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what should i do w/my reatta


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in '96 my dad bought me my first new/used car... an '89 buick reatta. I wanted the '89 because I thought the computer system was the coolest thing. 50,000 miles later the coolest thing on the car broke. Is it possible to buy a brand new computer system anymore? cost? Right now the car is in storage. I plan on restoring the car to the best possible condition. However, I did a stupid thing. The car didn't have a sunroof so I imperfected the car by installing an after market sun roof. Should I bother restoring this car to original condition when I already customized it. Or should I go state of the art and turn it into something from the fast and furious. The car high sentimental value so I don't care to upgrade buy selling it and buying a beeter one. Any ideas or ideas are appreciated. Any places that still sell new parts would be helpful too. thanks

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Hi,<BR>If you go to a Buick show or the National Meet you will see that the collector cars are pristine. Your car sounds like a driver, so I would say to continue to customize it to your likes. In many cases the Reatta is worth more to the owner than to others. Keep checking the forum and you will probably get more than enough customizing ideas. cool.gif" border="0

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There's an outfit in Fullerton, CA that rebuilds the computer screens, so you aren't completely screwed in that respect, thopugh when I replaced mine, it was $275 and the original CRT. Check the FAQ for an address and other CRT info-<BR> <A HREF="http://www.reatta.net/faq.html#TOUCHSCREEN" TARGET=_blank>http://www.reatta.net/faq.html#TOUCHSCREEN</A> <P>Good luck!

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If you are near a major metropolitan area, locate a DELCO repair center. They will repair it for you, or may have a rebuilt replacement on the shelf to trade. Cost is unknown.

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