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Howard Where are You!

Guest rcirilli

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Dave Moon, OK, maybe you're not sneaky after all; just fumble fingered like me. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. smile.gif<P>Leaving for California on Wednesday so I will have time to settle in for the Dem. convention. Wouldn't miss that one for the world. rolleyes.gif<P>Take that, Cirilli grin.gif ` Howard<P>

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@Moon:<BR>The Fool is not a smoker. He never lights up, just enjoys the flavor of good tobacco, etc. Any other questions?<BR>Monica<BR> grin.gif

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On the subject of Halliburton, their web page is loaded with blurbs about a new project of there's to develope an MTBE replacement called "isooctane". It's some kind of joint project which they've helped engineer. The old MTBE facilities are to be converted over manufacturing this stuff, apparantly at least partially out of left over MTBE. <P>God forbid anything simple, cheap and easy to produce, and un-patented be used in fuel, like, oh lets say...ethanol.<P>Aside from the fact that they've learned to name fuel additives so that they sound like they belong in fuel, does anyone know what this stuff is and what wonderful things it has in store for us?

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Mon:<BR>I dread the next administration (Dem, of course) with new White House staff and interns. Hope they don't find all the documents and computer files that we hid, oops!, lost. Might leave Hub in hot whitewater (ha ha). Anyway, do you ever hear from your friend Linda?<BR>Best Regards from NY!<BR>Hil<BR> rolleyes.gif<P>

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Howard:<BR>Just the reason I avoid secenic overlook areas around DC! If you're going to Aptos does that mean that both the East and West (WY) are sending you away? Regards.<BR>Monica<BR> grin.gif

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  • 8 months later...

With Survivor77's concern for fuel prices and our impoverished oil suppliers, I thought I'd dredge this one out of the distant pre-election past. Now that gas is expected to exceed <I> <B> $3.00/gal </I> </B> this summer, it would be nice to stroll down memory lane when we still had a say in which group of crooks ran the country. <P>I hate to I told you so, but....

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Dave ~ Needless to say, the title of this thread got my attention. Yep I'm still here. smile.gif<P>Since I do not smoke at all and drink only occasionally, I plan to use that money to pay for GAS grin.gif<P>The other side of the coin is that many years ago, about 40, my father said, "The country will always need oil. Buy stock in the oil companies." Pretty good advice don't you think. So now when Exxon wins, I win too. That also helps to pay for the gas. <P>I guess that is capitalism, which will probably earn me a bunch of criticism from folks like Survivor77. I saw his posts earlier but saw no point in responding. We are too far apart in philosophy.<P>Dave, it is a pleasure to argue with an intelligent person, and I always enjoy our exchanges. Too bad your email address is not available. I would love to discuss things I would not venture into on the forum.<P>Just one question. Do you think W could have caused ALL of this in less than 3 months in office, or could some of it have possibly spilled over from the previous administration? I think there is enough blame to go around. rolleyes.gif<P>Depending on one's political philosophy, we will always seek to blame the opposition for our troubles. It's human nature, just like class warfare as it is being practiced in the good ol' U S of A. mad.gif<P>hvs<P><p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Howard,<P>The point isn't that W caused anything to happen. Neither did Monica, and she interviews better! smile.gif<P>The point is that, of <I> any </I> administration (except maybe Warren G. Harding and his Teapot Dome boys), this administration (and especially this Vice-President) has the least incentive imaginable to do <I> anything </I> about <I> any problem </I> related to energy policy. Try to imagine either of these guys in a meeting with the real Chairmen I impersonated on this thread, telling them to sacrifice for the good of the Nation. <P>It's not a conservative/liberal thing. This is putting Myer Lansky in charge of RICO enforcement. (Not to imply that bought influence in Federal policy is illegal or immoral in any way! rolleyes.gif )<P>We've got a better shot at Major League Baseball doing something meaningful about <I> their </I> financial inequities! frown.gif

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I see that you geezers are still complaining about energy politics and gas prices. When will you learn that all those Washington politicians have only three things on their collective minds - money, money and nubile young interns (oops, I meant money again). The Fool left Washington (well, sort of - I guess he stole out of town, literally) without saving the masses from the wiley oil robber barons. So here we are one year later being screwed by big oil again. Believe me I know a thing or two about that. You know what I mean. grin.gif" border="0

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By that comment do you mean that your dresses are all wash and wear or maybe home made from feed sacks? Or maybe you just never clean them. Get real, I had a trophy dress with the Fool's DNA on it, something to hang onto and share with my grandchildren. By-the-by, just what does a housewife do? I'm not familiar with that occupation. And FYI, I can pump with the best of them. You know what I mean. grin.gif" border="0

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Dear Mr. Guiccione,<P>I was inquiring online about how our government might help to solve our Nation's deepening energy crisis, when something very funny and exciting happened. It seems there's so much more to running the government than just words and numbers, and people get so excited at the prospect of things getting a little "messy". tongue.gif" border="0<P>It all started when I spilled....

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@Large - government is always messy, certainly with dubya and his crowd in both wings of our old house. They even changed the rental rate on the Lincoln bedroom. Rounders! Monica L - just what do you mean when you say that you can "pump with the best"? I thought all gas stations went to self-serve years ago. Maybe you are suggesting that the Fool self-serve. If so, I'll go along with that, because that's the only way for him now. Believe me I know! shocked.gif" border="0

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