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Is there a need for a list of eBay sellers? Please comment!


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I have been contacted by more than one person about adding a list of BAD eBay sellers to my website. I'm not a fan of building a "Black List" of people selling on eBay. I have lots of reasons but the main one is I don't want to pee anyone off.

However, I do see a need for a way for us Reatta owners to stick together and try to protect each other from being scammed by unscrupulous sellers on eBay. I was recently a potential victim if I had not checked out the car for myself before bidding. I was out about 20 bucks worth of gas but it could have been much worse.

Although I am not willing to build a black list for eBay sellers, I would be willing to build a list of eBay sellers, both good and bad.

Here is how I think it might work:

1. It would be for sellers of Reatta cars and parts only.

2. You would enter the username of the eBay seller you want added the list.

3. You would rate the seller from poor to great.

4. You would give a short description of why you recommend or condemn the seller.

5. I would approve or disapprove the listing before it is made public based on merit.

If you think there is a need for such a list please let me hear your comments. Adding the list to the site will depend on the response this gets.



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You know my feelings....I think it would be an excellent idea. Ebay however has some type of new feedback system that was just introduced. How it works and how good it is, I have no idea. Regardless, it would be nice to have a readily available / viewable Reatta specific "list" of both the good and bad I would think smile.gif.

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The AACA is extremely squeamish about what you're planning to do. Please make sure to keep negative references to specific individuals off of this forum.

What you do on your website is of course your own business.

BTW, I don't see how your reporting on the condition of the Reatta that was recently on eBay would have been a problem, as long as it was a report of the condition of the vehicle as you observed it and you steered clear of calling the seller a thief.

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After 114 views and only 2 positive posts in favor of having an eBay seller list, it is clear that such as list is not needed or wanted. In this case I consider silence a NO vote.

Thanks to everyone for your opinion.

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I just got home.

My advice is stay on the positive. Only list the good sellers. This would keep you out of trouble. Also there is usually time to ask someone on this forum to look. This in my opinion raises the need for people who register to be on this site to at a minimum list the state they live in.

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It would be nice to know the crooks or dead beat, but that may change from item to item…

With the NEW Ebay feedback rules we MAY start getting a more accurate feeling about sellers. With a the new feedback a seller can ONLY leave positive feedback OR no feedback… this removes the hostage feedback that many sellers have used in the past. Buyers are now able to leave negative without jeopardizing their rating. KennyV.

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