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7" of new snow


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can't blame your relatives for wanting to get away from the storm. Did they like Yankee-land enough to ever come back during good weather??</div></div>Yeah they went back to Wilmington. Two years ago my aunt and uncle came up for Thanksgiving and for while they were up, they got to see some snow and my uncle got some deer hunting in.

Eight weeks after Thanksgiving, my uncle had retired from GE, my aunt and uncle sold their house, accepted the purchase offer on the house, and my aunt died unexpectantly in her sleep that same night that the purchase offer was signed. The closing took place, my uncle left Wilmington, and he has pretty much been in his motor home travelling.

A sad story, but that's the way things go. Wilmington is a nice place, but with no family left there, I doubt I'll ever go back.

I have relatives in Florida, but I'm not ready to learn spanish, so I don't go down there that much.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: R W Burgess</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What are they called now Susan?</div></div>

Well, not sure since it is now an elementary school called Bridgeview (it is at one end of the bridge between the Spring Hill section of South Charleston (where I grew up) and Dunbar across the river. I'm not sure what their mascot is since it changed.

It was really cool though. In the center of the stage curtain valance was an oval bust type portait of the principal, Mr. Randolph, dressed in a Rebel uniform.

What a shame that your school had to change to the Raiders.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just don't tell us how you did things up north. </div></div>

We lived in a sleepy little farming community here for years. And then back in the 1970's, The 212's ( Area Code For New York City and vicinity.) started to come and now, 30 years later there is hardly a Farm left. They brought someting with them called zoneing, some got elected to our town board and adoped this zoneing thing which in my eyes is nothing more than a way to keep us good old local boys from being able to hang a sign out by the road side to advertize what we do to make our living. It has become so expensive to try and get a small business off of the ground because of all the permits and red tape and the fight you have to go though around here that the young folks move on to where they can do something. You Rebs take this as a warning. The first yankee that even mentions that Zoneing word down there y'all show him to the edge of town and tell him, "No Thank you" and point that fast talking carpetbagger back north.


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1DandyDaves, Too late! grin.gif

I grew up on the edge of a small town and we had a cow. The town annexed us and said that the cow had to go. That is why I never had to have the daily chore of milking a cow. I was just about old enough to take on that chore when we became city residents.

I have adapted pretty well. We still have a pretty good quality of life down here and I actually have good friends who retired and moved down here from New Jersey.

The ferris wheel story is a litte bit of a stretch. I think it was damaged in the storm but the only time I have seen a ferris wheel rolling down the street was in a movie.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1DandyDaves, Too late! </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The town annexed us and said that the cow had to go. </div></div>

What would the Founding forfathers of this great nation think if they were able to come back see us now? frown.gif Dave!

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To get back to the original topic of 7 inches of snow.....

They would think it was HOT! grin.gif

It was 77 degrees here today. At least we are supposed to have a cold front coming in tonight to bring the temperature back down to a more seasonal high in the mid 50's.... wink.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> You Rebs take this as a warning. The first yankee that even mentions that Zoneing word down there y'all show him to the edge of town and tell him, "No Thank you" and point that fast talking carpetbagger back north.

Dave! </div></div>

Better yet, in this county we buy 'em a bus ticket back north when they mention the 'z' word. If they're a half-back (Yankees who went to Florida (where I was born) & only made it half way back north) and mention the 'z' word, it's "no habla zoning" with the same bus ticket. grin.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Our local high school was the Rappahannock Rebels, now called Raiders.

Politically correct, Bah Humbug!</div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What a shame that your school had to change to the Raiders.</div></div>

Oh, I don't know about that. Col. Mosby had his Raiders! whistle.gif Just don't tell the PC fools!


Proud descendant of Capt. Travis Buckner CSA, who rode with Mr. Mosby.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

...which in my eyes is nothing more than a way to keep us good old local boys from being able to hang a sign out by the road side to advertize what we do to make our living.</div></div>

Then you would like the lines in a new country song. The guy sings about nailing up a plywood sign on a knotty pine tree that says, "I was here first. This is my piece of dirt and your ramblin' don't bother me."

Right on!! smirk.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...the cow had to go. </div></div> frown.gif

We had a 90 cow average dairy farm, 283 acres, and always had a hundered or so heifers. Them city folks are finally waking up a little too late. My Dad put his farm on the market several years ago after being there for 47 years. The farm was right on the main drag going into town. You should have heard the buzz around town about what was going to happen to the farm then. Basically he was Taxed off of the place. Land and school taxes were $14,000 a year and the insurance was $8,000. That's $24,000 grand a year before any expenses. The cows left back in 1979. The last 20 years or so he bought, trained, and sold draft horses. Since then them city slickers have been wondering where all the farms have gone that they moved here to see? Of course I won't mention that they did't want any manure spread next to their house and demand that the Z-board do something about it? smirk.gif They's still a few of us old hillbillys up here, but they done run the most of us out! You give em an inch and they'll take a foot. cry.gif Also, they won't let any industry move here to fill the void. crazy.gif Dave!

Oh yeah, it was 63 here yesterday, and today it's 28. I think I'll move to Dixie where there's still some Good Ol' boys with commonsense. laugh.gif Dave!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...the cow had to go. </div></div>

Oh yeah, it was 63 here yesterday, and today it's 28. I think I'll move to Dixie where there's still some Good Ol' boys with commonsense. laugh.gif Dave! </div></div>Hey Dave -

you need to move down here. Sounds to me like you'd make a great neighbor!

It was 69 yesterday, high today only 51 (sounds much better than 28).


