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Howdy Gang,

I wasnt able to get out to Hershey this year.

And missed out on that great auction.

I heard that the catalog was 80.00 and admitted 2 ppl to the auction.

I just contacted RM Auctions are they are sell the Hershey Auction catalog for 1/2 price. $ 40.00. I just bought one.

here is their toll free number 800-211-4371

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If I am not mistaken, Kruse and RM both did auctions at Fall Hershey this year. Kruse was at the Giant Center and RM was at the Hershey Lodge.

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Hey Bob, I was riding that show! And, it was free to the public. You could even go outside and check those cars out as much as you wanted to, before they went inside.

Didn't have to buy a ticket or anything, either. Probably even could have afforded a couple in there unlike the "show on the hill". wink.gif


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Actually, although the RM auction was advertised as "Admission by purchase of a catalog only" ($80) they were giving the catalogs out free Wednesday in the flea market. All of the cars were there for your viewing and even if you had to pay the $40 (catalog admitted 2) it was well worth the price. I knew prices were going to be high soon as I saw the '32 Packard Twin Six display engine hammered down for 20 grand!

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My friend got a free catalog (and entry) Wednesday at the flea market. I bought 2 catalog ($160) weeks before not knowing you could buy them there.

Went to see the Blackhawk collection Friday afternoon before I went home to get a shower and return for the R&M auction. Thought I would go see the Swigart vehicles for a few minutes (unplanned) however I left my catalogs at home since I would be returning that evening. R&M would not let me in to see the cars for a few minutes and would not look my name up on their entry list and check my photo ID. My friend got a kick out of this as he waved to me from inside the tent.

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Ron, if all these crybabies want to whine about something that would be worthwhile. I heard of several people being handed the catelog on Weds., not even knowing what it was for. My wife and a friend bought a catelog weeks ago so My buddy and I could see the cars, early Christmas. When we went Thurs. night I saw a total of 3 other catelogs while walking around. Even we snuck in the side door, carrying the catelog. A friend crashed the auction Friday night, walked right in. I will NEVER give RM a dime of my $$. And I know my wife won't again.

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I wanted to go to the RM auction, but when my buddy and I found out you had to buy the $80 catalog, we decided to skip it.

I didn't know they were giving them out in the swap meet - where was that? We'd have really been upset if we'd have coughed up the $80 and then found out they were giving them away free...

I heard an announcement over the PA system about the preview on Thursday, but I thought I heard it said that a catalog was required for that, too. But it sounds like they were letting people in free anyway.



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It will be a long time before I shell out $ for an auction entry too.

I did ask the lady at the RM desk Friday afternoon why they were giving away free catalogs / entries but wouldn't let me in for a few minutes, even though she had my name on the entry list in front of her showing I paid $160. Worked out for the best anyhow as my legs were killing me.

Around 4:30 Friday evening they opened it up to all (free), no wristband or catalog required. At least Jessie James used a mask when he robbed you! smirk.gif

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There was a free public viewing of the cars.

We went in viewed the cars twice before decide to become a bidder.

The only times you had to have a catalog or bidder pass was the reception (dinner) Thursday night that had free food and drinks (I say dinner be cause they had more than enough food for you to have dinner)and the actual auction Friday night all other time were free no catalog required.

R&M was giving out a 20-30 page flier at the show but I didn't see the 200+ page catalog being given out.

Pretty standard to most auctions I have been to.

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That is odd Ron

I looked at my pictures they were taken Oct. 11th between 2:30 and 4:00PM and no one questions us.

We were on the field Thursday morning till about 2:00 so we weren't dress up but no one approached us at all we went in the door right by the MB 300 bypassing the table between the doors.

We registered when we got ready to leave about 4:00. Then went back about 7:00PM for the reception that required wristbands. We had cleaned up by the time we came back at 7:00.

Same on Friday during the auction wristbands required.

We also went in the the Blackhawk Thursday afternoon without any questions. The lady at the desk told us the Blackhawk wasn't open, but the doors weren't locked so we went in. The little gloved guys opened the car doors for us so they were showing the cars to someone.

Maybe the don't let local boys in? (just kidding)

Or the old, walk in like you own the place and nobody will ask you anything.

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Where they really giving the full catalog away? I would be shocked by that. RM usually has a reduced form of it that they mail out before the auctions, perhaps it was that one they were giving out at the swap meet?

A full catalog got you admission to the cocktail dinner, but you did have to RSVP in advance (and did not have to be a bidder). I'm surprised you were not let in if you were on the list.

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We were there at 1:30 on Friday and from looking through the tent windows there were several inside viewing the cars. If I pressed the issue they would have probably let me in however I needed to get home and back for the auction. Fortunately I have seen the Swigart collection a couple of times before they were removed from storage.

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Guess what, there were also competing vendors nearly as far apart. I don't understand your question. Are you suggesting that more than one auction should not be allowed? Was the RM auction even officially part of Hershey? Certainly it, nor the other auction were sponsored by AACA. I thought it was great, the more events the better. No one can participate in all of the events at Hershey anyway. Competing vendors, competing salesmen in the corral, cars competing for awards on the show field. It's the American way isn't it? Pick and choose what interests you and leave the rest alone. Remember, you have folks at Hershey looking to spend $10 on that elusive part. You also have folks ready and willing to spend $1,000,000+ if something strikes their fancy. To each their own.

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The HersheyAuction is NOT a part of the Eastern Division Fall Meet and never has been. Neither the Region or AACA is involved in it, however, they have been endorsed by the AACA Museum and have made substantial contributions to them. This auction simply rents space from HERCO.

The RM Auction was in fact endorsed by the region and national. RM made substantial contributions to the region, the club and to the museum. RM also is helping to promote the growth of AACA.

Jeff is right, there is "room at the inn" for lots of events and it does help bring more life to this great week.

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Bob, you are consistent! grin.gif I do have one of those post-war cars in my garage and can think of several hundred others I would love to own! Brass cars are still my favorite but it is like ice cream, most like chocolate or vanilla but there are some guys that like the cookie dough, butternut crunch, etc.

I like people who are passionate about cars. I respect their love for their favorite era but AACA is a unique club in that we welcome all under our tent and as such we serve a very unique purpose for the hobby. Our magazine has proved that people can find interest in all eras and that they can learn from each other.

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