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Going to sell Dorothy & Frankie


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Well, I've been wrestling with this for awhile, but I've got to stop one of my projects. My '48 De Soto and '50 Buick have won the coin toss, so, the '54's have to go. Will be putting them on eBay soon. If you have any interest please email me soon. gnoub51@gmail.com. I'm putting a mini brochure together that will address all items of price, parts, etc.



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That's a shame Gary. cry.gif

I was looking forward to following your moves on the resto especially any swap outs you were planning to do.

Too many projects , yes it's easy to get wrapped up in our obsessions. Best you stop now before spending the huge $$$ required to restore such beauties.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

Ahhh Mr Doughlas you should have used my coins, guaranteed to land on heads every time. Be sho and give the new owners my phone number, as I have all the parts they will ever need to complete that sex change you had started on them two.

Seriously, Gary, I am sorry to hear you are letting them go.I know it was not an easy decision. I hope you can now concentrate on the De Sota and your dreams for it will become real. Hope also that someone that loves and appreciates the 54's will pick up on yours and finish what you had started. If I was a young man I'd be on my way to pick them back up myself.

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Ah, Lamar.....the way I look at things, you aren't getting any younger so NOW is the time to get the stuff you want. Right?

As you know (I think), our Iowa buddy wanted to trade for a '49 Roadmaster. Trading one box of parts for another just doesn't seem too smart.

Speaking of selling the '54's, I will be putting the car on ebay tonight. I don't usually have much luck there....at least with the race car anyway. People just try to steal that one.


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