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Hershey 2008 Kudos


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This note is to give a big thumbs up to the organizers of this year's Hershey show. I typically drive up on Saturday from my home in Rockville, Maryland. I arrived at Hershey around 9:20 AM and was parked by 9:30 AM. What an improvement over last year! To the organizers, thanks for listening to the complaints from last year and making the necessary changes to pull this off.

Thanks a bunch for putting on the best show on the east coast.


Lew Bachman

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Guest imported_Packards1

I agree, I was there all week as a vendor. Hastle free loading onto the green field and an easy exit on saturday afternoon. Also, thanks for the perfect weather.

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I also noticed an abundance of bikes and unathorized carts traveling trough the crowds nearly knocking people over. I'm not talking about people who for one reason or another need the carts due to difficulty in walking, I'm referring to the ones who while operating a cart will stop on a dime and catapult off the cart to examine what catches their eye and then jump back in and take off. The AACA does a good job keeping the beenie baby sellers off the grounds, I wish they would do the same with the bikes and unathorized carts.

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Guest windjamer

I was one of the most vocal complaners last year, with that said let me say I agree with all the above. Fantastic turn awrond. THANK YOU Hershey volenters. Job well done. I do wish the show was back on the event center, but I dont see that in the future. I love the grass, BUT I think the field is to small. I could not open my doors all the way and there was no room for a chair behind my car. Im NOT BITC--ng,just a minor thought . Again, WELL DONE HERSHEY.

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We were *most impressed* with how smoothly the entry into the car show field was, and also with the exit, where we were allowed to make a left to get back down easily to Hershey Park Drive (to then get back to the show car trailer parking area on the other side of the river). I know I complained about both of these things last year, but I want to really compliment the planners with doing a superb job of streamlining and simplifying these items!

That said, we had a typically great time at Hershey. We brought our Pinto this year and showed it in HPOF, which was also an absolute "gas!"

Saw a few DF-ers along the way too, such as "charlier" (with his awesome Grand National Rabbit), "stonefish" with his amazing pair of Type 3 VWs (Squareback AND Fastback--also mint early Rabbit 4-door too!), and "ex98th" (nice meeting you, Pat!).

At one point I saw a guy in the distance moving some parts with a hand truck in the chocolate field, wearing a t-shirt that said "Ridgefield, Connecticut," and I'm going to guess that might've been "37hd"?

I also saw a positive SWARM of people around Ron Green and his Amphicar every time I walked by the area--looked like some TV crew was interviewing him also at one point. That is one fantastic Amphi, Ron--congratulations.

I also want to thank the Hershey Region Flea Market planners who worked especially to get a few of us who share food arrangements close together in our field (as we had requested when sending in our space renewals)--it really made things a LOT smoother and more convenient.

Anyway, GREAT time--thanks Hershey Region folks and all the other volunteers who made it all possible!


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My thanks also for a job well done, and driving for the RM auction was a real plus. Also, this was the first time in a couple of years to see the race cars on Friday.

If I could make one suggestion, it would be for the shuttle to make a stops Saturday AM, and early afternoon at the show field at the intersection of road near the Fairway Building and Hershey Park Drive. It shows "BS" on the map but there is no stop there except for Hotel Hershey bus as far as I could determine. Another thought for future is to identify the On Site and Off Site bus stops with diffferent letters on the map. I think it might easy traffic even more if more people used the htel shuttles instead of driving and making an extra "hike" back to the cars in the parking lot.


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Had a GREAT TIME! Flea Market was great, replaced all the sold items with bought items. Meet a lot of old friends, made some new ones. Car show was great even if the Brass Cars and Race Cars were on opposite ends of the field. Looking forward to 2009 for my 40th Hershey in a row!

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The show was a great improvement. Plenty of restrooms, food, vehicle, space and getting in and out was a breeze.

Steve, we were swarmed all day and wifey and brother got a little upset when I would disappear to walk around and BS and look at the vehicles. National Geographic is doing several TV segments on a restoration shop in Philadelphia that is restoring an Amphicar in 8 weeks so they were asking me some questions, etc.

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Guest my3buicks

Great job this year!!!!! I didn't show a car this year, but sat along the route into the showfield just down from the entrance - the three Hershey police(they rotated thruout the morning) that held the position a few hundred feet back from the showfield entrance did a remarkable job of keeping cars, scooters, and PEOPLE off the show car entrance lane. They didn't take any #### from anyone. I thanked them for their great job.

