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Sell or Fix?


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Hello everyone! I just discovered this website as I was trying to decide what to do with my '88 Reatta. I was going to sell it, but when I placed an ad in the local bulletin I only received one phone call about it and onlu had one person look at it.

After reading many of your posts I'm thinking maybe I should keep it and fix it up. It's black with saddle interior. The engine runs just fine - I've had no problems. The passenger side front quarter panel is busted and needs replaced. The air compressor wheel broke and caused the serpentine belt to break. Instead of replacing the compressor, it was bypassed with a shorter serpentine belt so the air conditioning doesn't work. Lastly, the rubber strip on the driver's door came off, but I have it and it just needs put back on. The car has 152K miles on it and is otherwise in good condition. The interior is in good condition, just needs cleaned, and everything else works just fine. No other problems.

I advertised it for $1800.00 or best offer - in hopes of getting at least $1500.00.

Do you think the lack of response is because people don't really know much about the car? I would of thought it would've sold for at least $1500.00.

I don't have the money to put into it right now, but my son is 14 years old and I'm thinking perhaps I should keep it and fix what needs fixing over the next year or two as I can afford it. It would be kind of cool for him to drive. In the meanwhile, it's just too hot for me to drive regularly in the summer without AC.

I apologize for rambling, but I'd appreciate any advice and/or opinions on whether to sell or keep the car. I personally really enjoy driving it, but I don't know if it's "worth" fixing it up.

Any comments or suggestions??


Debbie H

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Part of the trouble with selling a Reatta, particularly an 88-89 is that what makes it interesting - all of the electronics - scares many off.

Right now parts are relatively easy to obtain and the drivetrain is common to many other cars so is not an orphan.

My thought is "what could you replace it with for the same money ?"

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I weould say keep it. They are rare no matter the condition. Like Padgett said, what kind of car could you get for the same price. Reattas are good solid cars and with the help here any one that is willing to do there own work can fix most of the car. As long as you have a $50 set of tools.

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That's an excellent point. I'm replacing it whether I sell it or not -- I guess I'm concerned that I'll end up with a minor money pit if I keep it. From what you say, though, sounds like it might be worthwhile.

Thank you.

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The people here seem to be happy to lend advice on how to fix anything on the car. I am not a mechanic, but since my 88 is mine, I am not worried about trying to fix anything on it. So far the people here have helped me fix anything I have come across. There are a few things that are best left to a mechanic, but most are able to fixed by yourself with a few basic tools. This would be a good car for your son to learn from, but make sure you tell him he's going to college and getting a job that pays well and allows him to tinker on collectors' items like this in his spare time.

The first tool is probably going to be a multi-meter. $10-$20 anywhere. When properly serviced these can be economical on fuel.

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Another great idea! (My son - college -- money -- etc.) And since I've never even operated a lawn mower, let alone changed my own oil, I think I'll let my Uncle guide my son. He "tinkers" in his separate three-car garage with its own hydaulic lift and I-don't-know-how-many tools! He's mostly into MGBs but he'd be willing to help out.

I'm just about convinced to keep it and see what we can do with it. Being poor is no excuse, it's where you put your priorities. And maybe the son can afford to take care of old Mom later on....")

Thanks for the words!!

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Guest Reatta1


Not only can you get good solid advice here, there are several forum members who maintain a stock of 'parts cars', specifically Jim Finn. He is a good source and is very fair in his prices. He can usually supply most anything you need and if he can't there are some others who can. I say keep the car, it's well worth it.

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