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Kind of a poll on headlight prices

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How about comments on what all of you think TC headlights (without the corner lights) should be selling for in different conditions.

1. Like brand new.

2. With some normal pitting but no openings.

3. With small holes that can be covered with plastic protectors.

4. With cracks that can be covered with plastic protectors.

I've been read the riot act at times on what I think they are worth but never seen a post with comments from more than 3 or 4 people on here.

Saw a white TC in rush hour traffic while driving home from work Friday in Ontario, CA. All lights on at dusk was a pretty image.

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IMO, perfect headlights should be about $200 each. Pitted, maybe $150, with rock chips/cracks, $75-100 depending upon the chip.

The question ultimately remains, do you want to actually sell them and get some money in hand or do you want to sit on something <span style="font-style: italic">you</span> think is worth X-dollars taking up space in the garage?

A seller can ask whatever they want for something. But they may never get a buyer if their price is insane, especially when you consider how much the whole car is worth. No sane person will pay $500 for a headlight for a car that is worth $3-5k. You can say you've seen them listed elsewhere for X-dollars. Again, they may be listed for that price, but whether or not they are being SOLD at that price is the true question.

If all your potential buyers are telling you your prices are out of line, and if you haven't been able to move a high-demand part such as a headlight for 6 months, then I would take that as a hint that your price is considerably out of line and lower it accordingly.

Basic economics.

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Hi David. The price of a new headlight/turn light WAS $430.00 in my old "Crash Book".

I think considering todays circumstances would make,

$500.00 a reasonable price for a very good headlight with no blemishes (like new).

$350.00-$400.00 for wear; but no breaks (normal pitting no holes)

$250.00-$300.00 tiny holes repaired with plastic protectors.

$150.00-$250.00 Small cracks & holes repaired with plastic protectors

$100.00-$150.00 very borderline almost not repairable with plastic protectors.

That's the whole magilla on headlights. I do not consider them a real scarce commodity yet. It seems just when you can't find one someone parts one out and the headlight appears.

I hope this all helps, Lou

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Of course, I have seen them listed and sold for from $150 to $1500 each. They are one of the rarest items to find a good one. They are one of the reasons I started collecting these crazy cars. I had seen a young man try to get $1750 for his running TC needing brake repairs and no one wanted it. He ended up parting it out and had $3500 in his pocket and almost a 1/2 car left over. I have always thought that was crazy. In my opinion it depend if I need one or am selling one. ha ha Complete lights should be $500 up depending on good to excellant condition. I usually do not sell just the head light lense, so not sure how to price one of those. I will say that I have paid 75 to 150 for ones with bb pings in them, to have for spares. I think Lou's pricing is about right if we are talking about just the lense. Also remember the passenger sides are more rare in good cond. since those are the ones that usually get damage. In the olden days, I would guess that most of the car parts would have come from wrecks and since so many wrecks were front end damage, whoops, there goes the headlights. My 2 cents, Jasper

PS When have you ever seen a TC owner or collector that was SANE? HMMMMMM?

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OK, anybody else??

Need at least 10 people's opinions to make this post mean anything as a poll.

For those adventurous tinkerers who might want to find a substitute for a TC headlight/cornering light unit, the headlight/cornering light on my 95 Caravan looks close. The curvature is similar, the height is similar and the length is similar (each part is different length from TC). The part that would need tinkering with is the amber lower section would need to be cut off and a means of fastening to the TC fabricated to make it work. I didn't have a spare Caravan light to mess up while I had a TC to try this on so I'm not sure of how well the fit really is.

Aarrgh! Did I just lower the value of TC lights??? No, by the time you paid someone for the modifications you would still have to pay the same as a real TC light. However, the possibility of a never ending supply of TC lights might be there.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ghostymosty</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OK, anybody else??

Need at least 10 people's opinions to make this post mean anything as a poll.

For those adventurous tinkerers who might want to find a substitute for a TC headlight/cornering light unit, the headlight/cornering light on my 95 Caravan looks close. The curvature is similar, the height is similar and the length is similar (each part is different length from TC). The part that would need tinkering with is the amber lower section would need to be cut off and a means of fastening to the TC fabricated to make it work. I didn't have a spare Caravan light to mess up while I had a TC to try this on so I'm not sure of how well the fit really is.

Aarrgh! Did I just lower the value of TC lights??? No, by the time you paid someone for the modifications you would still have to pay the same as a real TC light. However, the possibility of a never ending supply of TC lights might be there. </div></div>

ghosty, what was your opinion of the values on the lights? I do agree that if there was a close copy it would be worth fitting them to a daily driver but we have tried with the van headlights and it would take so much fabrication, it would not look the same and would be expensive. I think if someone is looking for an inexpensive lighting compromise, take one of the dinged or pinged ones and put the vinyl covers from the TC Club over it and it should be fine for daily drivers. Those should keep you around 1/2 of what a good or very good light would run you. Just my 2 cents, Jasper

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I was going to put my thoughts on last since I keep track of what they actually sell for on ebay and what a huge network of salvage yards (over 3000 yards) are asking for them.

