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2008 National.


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The above link gives the dates and schedule of events. This schedule is for the meet, within the meet, the Reatta Division will have activities.

Thursday afternoon we will have the folks that worked on the Reatta program for a Q & A session at the Service Parts building behind the hotel. Around 5:00 we will leave for the Reatta Rendezvous/dinner.

Saturday afternoon is our Reatta Division meeting.

Some of the perks for belonging to the Reatta Division are the above. We have the Grand Blanc Wingate totally reserved for Reatta Div members. We are also planning on doing some sort of Reatta car show (judging has not been finalized) and there will probably be a judges trainging type meeting so you can know what the judges are looking for on your car.

All of the Reatta Division details will be in the next newsletter which you should receive early next year.

If you are a Reatta Division member planning to attend 2008 Flint meet, you need to get your hotel reservations made.

At last count, the hotel was half full, it will fill quickly.

If you are not a Reatta Division member, and want to attend 2008 Flint. Get your membership in and you will get the details for all the activities.

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Viking, I know you are a BCA & Reatta division member, but here is the answer that covers everyone.

You must be a BCA member to belong to the Reatta Division.

No you do not need to do a Flint 2008 BCA registration, but you will not have credentials to attend some of the BCA activities, however some like the swap meet are outside and open to everyone. There is one BIG plus to doing the BCA registration, there is going to be some sort of limited edition gift that you receive if you enter a car.

In 2003 this was a very nice, custom made license plate with the 100th anniversary medallion attached, this alone was worth the price of admission and since 2003, I have only seen one of them on Ebay...a real collectors item.

You can also come without any registration and see the Reattas, and other Buicks, just like the general public, but again you will not have the credentials to attend some of the activities.

Lastly, the Grand Blanc Wingate is totally reserved for Reatta Div members. The manager has a membership list and ONLY people on the list will get rooms. Some of the reasons for this are.....First we have enough people to easilly fill the hotel, this allows all the Reatta people to be together and not be spread over several hotels around town.

We got a very competitive rate. In 2003 a Reatta Div member reserved several room for non-Reatta riends, ...this force Reatta owners to find rooms elsewhere... then he canceled the rooms the week of the show. If we limit it to one room per membership... this will not happen.

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I am new here so I was wondering on some details of the occasion and who will be at the swap meet. I am not a BCA member yet just cause I need to save for college now but will there be many Reatta owners at the swap meet and shows? I will probably head down if I get the chance for the 100th anniversary but neither of my cars will be ready. I may drive the Lesabre T-Type down though as it should be done in the spring. Also, are the swap meets really excellent for finding parts for our Reattasand memorabilia. Thanks.

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