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Chrysler Nationals-Who's attending?

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Hey Hey Hey, Just checking to see if any of the TC peoples are heading to the Great Chrysler Nationals in Carlyle Pa this weekend? My Honey and I are close to it and thinking about heading that way. Allan, Tim, Ted, I would maybe say Rick, but no way with all that work that keeps building up for him. Let us know who may be there. Jasper email us directly at mishunaire@aol.com

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Alan-Are you planing on flying or driving to Florida? If you fly into Orlando I can pick you up. I know it's still 4 months out-just let me know. Someday soon my NEED for a pinks hot dog will over take me and you just may see me.

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hey hey hey,Tim me boy, motoring towards the Chrysler Nationals NOW. Poor ole BIG BIERTHA is nestled in her port in Florida. Cannot afford the 7.5 mpg and yipes, $4.89 fuel, so we have little bertha bubble truck. Areodymicly formed & have learned if you go 62 mph, you can get 13.5 mpg with 5 speed Masi tagging along. YEE HI YEE HI. It will fit in the airport if you can find a cheap flight. The Masi Gang is colaborating at some Holliday Inn in Mechanicsburg,pa I hear. I like the name of that town, Rick & Allan need to be from there. ha ha And Hemi too. Come see us, ya big lug, Rosey,Silver, Bonnie Blue & old Jasper will show em how it is done, Southern Style!!!! Jasper

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Well, Ole Jasper finally made one of his dream destinations today. The Chrysler Nationals in Carlisle Pa. It was smaller than I imagined and twice as fun. There was a concept chrysler car there with 0 emissions all electric. It said it went something in 11 secs. I figured it was 0-60, I could not see what until the guy in front of me moved and it was 11 seconds to do the Quarter Mile! Nice that someone is thinking performance on top of the equivolent of 120 mpg, and 130 mph in an all electric vehichle. I had to drag Rose away from it, she wanted to sign up right there to be the 1st on our street to own one. Also had an electric and fuel cell minu van looking vehichle. Nice. Then there were wonderful TC Maserati's and believe it or not other Chrysler people knew what they were and where they were located. Rich & Sally Lane had a great looking display tent and a great group of Masi people there and there were 4 16 valve cars already there today and more expected tomorrow. There was 17 or 18 total TC's there today and also more expected by tomorrow. They had a very good turnout. Although I only knew 2 or 3 personally, most had heard of Ole Jasper. Now ain't that nice. They were good enough to buy some stuff from Jasper to help get us home with these fuel prices. Yipes. Desiel is killing me. I have learned how to drive this ole truck at 62 mph instead of 80 though. Bunch of the (PO PO) Police have tried to get me to do that to no avail but you get deep in my pocket and it is amazing what and old dog can learn. Had a blast today and for anyone that has never seen this event, I highly recomend it. Tell Momma & dem, Jasper says hey!

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