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Question for hubcap collectors

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<span style="color: #3333FF">We`ve displayed metal Coca Cola trays on the wall with thin, flat squares of sheet metal, screwed to the wall in the corners. Then just put some magnets between the tray and the sheet metal.

For a threaded hub, I`d try an electrical "hub". It has internal threads, and have small holes in the corners of the base to fasten it to the wall with. They come in different sizes, and if you can find one the same size as your auto hub covers, a close nipple will fit them together.

If all else fails, they should hang on just a nail.</span>

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I'm sure this is not the best way but I just use office supply push pins, the kind with a plastic head about 1/2" long. Only makes a small hole in the wallboard and easy to change your display if you want to. Use something more solid like a screw if you are hanging heavy cast caps or full wheel covers.

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At one time I had an extensive screw on hubcap collection. Among my favorite ways to mount the caps was with metal banding material used for strapping down heavy items to skids when shipping via truck. Cut the metal with tin snips to the internal dimension, Drill a hole in the center of the piece then a screw could be inserted into the hole to mount on peg board. The hole could also be used to hang on a wall. Another way that I used was to epoxy a piece of threaded rod in to the cap. Then stuck the threaded rod thru peg board and held it on with a nut.

Best of luck !

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The Buick is aftermarket, most of these are probably non-factory replacements. They could not use the trademarked nameplates so they left them plain or fiddled with the logo like the buick cap. The middle cap in the second row with the faceted design and black hexagon center is an OEM Essex cap, late 20s or early 30s.

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