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AACA CLUB's reporting to the IRS Not For Profit

2 Corvettes

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Don, The most correct answer that I could give you would be to speak with your accountant and your tax attorney. Since you are asking, you probably don't want to hear what they are going to tell you. grin.gif

I am a member of an organization that just spent about a year working through the IRS maze to become a 501c(3) tax exempt organization. I suspect that there are a lot of not for profit groups that are not correctly on file with the IRS as such and as long as they don't take in too much money they seem to fly under the RADAR, but I certainly am not advocating that. wink.gif

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MCHinson's advise is best - you'll need to consult with your accountant and/or tax attorney. AACAs 501C3 tax extempt status does not automatically convey to regions and chapters. Your group would need to independently be incorported as such.


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