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New Member - "Engine Controls Problem Detected" PLEASE HELP!


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Hey Everyone! I've had Reattas for the past 10 years, but never had as much trouble as these past two weeks. My 1988 Coupe touchscreen repeatedly has the "Engine Controls Problem Detected" (and corresponding dash light) pop up repeatedly. So far in two weeks I've replaced the Alternator, Changed the Spark Plugs, Put in a new Battery, Replaced the Idler Pulley, Replaced the Harmonic Balancer...and basically gone broke! lol

I've checked the diagnostic and the codes which appear are as follows: "E044 History", "No BCM Codes", "C553 History", and "ECM?"....I've read that the C553 refers to the Battery connections, but not exactly clear in what way? (Also, the "Engine Controls" prompt pre-dates the recent Battery and Alternator replacements, so even if there was a loose connection before, I think it would be retightened after this dual replacement.)

Anyway, I love my Reatta, but I'm going broke here! Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me out on what these codes mean and also with any suggestions on how to remedy them? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.

- An Indiana Reatta Man

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First off "history" means you no longer have to worry about it. It is telling you that at one time it was current. Did you have any ECM codes? Does your red "service engine soon" light work? That bulb being burned out, I don't believe, will not trip a code, but will trip the "Engine Controls Problem Detected" If you have no active codes [and it doesn't appear that you do] I would start there.

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Hello Dave! Thanks so much for responding. On the ECM codes, all it said was "ECM?" (question mark was also on the screen.) As for the dash "Service Engine Soon" light, it isn't burned out. One other point, when I tried to start the car earlier today, the ignition didn't start immediately but did after struggling a few moments. I thought maybe that had something to do with the "Engine Controls P/ Dectected" popping up? (Just guessing.) After waiting five minutes, I tried to start the car again and there seemed to be no problem. (For reference, the car is garage kept and it was not particularly a hot day. So heat is probably not a factor. Also, I had used the car an hour earlier with no problems.) One other thing, when the "Eng. Cont. Prob. Dtect." came up on the screen, I went to the Diagnostic Screen and ran through the various checks. Almost all of them came back as a problem. (Example: "Pass. door is ajar", "Gasoline at very low level", "Oil at low level", and so on.) Needless to say, the doors were closed, gas tank full, oil just changed, etc. So I'm not sure what to make of that exactly. Though I should point out that none of those things popped up on the screen until I did the specific Diagnostic Checks on them. That is, except for the "Engine Controls Problem Detected" which is where it all began. UGH! lol Thanks again for your help on this problem. It's proved to be a real headache so any advice is welcome! lol

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Welcome to the forum.

"ECM?" is normal. You are being asked if you want to enter the ECM section of diagnostics.

"C553" (CRTC Memory Reset) is probably the cause of your problem. It is telling you the BCM and/or CRT are loosing power. Probably a bad connection at a battery cable or the ground terminal box near the battery. Could also be the connections to the CRT itself. Since you said the car did not start right away, I would bet on a bad battery connection somewhere or bad cable.

"E044" (O2 sensor - lean exhaust) Clear codes and see if this code returns. If it does replace the O2 sensor.

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Pressing the "hard" button [lower far right button] for systems checking will only get you what the warning would be if you had a problem that popped up on the screen. Do not use that for problems as it will always tell you that you have problems.

I think you should start over.

Go to the climate screen. Press and release the "off" button. Then press and hold both the "off" and "warm" keys at the same time until it goes into diagnostics.Pree "yes" until you get "clear codes?" Do that for the BCM,ECM,CRT. Then start car and see if warning comes up. If it does go back into diagnostics and write down what codes come up and report back. The only codes you should get will have a "C" behind it designating Current.

By the way look at your coil pack to see if you have any goo coming out the bottom. If so your coil pack needs replacing. You can get a good working one out of the junkyard. If it is bad you would be well served doing the Pdgett upgrade.

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Guys, I'm a little confused as to why you are telling him how to get the codes when he has already stated: <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oshoffst</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've checked the diagnostic and the codes which appear are as follows: "E044 History", "No BCM Codes", "C553 History", and "ECM?".... </div></div>

Did I miss something?

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Guest TommyH

I had/have the same problem! It went away when I changed the oxygen sensor. It's been a long time, but we figured it out because it would, or wouldn't go into loop. Engines are not my thing. Anyways, just try wiggling things around a bit.

C553 history is power outage, btw..

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I posted that so you would know that yo can see real time info through your TCC. This also shows you hawo to clear all codes in the ECM, BCM, and TCC. This allowing you and us to diagnose any issues that are happening in the present. The bad part about history codes is we do not know how long ago they set. It could have been 2 years or two seconds.

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Hey Everyone! Thank you all so much for helping me to figure this problem out. Frankly, the past two weeks have been a terror, not knowing if I'm being cheated putting in all these new parts, or even if they had anything at all to do with the "Engine Controls Problem Detected" message. I'm printing this all out, and going out to the car to first clear the old warning codes, and then see what pops up which I figure will be the actual problem I have to deal with.

Now, as far as I've read so far from the replies, I'm thinking my two best suspects are either: A)the Oxygen Sensor, or B) bad Battery Connection / bad Battery Cable? Of course, I'm DEFINITELY still open to suggestions, but I think from what you've all told me that these are the places to begin. (Also, does anyone know an approximate cost, so I'll be in the ballpark on knowing what to expect on this?)

Again, a big THANK YOU to everyone who has tried to help. I think this "Eng. Cont. Prob. Deted." message is a common one and I'm sure anyone researching this in the future will also find the current discussion a HUGE help. Thanks again!

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Guest Mike_s

The oxygen sensor should be apx $15-30.00

Some folks here prefer, AC\delco, denso or bosch. There was a thread on it a few weeks ago.

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