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Buying salvage parts from overseas - legitimate suppliers??


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In the Buy/Sell forum and on a couple other forums on the internet, I have inquired about parts for my 35 Buick model 57. I have three responses so far and all three came from salvage companies located in London, saying that they have the parts. Before I go any further, I wanted to poll the masses to see what experiences folks have had, if any, in dealing with these overseas brokers. It just seems strange to me that there would be an abundance of parts in London. If this is legit, how does one transact to best protect himself? If you've had bad experiences with a particular company, please PM me.

Thank you,

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Guest simplyconnected

Basicly, you're on your own. There are many legit buyers and sellers, but there are a few scammers who spoil it for everyone else. eBay is FULL of them. DON'T BLINDLY SEND A CHECK OR POSTAL MONEY ORDER. (Don't receive a counterfeit one, either.)

If I don't know an overseas merchant, I insist on using PayPal (which uses the credit card system). I figure, if I don't know them, PayPal does. Straight credit card payments are a little more 'iffy' and I really don't like shaking dice. It seems every little foreign island wants your credit card number for certain abuse.

I have no love for PayPal but they perform a service that I appreciate:

* They don't reveal your credit card numbers,

* They deal in specific amounts (not like giving your credit card numbers to someone who can enter any amount),

* They adjust for exchange rates.

* Both parties must have a credit card (or checking account) and an email address on file with PayPal,

* They make refunds VERY easy to transact,

* They have a customer service department, who will refund,

* Payment is immediate, and there is never a 'hold'.

Citibank offers Virtual Credit Card, which is fabulous, and free. (I use it all the time.) If you have a Citibank credit card and want to buy online, each transaction gets a unique credit card number AND a dollar limit & a time limit. You can't be double charged because you determine the dollar limit. Once it's used, that card number will no longer work. Another bait-and-switch tactic is, higher than expacted shipping/handling charges. Virtual Credit Card simply won't work if they try to charge you more.

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Excellent suggestions! If these companies are indeed legit, their best interest would also be to ensure the customer is protected and they should be willing to use something like PayPal. Thanks so much. I'd also like to hear from folks that have dealt with them, I'm surely not the first.

Thanks again,


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Did they respond to you and specifically name the parts in question, or did they simply refer to them as "the items?" If they're not talking specifics, it's probably a scam. They send bulk E-mails to people buying and selling stuff saying they have/want "the items" in question and then it goes from there.

I'd talk to them and press them for more specifics. Even if you have to make stuff up, see if they catch it.

If it's legit, think about the exchange rate and shipping costs--surely there are parts in the US that could be had for less.

Hope this helps.

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Hey Matt, first let me say that I really enjoy following your work that you have so generously made available to us. These supplies were not at all specific about what they had and my list was for some major items like headlights, bumper, taillight housings, and window garnish. I think I'll ask for pictures of the items. I'm really needing to find a cheap donor car for these items here in the US.

Thanks again,


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Guest simplyconnected

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JoelsBuicks</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm really needing to find a cheap donor car for these items here in the US. </div></div> And that's exactly what scammers play on.

I've seen offers of FABULOUS cars or parts for cheap. They always want immediate payment at auctions, then you find out the item never really existed and the pictures were just that, pictures. Another famous internet scam is when they send you payment for WAY more than your item costs, then they tell you to keep half the check "for your troubles" and send back the rest. Of course, the check/money order is bogus, but you may not find out until it comes back NSF. Meanwhile, you get stuck with the bad check (with fees) AND you sent your real money abroad.

I make sure of who I am dealing with before my money leaves.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JoelsBuicks</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...I have three responses so far and all three came from salvage companies located in London, saying that they have the parts.</div></div>3 companies in London UK about parts for a uncommon car in London frown.gifshocked.gif

Very very suspicious.

<span style="font-weight: bold">If</span> the parts do exist likely to be from one supplier.

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Guest jules greenway

hi Joel

Where did you find these companies? were they advertising? I live in the UK and have not yet found any parts over here for our 1931 8-90! However I have had good experiences buying from other countries-surprised to find a Crank Hole Cover in Latvia of all places! all dealt with using PayPal with no problems. If you wish to tell me who the companies are I may be able to do a bit of research for you

best regards


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Guest simplyconnected

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jules greenway</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you wish to tell me who the companies are I may be able to do a bit of research for you</div></div> Can it get any better than THAT??? What a kind offer, just to prevent Joel from getting ripped off. Nothing beats, actually locating the real parts. My hat goes off to you, Jules. If you need anything from Detroit, Chicago, or Los Angeles, I will do the same for you.

Dave Dare

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to follow up on my post from a couple months back. To date, I've had four people tell me that they have the parts that I'm needing for my 35 Buick Model 57. All of these came from London. None have any pics to send although one did offer to send pics but never did. Two wanted Western Union payment and one was so low in price, you couldn't possibly ship the items. Jules looked into three of these suppliers for me and offered extreme caution based on their locations in London.

I'm not trying to broad brush overseas suppliers, I just wanted to follow up on the results.


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slightly different items, same story. Some time ago I have advertised on british server to buy 1929 Ariel parts. An email came offering whatever I might need, but no pictures, no specification on part, but at least 3 payment options mentioned. When I asked for pictures the guy provided the picture of the shiny complete bike the guy from MY neiborough town has and cares of. The kind of a bike no-one would part out and I know the owner in person, his bike is on the first link when you enter "1929 Ariel" into Google....


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Guest Art  Williams

There was a guy I used to visit in the mid '80s near Heathrow airport. I can't remember his name other than John ???. He speciallised in wrecking American cars and had quite few Buicks. I think he had one of Wallis Simpson's Model 40. He also had a beautiful '36 limo. When I visited him he had a '37 that had been wrecked making a movie. Damage was mostly to the A post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buicks were more popular in Europe than you would think. There was an assembly plant in Europe, although the cars were sent "knocked down". I believe that is coded in the serial number with "KD". Quite a few were "war surplus", or left behind by GI's stationed there.

I have sent '39 parts to a restorer in England. I get European requests to purchase all of the time. More frequently, New Zealand and Australia.

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