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Dave, don't even consider Virginia. Them city slickers have already arrived here. We just had a local county turn down a development on our 60 acre farm that would have included additional trees, and a new paved road leading to an old development on adjacent property. The locals raised a stink and the property could not get the proper zoning. Since we still own the property as farm land, I'm considering putting a small pig farm on the property. Gee, pig waste sure does smell bad. crazy.gifcool.gif


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Guest windjamer

Wayne you can not win. I bought my small little piece of heaven in 72, ten miles from town. All farm land. My daughter was about to be married and I talked her into buying the closest place next to me. Made the nearest neighbor half a mile away. Befor she and my new son in law moved in the folks in the city bought up land and started building. Every one wants to live in the country with all the city perks. There gos the neighbor hood.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The ferris wheel story is a litte bit of a stretch. I think it was damaged in the storm but the only time I have seen a ferris wheel rolling down the street was in a movie.</div></div>Man I swore I remembered seeing that thing on the news rolling down the street back in '96, but I must've been wrong.

I had been down there doing a three week tour at Fort Bragg, on my days off I stayed at my aunt and uncle's house, and then shortly after I had gotten back to New York, that hurricane ripped through Wilmington and caused some damage. Some of the places I saw getting destroyed on the news, I had just been there only a few days prior.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Of course I won't mention that they did't want any manure spread next to their house and demand that the Z-board do something about it? smirk.gif </div></div>

Then there is the subdivision right outside the city limits of Charleston/So. Charleston, W. Va.. A group of people that have and show mostly Saddlebred and Morgan horses got together and built an equestrian friendly subdivision complete with a wonderful barn, indoor and outdoor arenas, trails, etc. And, of course, a manure pile. Locals buy the manure for their gardens.

In comes a cityslicker who buys a house, knowing full well what all is there and why. Then this idiot tries to sue because he doesn't want to look at the riding facility or smell the manure. He lost. cry.gif And he moved. grin.gif

I'm considering putting a small pig farm on the property. Gee, pig waste sure does smell bad.

Wayne </div></div>

Amen on that one. sick.gif

When we come to Hershey we stay at the Conewago Campground outside of Elizabethtown. A good visit is when the farmer next door has not cut his corn and spread the liquid pig manure. smile.gif A bad visit is when he has and the wind is blowing our direction. sick.gif

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I have a friend in Maple Hill N.C. just outside of Jacksonville. He moved down there a while back and said all he had to do was dig a couple of holes to put his sign up and he was back in business! That's the way it should be! grin.gif Dave!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dave, don't even consider Virginia. </div></div>

Gee Wayne, Guess where my dad went when he sold his farm?....

....Orange VA, that's where. shocked.gif And he reinvested in a "Conservancy Farm" I don't know where his head went on that one??? Might just as well jumped in to a rattle snakes den. Of course being only 85 miles from Washinton he has all them DC'ers around him now. Takes brains. crazy.gif

We had a local feller up here that wanted to put up a building and the Z-Board told him no. He got himself a bunch of pigs just like you said. Funny thing, it wasn't long before he got his building up and the pigs left. laugh.gif That Pig idea works. grin.gif Dave!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In comes a cityslicker who buys a house, knowing full well what all is there and why. Then this idiot tries to sue because he doesn't want to look at the riding facility or smell the manure. He lost. And he moved. </div></div>

<span style="font-size: 17pt">Oooohhhhwwww... YES! I love it when that happens!</span> laugh.gif Dave!

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Zoning didn't want us to build our new shop. Finally after convincing them that they could either look at the shop, or look at 20+ vehicles sitting outside, we got our permit, the shop is up, and aside from daily driver's, everything is inside out of sight from the neighbors. Once in a while something might sit out overnight, but for the most part, the neighbors don't see anything.

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Well I am comming where you are then Dawn if there is plenty of stuff to fix. Lawn mower and tractor repair should be good around those parts! I don't care if I ever see another snow blower! And the local farmers can spread all the manure they want. They can even park their spreader in my yard if its broken and needs fixing. I'll get it going so they can spead even more of it around! laugh.gif Dave!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1DandyDaves</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nebo is in two countys? Dave! </div></div>

If you think that is strange check out Bluefield. It is in two states, West Virginia and Virginia. Bristol is in two states also, Virginia and Tennessee.

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Actually there are two Nebo's, in two different counties, with about two counties in between! crazy.gif Go figure. Depending on traffic & how fast you drive, W-S is an hour(me driving) to an hour & a half drive (hubby driving).

Yes, farmers <span style="font-style: italic">really</span> spread <span style="font-style: italic">lots</span> of manure here. What I smell is cheap fresh, locally grown, mostly organic veggies at the Farmers Market & the farmers making some money at it. Neighbor from church mows our pasture for us, & the price is he takes away the hay for his horses. There wasn't much rain this year here, but he still got a trailer & a 1/2 worth of hay on the second mowing two weeks ago. Says it'll take care of his horses for about half to two thirds of the winter. Along with what else he's bailed, he's now set.

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Hey Dawn...

At the Dutchess County Ag Fair this year, where I have displayed some of my vintage machinery, along comes a fellow from NC. That fellow turns out to be no other than Steve Troxler, Commissioner of the N.C. Dept. of Agriculture. He told me that a lot of the state was in trouble down there because of the severe drought conditions. There will be a shortage of hay this year he said and he wasn't sure where it could be trucked in from. Now, with the rising prices of fuel, I would think that it would be out of reach for most of the farmers to afford and still beable to make a profit on there product.

Sometimes it a very small world.

It was 18 Here this morning. BBBRRRR shocked.gif Dave!

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