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Reatta Insurance


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Good afternoon all …

Gulp, sorry to post a 'soft' Reatta subject rather than a mechanical one but this is the place to seek out wisdom on anything related to Reatta. This message is done with a little fun in mind but also a need for information so please read it in that spirit.

For whatever reason all of the folks I have asked 'off' line what they paid for insurance they acted as though I was seeking secret info ... so I will offer my information first with a coded handshake to ease any concern. I have a 1990 Reatta ... been driving approximately 45 years ... have zero accidents and zero tickets ... the Reatta is my only ride ... I, ummm, go through AARP for Auto Insurance ... my ‘standard’ insurance rate is $855.00 annually. ‘Standard’ I do not have ‘assessed value’ insurance at this time.

If there are Reatta owners out there that have one car, their Reatta, and are not sworn to secrecy that by violation of that oath is punishable by torture I would appreciate knowing whether my rate is high or okay.

Thank you, John in Sarasota

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Guest MauiWowee

John, this is not a question that has a standard answer. My insurance, full coverage, is $315 per year. My rate probably reflects where I live. Sarasota may be a place that has higher rates. The best bet is to get some quotes from other carriers. cool.gif

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I pay aroun $600 per year for the reatta full coverage, (not agreed value) and I have 2 speeding both 5-10 over, and I am 27yo. One other thing I live in the highest auto theft zip in the US (or at least it was three years ago). I would check other insurance companies. If your or your family was in one of the services I would look into USAA, they are ussaly amonf the cheapest, but their customer service, claims, and othe services are outstanding.

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Guest wayne2reattas

I have 2 Reattas. The 88 is fully covered ( not agreed value ) and the 89 is just liability. I have been driving for 30 years , no tickets. I pay $834.00 a year.

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John, I currently only have Liability on my Reatta. The coverage is $100,000/$300,000 with a deductible of $250. Premium is $114.00

I have 2 other vehicles with full coverage that run around $325 each with the same coverage and deductible as above.

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I live in Texas. I've been driving since 1968. No accidents or tickets, ever. There are three cars on my policy. 2006 Toyota Solara Convertible, 1989 Reatta, and a 1956 Continental Mark II. The Toyota and the Buick are fully covered, the Mark has liability only. I pay $1156.00 per year.

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This brings up an interesting and timely peeve of mine. I insure 6 cars with 3 insured drivers. My wife drives her Aurora exclusively, and my daughter her Honda, exclusively. I do not carry collision or comprehensive on any of them. I do get a multi-car discount on the 4 cars I drive [2 Reattas, 1 Allante, 1 Ford Ranger]. Still, this a major rip-off. I can only drive 1 car at a time, so there is a single risk factor based on my driving record, age, zip code. I offered to have them charge me as though I drove the riskiest of my cars [probably the Allante] 100% of the time, and an administrative fee for the rest. There is no jusitification for charging me 80% premium for each of the others since the total miles driven on the road does not change no matter how many cars I have. I should not have to pay them for the privilege of having more cars, when there is no increased risk. And remember, insurance is mandatory in CA. No insurance, no registration. I contacted the Insurance Commissioner, who agreed with the logic, but was not motivated to make it a regulatory issue. Now, with the nation vaguely interested in energy conservation, it would make sense to encourage people to have multiple cars, particularly if they own a truck, SUV or V8. The cost of insurance would wipe out any savings in the cost of gas if one purchased a Civic or Geo as stablemate for that Excursion.

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Speaking of rip-offs... I pay a higher premium on a Ford Taurus now than I did in 2000 when I bought it new. It is worth about a 1/3 as much now as it was in 2000. Looks like the insurance would go down as the value of the car goes down but that is not the case. After paying for insuring it all these years with no accidents they will want to total it if I have an accident and pay me pennies on the dollar. Just doesn't seem fair.

BTW, we have never had any accidents or tickets that would cause the premium to go up.

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John just get another car for a daily driver and then get some ins with a company like Grundy. I pay less than $400.00 for both my Reatta's agreed value and can drive them all I want as long as I have a daily driver. I would buy an old beater and go from there

I insure 4 daily drvers with Shelter ins company.

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My current rate for my 90 Reatta (in Estero,FL) is $545. That is with AARP through Hartford, with 2 cars insured on the same policy. The Reatta has an insured value of $20,000.

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I have one policy covering 2 cars--the Reatta and a Rendezvous. The $545 is the cost for the Reatta only.

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Guest imported_barra

I have four cars: two Saturns, MG midget and an '88 reatta. The reatta cost was the same as yours in Sarasota( I'm in Michigan) and is higher than my 2007 Saturn. I have full coverage. For what it's worth, my license plates are also cost more than the Saturns. I do not know what value they place on my Reatta but, when my son wrecked an earlier reatta, they came up with a figure that included mileage.

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Interesting e-discussion. It is a tad amazing to see how we are spread across a wide swath of cost landscape with insurance. I appreciate all that have participated and that may still do so ... the information is helpful.

By the way, Tom ... I'll never pick on 'mom' ... she was spot on in finding that Gray Reatta up in Bradenton ... 'mom' is A-okay!

I intend to look into some of the insurance suggestions. Thank you!

See ya, John from muggy, muggy, muggy Sarasota

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Guest tomt


Thanks for the comment about MOM. I think the smartest thing I ever did on insurance was to get windshield replacement with a $500.00 deductable. Cost me virtually nothing, as nobody has a clue about the cost of windshield replacement. Of course I never have had a claim yet.


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Guest Dan Cook


I applied for a quote through AARP and recieved an email that they would need to get back to me and that my business is important to them and the same email a day or two later. Since then I guess my business isn't all that important to them anymore, it's been well over a month now since I've heard anything from them.

I wanted to compare insurance of five vehicles from AAA to AARP so I didn't see the problem. The vehicles are;

2 Reattas

1989 Ford F250

1972 Electra Limited 2 Door

2003 Malibu

These all have less than 100,000 miles on them.

Anyway, as for the Reattas, I'm paying about $235 a year for each one.


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I have always done business with Hartford/AARP via the telephone (800-423-6789), and have received excellent service.


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I guess am not with it today....someone please explain what this "MOM" thing is please???

Also Tomt, please explaining the 500.00 windshild thing you are refering to.....500 and cost nothing?????



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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Enoytsur</div><div class="ubbcode-body">By the way, Tom ... I'll never pick on 'mom' ... she was spot on in finding that <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Gray Reatta</span></span> up in Bradenton ... </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DAVES89</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> And helped ENOYTSUR find the car he bought.</div></div>




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