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Mice repelient

Guest windjamer

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Guest windjamer

For the past ten years I put moth balls in the cars for the winter. Im not sure this works, I know it stinks the car up,and I did find a dead mouse in the trunk one spring. Im told CHEEP dryer sheets do a much better job and the person that told me this did emphaise cheep. What do you use?? How do you mouse proof your car??

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1926pack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What I use has 4 legs and purrs... </div></div>

That is the best mouse repellent. Mine has 8 legs and purrs in stereo (two cats).

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Guest windjamer

1926 Pack, I got one of those too, but I think maby I should rename him Garfield. Im pretty sure he took a blanket and snacks out to the garage. I never see him do anything but eat and sleep.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ted sweet</div><div class="ubbcode-body">mouse traps. </div></div>

And the best bait is a chunk of bacon tied on tightly with plain dental floss. They have to tug on the bait..........and SNAP!!!

Some people swear by peanut butter, but a mouse can lick that off and never spring the trap.

Now peanut butter on the bacon...... smirk.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: windjamer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1926 Pack, I got one of those too, but I think maby I should rename him Garfield. Im pretty sure he took a blanket and snacks out to the garage. I never see him do anything but eat and sleep. </div></div>

My yard is littered with the remains of dead rodents and rabbits. Nice kitty. The mice fear my property. smirk.gif

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Many folks in the Studebaker Drivers Club use dryer sheets for mouse repellant. One or two under the hood, one each in front seat and back seat, two in trunk, and one in each exhaust pipe. Scatter them around the garage, too - if you like.

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Mouse traps work best. Maybe Maryland mice are different, but Irish Spring and moth balls did absolutely nothing. I bait the trap with a small piece of Starburst candy, then smear it with peanut butter. The mice lick at the peanut butter but then start pulling on the Staburst. Game over! Cats are even better, but when I had "Bubba" a 6 foot black snake living in the basement, there were no mice at all. But when there were no more mice "Bubba" moved away.

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I prefer the 4 legged ones that purr and of those experience has shown me that an old mama barn cat that has had several litters works the best.

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Cats work well but unfortunately they also like to climb on cars. I try to keep mine at work in the basement. For the garage I find mothballs around each tire, and used fabric softener sheets inside the car works pretty well. No mothball smell come spring.

Other cures I have heard of include a small light of some sort under the car, kept on all the time. Mice supposedly do not like daylight.

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I was visiting a friend over Thanksgiving and heard loud rockabilly music coming from one of his out building but he was out in the yard working. He eventually took me out to the out building to show me some new acquisitions and I was surprised it was all locked up. First think did when he got inside was turn off the radio. I asked him what the deal was. He said he was getting some critters in there and that loud hillbilly music drives them out.

This was in Ohio your mice may hate a different genre of music.

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Guest Rick_McKay

A friend found a better bait than peanut butter. We, too, had found that often the peanut butter was licked clean and the trap unsprung. Simply glue a sunflower seed to the pan of the trap. I caught several this past fall using this method. An added bonus....the bait is still good to go for next year!


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My brother suggested I feed the mice outside and not make them go inside to get food. I put a bucket, upside down, on a couple of bricks, near the door, with a wood trap underneath. The mice will go for the bait outside and will drastically decrease the number that get caught inside. It is not fool proof, but it will help.

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When I lived in Virginia, I lived in the middle of a big woods. Mice could have been a problem, and in fact in an old U-Haul truck body where I kept my gas and lawnmowers they were in their big time. Even a black snake found his way in to get the mice.

However, not one ever got into my garages over a period of a dozen years. Why? Okay. First of all you have to have tightness, the eaves have to be sealed with soffit and there has to be rubber on the bottom of the garage doors. Yet, you can never make garage doors completely tight. I had five 16-foot garage doors, one of which came into my basement. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL: My wife purchase a bunch of those electric plug-in mice repellers that use a sound only mice can hear. Yeah, yeah, I know, snake oil, right? Wrong. Those things do work, BUT you have to have enough of them. In my 26x32 sq foot garage I had four of them....at least twice as many as the instructions said. And, all of this worked to keep every mouse out of that garage. Same was true of the basement garage, and the new big heated and Air conditioned garage I built four years before selling out. I had 11 stalls up there, but only 7 here in Florida. When I lived in Maryland I had no soffit on my 22x40 garage, and no electric repellers and the place was constantly a problem with mice. Here in Florida I've never seen but one mouse, and neighbors called it a palmetto rat. It was on top of the engine in my truck one morning, getting warm I guess.

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Guest imported_kingsting

I use Bounce dryer sheets, Irish spring soap (or the cheap stuff the Dollar stores sell), and a tiny Hav A Heart trap baited with peanut butter crackers under the car just in case.

I don't know how well the soap works as my dad used it in his cars last winter and when he removed it in the spring one of the bars had little teeth marks in it.

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