I just checked one salvage yard site and discovered that the passenger side headlight is still not available on the network anywhere in the U.S. and Arizona Parts has removed it from their separate listing (was $2000).

The network has a few driver's side headlights still listed, without cornering lights, at $500, $550 and $750. There were quite a few more listed a few months ago, all in the $700 range and one with a bb hole in it at $250, if I remember correctly.

Ebay prices are all over the place depending on how many buyers are looking and how much they really need one. They have all gone in the $250 to $800 range or have not met reserve or have gotten no bids. This week there was one listed for 'parts' that was missing the lens but had the bracket, brackets usually go for $10 to $20.

My idea of pricing is:

$700 for really nice passenger, $500 for driver

$500 for pitted passenger, $400 for driver

$250 for small hole passenger, $200 for driver

$200 for small cracks passenger, $150 for driver

around $60 for plastic headlight protectors through the club

Most TC lights that people list as really nice actually are pitted but they don't want to look that close, tiny pitting can be removed with glass compound used for windshields. The small holes and cracks are generally going to let the reflective surface inside the light deteriorate. Same with good lights that somehow let moisture inside due to faulty sealing.

As an aside, some new headlights for brand new cars run in the $1000 neighborhood and the more common ones around $350.

If the TC headlight was still available through the dealer as new, it would run around $800-$1000. They were running $450 when ordinary car headlights were $150-200.

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Hi David,

You went into much more detail than I did in my estimated values. Considering your extras I would agree with your assessment. Unless anyone has any valid reason to dissagree I think we should all print your list and keep it for REFERENCE. Thanks, Lou

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LouZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hi David,

You went into much more detail than I did in my estimated values. Considering your extras I would agree with your assessment. Unless anyone has any valid reason to dissagree I think we should all print your list and keep it for REFERENCE. Thanks, Lou </div></div>

Lou, I agree, give that man a gold star. So many people that are new to TC's think the lights should be so much cheaper than they are. We see a lot of range on them from ebay as you said. ghosty's response gives great valid info on these little jewels. I have always collected the lights just in case. I have only sold the drivers sides since I keep the passengers normally. I have sold the drivers for from $650 to $750 but that includes the whole kit and kaboodle. 4 peaces to include the frame, the head light, the side lamp, and the cover at the top that you take off to get to the light. I did offer a set of lights for both sides in good condition this morning for $1,000 including shipping, that I thought was a good deal. Haven't heard back yet. Will see. Thanks for the thread ghosty, it should bring some understanding to those that wonder why so much? My 2 cents, Jasper

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Guest mtworkshop

Headlight Protectors from TC America seem to make the sand blasted headlight (that I just got) appear to be clear and bright. Now to find an uncracked cornering lenz.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mtworkshop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Headlight Protectors from TC America seem to make the sand blasted headlight (that I just got) appear to be clear and bright. Now to find an uncracked cornering lenz.

Mike </div></div>

Mike, if you have a chance to send me a pic of your cornering lamp, or soon to be my cornering lamp, I have a couple of those that might be better. Would be glad to trade you. Just want to be sure the one I send is better than the one you have now. Is it the drivers side?

Let me know, Jasper mishunaire@aol.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> some new headlights for brand new cars run in the $1000 neighborhood </div></div>

Yes, but for these prices, you are almost always looking at an optional HID headlight with balasts, not a halogen unit. Whole different animal.

I can get HID headlamps for my Porsche for $1200/set.

I can get halogen headlamps for the same car for $200/set or less.

A new HID unit for my MINI is about $1000. A non-HID unit can be had for $100.

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That's fair car chick, but a used Mini HID seems to be running in the 500 to 700 range in most main regions of the country.

The price of the HID units is directly proportional to the number of them produced, rather than a huge jump in materials cost to produce them. Even so, there are more HID units produced for the newer cars than total TC headlight production. The halogen lights for the newer cars are held in check by the availability of aftermarket lights. If there were no aftermarket lights then the bean counters would probably double.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO Bad: $50-100.

Fair (chip, small crack) $100-200

Excellent $200->demand

If someone really wants their car driving i can see paying $500 for such a rare part.

I personally wouldn't pay more than $200.

If i couldnt find any under 200, Ill go to a junkyard and grab some 1988 or similar Buick Lesabre headlights and rig them up to work.

Close enough match for me:


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Hi Marty, The first thing that comes to mind was a quote by PT Barnum The other is: an insurance settlement will sometimes allow for an extreme price.. You had Good luck, Lou

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OK, my 2 cents worth.

I have sold good used headlamps in the past for up to $1,400.

