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36 buick restoration--paint underneath fenders, etc.


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Restoring 36 Buick model 41 and getting ready to paint underneath of all sheet metal. Exterior Ballue Brown--original color. Intend to paint entire body original exterior color--question is what is painted black on underneath side? Thanks in advance for help.

Also need suggestions on paint for underneath--brand and type. Thanks again


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Restoring 36 Buick model 41 and getting ready to paint underneath of all sheet metal. Exterior Ballue Brown--original color. Intend to paint entire body original exterior color--question is what is painted black on underneath side? Thanks in advance for help.

Also need suggestions on paint for underneath--brand and type. Thanks again


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I am not sure about later series cars, but I believe early 30s Buicks should have black underside of fenders. Having said that, I have seen a number of cars painted the color of the body and that seems ok also to judges, if judging is your concern.


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Judging not as much concern as just wanting to be original. It would easier to simply paint all one color and no more than I would drive not too worried about chipping paint. I guess since I've taken it down to frame I just want to do it right and to me that's like from factory. Thanks for your response.


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On my 1936 Special the entire body was painted the same color and the wheel wells and a spot on the side of the cowl were "blacked out". It really looks like someone just took a sponge or brush and dabbed black paint over the body color.

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I have sort of the same question. My 36 Roadmaster was originally black and I am going back with the Francis Cream yellow color. Now, I can't distinguish what was black because of the color of the car from what was black on the underneath areas of all cars.


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