I made it vocal last year also that I don't care for the show in it's current location - I really feel for the owners of the classics and older cars that are subjected to the barage of dust at the entrance/food area of the field. It's sickening to see an inch of dust on a Dueseberg or an inch of dust on many of the open cars interiors. This could be resolved by putting the show around Giant Center pavement where it belongs.

Grass for smaller shows is nice, but for this venue not so.

I would ask again for the Hershey region to make an area available where show cars that are driven to Hershey can park prior to the show if they want to partake in the flea market. Example, last year I came out early Friday morning and had to park the show car in the mist of the huge parking field among everyday drivers, pickups, etc. The car was covered in dust and had an old pickup sitting so close I could hardly get into mine when I left Friday afternnon. I spent HOURS Friday night and Saturday getting it ready again. This could be on easliy monitored by having to ask for before show parking on the registration, you would know how many spots would be needed before hand and have them available. I am not even asking for free parking, I don't mind paying for the spot as long as it's a safe and clean paved area.

Thanks again for all your work, Hershey was great this year!!!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: my3buicks</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I made it vocal last year also that I don't care for the show in it's current location - I really feel for the owners of the classics and older cars that are subjected to the barage of dust at the entrance/food area of the field. It's sickening to see an inch of dust on a Duesenberg or an inch of dust on many of the open cars interiors. </div></div>

I think this car took the brunt of the dust. But the owner didn't seem to mind a bit.


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Another incident I wanted to relate was going up to the Hershey Region tent on Thursday afternoon and asking where I could buy a bag of ice. The Hershey Region gentleman there took the time to pull out his map of the flea market fields and scan it to find where the ice vendor was, and direct me toward that location. I was pleased and impressed with the very helpful nature of this man, which was typical of the Hershey Region and/or AACA national people we ran across--like the person who so graciously poured us a couple of cups of cider and offered us apples, in return for "any" donation, at another official tent in the flea market on Friday. Thanks again to all for the very positive experience!

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I stopped by the AACA Museum Friday morning making good use of my AACA Free Admission. I went in the see the new displays and came across the GM Turbine Cars. The Firebird 1 is pictured below. I hope I have the pictures in order.


Here is the accompaning description panel. Notice that the engineer had to get a relief driver, something about fearing for his life!! eek.gif


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Guest Stonefish

I too thought the show was great...time seem to fly on Saturday and I didn't want it to end. It was great seeing Stock Steve, and meeting West!

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I agree with all the kudos and want to add how impressed I was with the army of volunteers on the show field directing cars to the proper spot and answering questions.

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Add my congrats to the list too. What a superb event. The weather was icing on the cake. I wasn't open for business much because of meetings and other obligations, but still got rid of some stuff and found some treasures. Hershey Region is a great team! I think we'll do it again!!!


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I agree as I too want to thank the Hershey Region for a great job. I spend two and a half days at the show, judged on Saturday and really enjoyed everything. You could not ask for better weather. I was able to judge the classes I had asked for and was placed on a team with really nice guys. Thanks again Hershey Region for a job well do.

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I also would like to echo the comments of others here regarding the vast improvement in the traffic flow when entering and exiting the show field on Saturday.

It is obvious that the members of Hershey Region took the bull by the horns and fixed what needed fixing.

When it comes to the Car Show and the event in General, Hershey Region deserves a Big "WELL DONE" and our Thanks!

I too ran into a situation during the meet that brought out the best in the Hershey Region and AACA members I dealt with.

On Saturday at the car show, my car and another in our class were missed during the Preservation Judging.

At the Judging headquarters I spoke with a gentleman who listened to my concerns, took down the appropriate information

and assured me the situation would be taken care of.

By the time I returned to my class on the show field, Judges had appeared to judge the cars that had been missed.

After completing their work, they also thanked me for bringing the situation to the attention of the judging staff and thanked

me for bringing my car to the show. The professional and very friendly manner in which the judging staff handled this situation

speaks very well of the Hershey Region and AACA Members I dealt with.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Stonefish</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I too thought the show was great...time seem to fly on Saturday and I didn't want it to end. It was great seeing Stock Steve, and meeting West! </div></div>

Loved your side-by-side vintage Type 3 VWs in the show, Ron--great job!


Ref. AACA Gallery Post Page with additional info in description block:


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