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New Email News Letter and the New Logo


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Brian, I think this is just one of the new logos, probably more associated with the new AACA E-mail system.


The new AACA logo I'm familiar with has three automobiles running from left to right. There was clothing available for sale at the Cleveland TN Meet with the three auto logo style on them.

New e-mailed messages sent out today to AACA members;

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Dear AACA Member: There is good NEWS. Your AACA Board authorized a Strategic Planning (a plan for the future of AACA) session this past summer which will be presented to the full Board during the Hershey meet. One of the concerns of the Communication Committee was how to keep our 60,000 members informed and engaged in AACA activities. A number of ideas will be recommended to the full Board, but one thing was easy to accomplish was to send you periodically an email full of National and local information. Our plan is to send this and future emails to all our members and naturally you will have the ability to opt out if you so desire (we think you won't). This year we have added an email address to our renewal forms, so make sure you fill that out. We want to communicate with all of you and that is our goal! An alternative way is to provide us with email addresses of the members in your region or chapters. Have a sign up sheet at your next meeting and email those address to speedster@aaca.org.

We also encourage you to send the email address of non-members who you think would enjoy the email and might want to become members. Just note that they are non-members.

We plan to cover a variety of subjects in the coming months. The 2009 membership benefits have been enhanced, so be sure to read below. Did you know that there are a number of automobile related magazines, that I am sure you read, that you can get at discount if you are an AACA member?

This is Your newsletter. We encourage information about your local club that may be of interest to other AACA Members. We encourage photos and short stories about our members and/or their vehicles. Know of any heroics performed by one of our members - - well lets hear them. This is a new feature and it will get better! Let us know what you would like to be included in some future Speedster editions. Remember this can help all of us get timely information out about you, your region and AACA! Enjoy!

Contact this address for more info possibly;






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Guest Debby Soucia

Can any parts of the email be used in the news letters?

Some of our members do not have email.

I am passing out the sheet for sign up's at the next meeting.


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Guest Debby Soucia

Just want to make sure! LOL

Nice seeing you too & Peter.

I have to say I love your auction experience. I had to laugh! I would of loved to see you drive that old car, but still better yet take pictures!


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I sent a note to speedster@aaca.org asking to be added to the E-News distribution, so I assume I will get future issues. Can some one forward me the first issue so I can see what I missed?


Thanks, JSTruck was the first to send me a copy. No additional copies are needed.

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