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Looking for 1942 WC Pickup Hubcap clips


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I need hubcap clips for my 1942 WC 1/2 ton. The wheels I have may not be orininal, dunno. I have radials on them. The wheels are 15 inch, with a standard 5 x 4.5 inch lug pattern. The tires are P205/75R15.

The hubcaps fit very nice and snug as I hold them by hand to the wheels... but they need clips.

Any help, any ideas? Does anyone have just one clip? With one as a template, I could possibly have more made. Naturally, if anyone has more, or a wheel with clips, I'm interested.

Thanks, MikeR

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DodgeKCL

I'm not familiar with a '42 but I think you may be trying to put a'square peg in a round hole'.

After Chrysler left wooden wheels and screw-on aluminum hubcaps,they went to snap-on steel,brass skinned, hubcaps with 3 or 4 spring loaded clips around the cap edge. This went on until the end of 1935. I believe they all fit a 6 1/4" hole.

In 1936 they dropped the hubcap clips and moved them to the edge of the hole in the wheel. So 1936 and after caps have NO clips, they are just punched out, single skin, chromed steel 'dog bowls'.

So, do you have pre 1936 wheels and post 1936 hubcaps? Is this why you have no clips on either side?

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Guest elmo39

If your wheels are 15" they are not original the were 16". also if your wheels have no clips to hold the caps they could be ford as they had the same stud pattern

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback. I believe the wheels I have are not original. The tires I have have a lot left on them, so I think I'll wait until it's time to get new tires, then searh again for the original wheels.

Notwithstanding, I would like to somehow have radials using wheels that can hold my hubcaps. I'll keep poking around and find wheels that work then see what can be done about radials on the proper (hubcap compatible) wheels.



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