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7 tornados here Today! (no, not Toronados :)

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Six passed within 4 miles of my house and one in southern Wyoming about 50 miles from here. They were rated at EF2 (111-135mph) to EF3 (136-165mph) and they think it may even be an EF4 (up to 200 MPH.) One was at least a mile wide with hail baseball sized. The wind was so severe that dirt is embedded into the walls that still stand. I saw a picture of a blade of grass the was stuck in the siding of an old house.

My nephew, Daryl works for CDOT and one of their shops was hit. Many injuries and one death at a campground. Nobody that I personally know was hurt (as far as I know tonight). There was one daycare center that took a hit, all 130 kids were rushed across the street to the bank and into the vault minutes before. Quick thinking on their part.

I watched as 2 storms collided overhead. One moving west (EXTREMELY rare) and one east. You could see the clouds rise as they met, black as I have ever seen in the the daytime sky. Something that rarely happens and I hope that I never see this again. The pic is of one that I copied from our local news station. It was almost in the middle between my and Daryl's house. I pass through there on the way to Daryl's.


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Guest cardinal905

Glad no one was hurt, living in the Midwest we see these roll thru all the time. People ask me why I live in tornado alley---I say the chance of a direct hit is remote at best. When your number is up, it's up !

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Wow, glad you're OK. Tornadoes are strange beasts. My friend had one roll through his neighborhood and his next-door neighbor lost his roof, but my friend's house was untouched.

I hope that's the end of them for your area. Be safe.

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Guest AntarcticDave

Glad you are ok John. I had one come a few blocks from the house here in Denver 20 years ago or so, and that was close enough for me. I feel so bad for the folks up in Windsor.


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The tornado lust missed a direct hit on the Kodak plant. Here is a graphic I found on the path of the main 1 mile wide tornado. There was some damage to the plant, but no injuries.


There have been so many volunteers that there are too many! Now that is a community that I am proud to be around.

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name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
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Guest oldslady liz

living in the rochester area ...i am glad we do not have to deal with these awful storms .. very rare we get a dooper .. but only rare and to me tonados are worse then hurricanes for the ones in its path.Rather have snow anytime..glad you were not hurt..

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Thanks Liz. It really worked out for a lot of folks. Tornadoes don't give much warning and are selective. There are some home untouched (mostly) while each neighbor's homes are to the ground. Hurricanes at least send you a note a week or so in advance. wink.gif

Here is a picture my nephew took yesterday. He works for CDOT and is doing some cleanup. This is a fiberglass roadside marker that split a 8x8 solid wood signpost. I have seen some crazy stuff.


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Back in mid-May of 1972 I was traveling through Ohio going to Cedar Point. There had been a tornado go through the day before. There was a large piece of siding that had been ripped off of a trailer and had come to rest near the top of a very tall tree, wrapped around the trunk like a wire type tie on a loaf of bread.

On up the road was a trailer that had been twisted so that the back end was on the ground but the front end was laying with the front/door side of the trailer up in the air. It was like a giant had grabbed one end and given it a twist and laid it back down.

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