. This one gets my blood boiling because it's the main reason I don't go to cruise ins.

Thanks for letting me express my 2 cents.

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How would the people in the 64 Cadillac have felt if you had rolled up next to them in a 30 Cadillac V-16 Town Car and asked: "What did you tow here with THAT?".

Of course, that would be a rude thing to say, too. You don't get to be impolite just because your car costs more.

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Well, for those following this thread.....this club meets tonight. As I'm responsible for their apparel and other club offerings (hats, shirts, jackets, license plates, etc) so I will be there. Plus there's pizza tonight.

I know this has floated about others locally, and I've done a little research. The Mrs. is typically quiet and soft spoken. The Mr. is apparently known for "speaking his mind" and sometimes being abrasive. Kinda like a grumpy old man is expected to be if you subscribe to the stereotype.

At the outdoor meetings such as this one, everyone brings their cars, weather permitting, and new members are welcomed. The president of the club will put a halt to the chatting at some time to do this and make other announcements. I'll be paying attention to see if the president makes any mention of being nice in general to other cruisers and encouraging them to join the club. I would hope he does...we'll see. It will be a short meeting as the Pens are plating game 4 tonight and it's a home game. GO PENS!!!

I'll let you all know what transpires at tonights meeting.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HurstGN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would hope he does...we'll see. It will be a short meeting as the Pens are plating game 4 tonight and it's a home game. GO PENS!!!</div></div>

I assumming the Pens are some kinda Pennsyvania sports team correct ?? Plating Game 4 ?? Never heard that terminology before. What sport is it ?

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HurstGN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Mr. is apparently known for "speaking his mind" and sometimes being abrasive. Kinda like a grumpy old man is expected to be if you subscribe to the stereotype.


Every club has those. We have a fellow who used to complain about 60s then 70s cars as "moderns" regardless of who was around and what they were driving. The local club will take in cars 25 years and older, so that means we're up to the mid-80s as club cars. Some folks have trouble getting over this.

Bill...Bill...Bill. Sigh. I wouldn't expect a Texan to understand hockey...Stanley Cup finals. Pittsburgh Penguins and Detroit Red Wings.

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I grew up watch hockey back when there were 6 teams in the league. Dad had season tickets to the Blackhawks. I haven't always lived in Texas....

But you are correct, I haven't followed it for a long time at least the NHL. I still go to our minor league games as they are pretty exciting.

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bill Stoneberg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Derek,

I grew up watch hockey back when there were 6 teams in the league. Dad had season tickets to the Blackhawks. I haven't always lived in Texas....

But you are correct, I haven't followed it for a long time at least the NHL. I still go to our minor league games as they are pretty exciting. </div></div>

Yeah, I can tell you aren't native Texan...not enough drawl wink.gifgrin.gif

The last Canadian professional team still playing is in action tonight - the Manitoba Moose are playing game 3 against the Hershey Bears for the Calder Cup. If I remember correctly, the Houston Aeros are in the AHL.

Expansion was what, 1971 for the NHL? I'm afraid I can't remember the league without the Vancouver Canucks, but I do recall the WHL teams joining in.

Ah well, ignorance is bliss. It's June...the snow is gone...hockey should be over. It's Buick season!

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OK Buick People: Here are some facts. Please try to understand........

I have been doing collector Buicks since they were beaters.

Most of my old Buicks ARE still beaters.

Because they ARE beaters I have been scorned, judged and had my inventory taken every way possible.

Much of the behavior I described in the previous paragraph has been shown to me by Buick Club members. Let' face it, if my cars were cherry, original, authentic i would fit right in.

Why would I hang out with the Buick Club? That is a good question. Mitch

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