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Guest imported_MrEarl

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44 minutes ago, Beemon said:

The dynamics of this thread are great. A few good images and a few good laughs don't have time to fester and get out of hand because a family photo gets shared next. 


Very good point Benjamin and one of which I agree and in fact before reading you post, was considering thanking 91vert for helping bring us back on track so to speak.  However and let me take this opportunity to say,  there are some here who in my opinion carry the "family oriented" forum idea to the extreme and would like to see all material be of a General Audience rating. My feelings of it being "family oriented" are that WE are the"family" that is most prevalent and that most matters here, and as long as the subjects of which the thread pertains are not nude or overly provocative, and the text demeaning or insulting to women then it is of benefit toward maintaining a fun-spirited place for friends of like interests to abide. Of course all of what I just spelled out is very subjective and could probably lead to my being called on the carpet if in someones opinion  I make a wrong call. I have only ever had to edit or delete maybe 2-3 over the many years of this threads running and attribute that to the gentlemanly nature of all who post here.  Just sayin...


and although teetering on the risk of getting off subject, regarding the blackwalls, in this particular case I think I have to side with Willie here.

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It's amazing what you gents will comment on and what you won't.  Put a long legged girl in a swim suit and pose her in front of a car and no one will comment on the car.  So, how many of you, beside me, noticed the flaked paint in the head light covers, the fact that the left side of the car has wheel arch moldings but the right side doesn't, or the add on turn signal lights behind the grill.  ?

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Man I so want one of these some day....


Mr. Earl, I recall having one of those, and the upkeep was outrageously expensive - less dependable than desired, and did not end well !


But the Buick in question was superb !!

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