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Skinned Knuckles yea/nea ?

Guest abh3usn

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Guest abh3usn

I've been thinking about subscribing for a while as I enjoy tech articles and such. I get Old Cars Weekly, although a great publication it is limited in regards to tech articles. What's your thought ?

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Skinned Knuckles is a great magazine taken collectively, but you may be disappointed in an individual issue.

What I mean is, I have a set of 200 or more issues. I can go through them, and find restoration hints and procedures that are relevant to my projects. But, an individual issue may disappoint in that it has a lot of technical stuff on things I don't work on.

For example, for a while they ran large articles on how to repair automatic transmissions in various cars. Now, I have a couple of collector cars with automatics, but I personally will never take them apart. And there usually is a foreign car section, which is of marginal interest to me personally, but may be of great in

terest to some.

It is a somewhat misunderstood magazine. Excellent reading, excellent technical data, and concentrates on that, is not a "newsy" publication and has no advertising, but again, it needs to be taken more as a

"whole" than as an individual issue.

Not to make this sound like a commercial, but by the by, my storage room runeth over, and I would be interested in selling my stack if anyone has an interest. I think I have a list of issues, email me if interested, David.Coco@hphood.com thanks

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abh3usn, I have been getting the magazine for a year now and I agree with trimacar. I see you belong to the Tidewater AACA, if you are going to the dinner tonight (Jan 10 2009) I can bring some for you to look at.

Matt Gresalfi

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Skinned Knuckles is a great technical publication for enthusiasts who work on their own cars and trucks. I have learned several good tricks of the trade by reading the "plain talk" articles.

If you work on your own machines, it is well worth subscribing. You will save time and money in your shop too.

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Guest abh3usn

Thanks for the input. It looks like the magazine is just what I'm looking for. I own an MGB and would be interested in the foreign section as well. I've enjoyed the articles form Skinned Knuckles that OCW has jointly published. I'll look into subscribing. Thanks for your input.

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I think it is one of the best publications I subscribe to. Articles written by hobbiest, one of the last few publications that is still dedicated to restoration. Even Cars and Parts has sold out and is starting to cater to modifications. You will enjoy it, Skinned Knuckles, I know I can't put mine down when it comes.


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I was a charter subscriber to Skinned Knuckles. I think it's glory days are in the past. The early issues up through a few years ago were excellent references with great technical articles. For the last few years their articles have been mostly aimed at the very inexperienced car person and they have added a lot more non technical articles. I gave it a couple of years to get back to it's old glory and finally dropped my subscription a few months ago.

PS: In re-reading my post I don't want to imply that those of you that enjoy SK are inexperienced, it just doesn't fill the void it use to fill for me.

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Hello abh3usn, the above is all good advice and trimacar especially hit it right on the head that taken individually each issue may not be all that great but collectively they are a great resource. I also think that the back issues are just as useful as new ones and they usually have a special for new subscribers that for a little extra when you subscribe they will send you a box of assorted back issues too.

Skinned Knuckles is an unusual situation and very grassroots, written for the hands-on enthusiast but IMO from a smarter view than Auto Restorer (at least when I read it years ago) and no street rods allowed. I would say try it for a year, get the back issues if possible, and see what you think. Good luck, Todd

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