These days with so many people parting out their TCs, I can see why the prices have gone down.

I have a complete 'FRONT CLIP' for an '89 TC available. (Pictures available) ALL sheet metal is in perfectly straight condition with original pinstriping on both fenders verifying no damage in the past. Hood has been repainted due to paint deterioration. Bumper is perfect, HEAD LAMPS without any chips or pits. Cornering lamps PERFECT. Grill perfect too.

Have sold an assembly such as this in the past for $7,500.

I'll take $3,500 for this. MUST BE PICKED UP IN VENTURA, CALIFORNIA.

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Hemi, I could buy a complete running car for the price of your front clip. I personally wouldn't spend that kind of money. The cars just aren't worth it.

For both Hemi & Marty, you can get lucky and find someone desperate enough to pay that, but personally, I think that is price gouging.

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  • 1 year later...

Bump, any other opinions or revised opinions since the economic slump? I'm laid off from the salvage yard so haven't been able to check their sources since November but Car-Part.com shows 10 driver's side available and going from $500 to $750 without cornering lamp and one lone place in Alabama listing at $200. There are NO passenger side headlights listed on that site which includes thousands of US salvage yards.

My opinion above should have the values lowered by $50 due to the economy, but going right back up after any recovery.

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Why in the world should TC parts go down in price when everything else in the country is going up?

The real problem is not with the price of the part but THE WORTH of the almighty dollar.

Have you been grocery shopping lately?

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I was thinking the demand would go down because the people looking to buy spares would remove themselves from the market right now. The recent TC parts auctions have had far fewer bidders than a year ago. That could be counter balanced by sellers, like me, just not putting parts up for sale on ebay where they can be tracked.

I've been grocery 'looking' at supermarkets lately, buying most things at the 99Cents Only store that I can walk to from the house. Keeps the weekly grocery bill to under $30 instead of closer to $100, just with more limited selection.

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Hi David,

Remember that I live in a real small town (1300 people) & the next big town is 25 mi away.

We have 2 food stores, 1 is a normal chain "Food Lion". The other one is a recent start up from "Dollar Stores" called Dollar Market. The exact same 1/2 gal of milk is $1.00 (the same Pet Milk truck drives from one to the other) cheaper in Dollar Market. There are many other large price differences. Most town folk go to Dollar Market for most things. Then go to Food Lion for what is not available. lz

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Guest MiamiTVR

There are a couple of TC headlamps available on a recent Craig's list of the Tennessee Tri-Cities for less than some of these estimates of worth and the seller will throw in the rest of the fully functional and complete car for free.

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That is why so many TC's get parted out, the parts are worth more than the whole. You just have to be able and willing to remove the parts from the car and store them for up to several years before they sell.

My red 89 TC would only have gotten $1000 as a whole car with a bad fuel pump, bad brakes and an unsolved drivability problem, along with bad repair to one quarter panel and pathetic repaint on that repair. Having $3000 in such a car makes one decide to part it out instead of selling at such a loss.

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  • 2 years later...

I am going to revive this thread since the site is so slow right now. The Cash for Clunkers program retired about 30 TC's and they were parted out. Currently 4 passenger side on Car-part.com, one at 650 with the corner light. Two at $450 without corner light. One at $50 that states 'not insurance quality'.

Driver side has 5 listed at $500. One at $65, one at $50 'not insurance quality', and 3 that just state to 'call' for a price.

There have been many auctions on ebay for headlights with most at the $250 level and no sale. Not many bidders on ebay at the moment for TC parts.

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Guest StudeDude 01

I believe the numbers Car Chick proposed on 1/20/08 is right where TC headlight pricing should be---right now. It obviously depends on the number of cars folks decide to keep on the road.

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I have some NOS left lamps w/o the corner lens or the brackets. The original lamps came with the cornering lamp and the brackets,etc. Then Chrysler changed the part so you could only buy it in pieces. So I bought the left lamps and the left cornering lamps as the right was history.

You can always sell these for more money to a body shop for an insurance job for more money as they have no idea about forums or clubs. That goes for any odd-ball car where the wrecking yard finds are difficult. Plus if you have the parts listed on www.partsvoice.com that helps a huge amount.

Edited by marty14 (see edit history)
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Guest stephenemirra

Ebay either side is available at the moment in nice condition for $179 buy it now and for even less in auction format. Honestly the ones that claim to have no cracks, pitting, etc. from reputable Ebay sellers should clean up well if cleaned and polished well prior to install. Thank goodness they are glass and not plastic so therefore will not get white-opaque or yellow like the plastic ones found even on the most expensive cars of today. I suppose they must have gone plastic to save on weight on newer cars. Anyway, $200 to $225 (to allow for shipping) is my take on a reasonable headlamp at the moment. Add a few bucks for the cleaning and polishing materials.:rolleyes:

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