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Welcome to Area 51...Another Post Disappears.

Guest EDBS0

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Guest EDBS0

There is a lot of this going on recently.

Much more this year than in the previous 7 years totaled!


O great protector of the information, please identify yourself.

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I agree!

Sometimes the posts get off topic but unless someone is being nasty I think the posts should be allowed to continue without someone with maybe too much power simply deleting them.

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I am sure that is why the thread was zapped but just because someone has a different opinion, the opinions shouldn't be censored. Isn't that one of the freedoms this country was based on?

As I said, the thread didn't have anything to do with Reattas, except maybe our cars are sources of polution, but unless a thread gets nasty it should be left alone.

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Guest EDBS0

My grandfather fought in WW1 for our <span style="color: #33CC00"><span style="font-weight: bold">freedoms </span></span>and took many of the horrors that he witnessed on the front line in the trenches to the grave with him. He did share some that I choose not to haunt you with.

My father fought for our <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #33FF33">freedoms </span></span>and had it slightly easier in WW2 where he was a radar support technician. Still there are things that he can not even begin to share without tearing up and many others he keeps inside and I know will be taken to the grave with him.

I am blessed by being born a Canadian and could not be conscripted into Korea being too young, we had no Vietnam conscription and am now too old for Afghanistan.

With censorship you are doing the work of the enemy and have one foot on a banana peel with them pushing you from behind.

This type of gratuitous censorship has to stop. Too many have given too much to have things end up like this.

Just a foerigner's 2 cents

Back to <span style="color: #33CC00"><span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">Live Earth</span></span></span> and the disappeared post ... what are you going to do about it?

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Guest CL_Reatta

lol, it would be funny if this thread gets deleted, and then you just make anoter one EDBS0...that's how it's gotta be done!

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Guest Reatta1

Well, the plain truth about it is that the AACA owns the site and license's it's use to other clubs or organizations. It is done at the discretion of the powers that be at AACA and they control what is and isn't ok to post. They don't want political, period. The thread got political, and I'm sure my input contributed to it's demise. I gotta try harder to control my penchant for 'saying it as I see's it'.

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Guest EDBS0

Don't you dare even begin to think that you ...<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 'Reatta1'</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I gotta try harder to control my penchant for 'saying it as I see's it'. </div></div>

You believe it you say it. Stand up for your belief <span style="font-style: italic">but </span>always have an open mind and we will all be stronger.

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I am the guilty party.

I deleted the thread.

I didn't want to delete the thread, in fact I wanted to reply and hand some of you guys your heads for being so pedantic and intentionally ignorant, but whether I agree with the AACA's policies on subject matter (and I do not) I am nonetheless charged with executing them.

I am something of a civil libertarian by nature and if it were solely up to me, there would be little in the way of restriction on language or subject matter, but our hosts, in whose proverbial house our forum resides have certain rules that they demand we abide by while under their roof.

These forums are meant to be accessible and inoffensive to all, from children to oldsters, hipsters to bible-thumpers, flaming liberals to neo-cons, red staters, blue staters, Kazakhstanis, Pastafarians, Klingons, Ferengi...You get the idea.

In the AACA's opinion the only way to effect this all-inclusive mission is to keep a very tight rein on threads that veer into the political or the scatological.

All of this is the long way around to saying while I am truly sorry I deleted the thread, I will nonetheless do it again when the need arises.

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Hat's off to you, Rawja!

I agree completely with your assesment of the spirit in which this forum was created, and which it is moderated.

I'm not a proud sponsor of censorship, but in a private venue, the owners of that venue make, and are charged with enforcement of thier rules.

This IS the very best site of it's type anywhere, devoted to CARS, not politics, nor trash-talkin'.

Your work in moderating this forum is greatly appreciated by those who enjoy this forum for it's spirit of inclusion and comradery.

One only needs to see what's happening to my threads at Jay Leno's Garage to see what happens when the spirit of a car-based forum is not actively supported by the board's moderators. I wish they'd allow only members to post replies, and delete spiteful remarks left by TROLLS to encite ill will.

So far, I'm the only Reatta owner to post there, and a few others feel the need to trash our line of cars, saying they're crap, not rare, and not collectible, after not reading the facts posted about them. They say I'm delusional, and the moderators have done nothing. Some of these trolls follow any thread I post on to make hateful comments, and though I've alerted the moderator(S), I've seen no action. You'd think NBC, or Jay, would not want these trolls to hyjack the forum, considering they are "high-profile" and want thier site to be as well-recieved/revered as the AACA site.

I did not see the post mentioned here, but feel that it must not have matched with the rules, nor spirit upon which this forum is based, or it would not have been deleted.

JLGarage could find an excellent example for how to operate a forum here, and a fine example of how a moderator can protect the spirit of the rules, from you, Rawja!

Keep fightin' the good fight!

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Keep up the good work. I feel you were doing your job as moderator in removing the thread. I felt like it was getting out of hand and didn't see that it had anything to do with Reatta automobiles.

I do believe in free speech and the right to say what is on your mind, but there is a time and place for everything. I'm relatively new to this forum and I'm quite happy stick to the basics of discussing how to repair and improve my Reatta.

I know there are people who have been here for a long time and made a lot of friends here who would like to discuss other things than Reattas all the time. That is fine but this forum should not be the place for that. Maybe it would be good to start a "Reatta Lounge" forum where other things that don't relate to Reattas could be discussed among Reatta enthusiast.

BUT, that is just what I think. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. grin.gif

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I'm really not looking for praise, just trying to do what I have been charged to do.

I was also moderator of the departed (and personally much missed) Misc Chat/Rants & Raves section which caused untold aggravation for many within the hierarchy that oversees these forums.

I can say without equivocation that the AACA has zero interest in providing any forum for non-car related discussions at this time, and has specifically charged me and the other moderators with quickly killing any threads that go off-course.

Personally, I truly enjoy verbal and written fisticuffs, and as Jim (Reatta1) can attest I bloodied many a nose down in the basement, but the AACA has lost its appetite for tolerating such repartee. Someday (hopefully) this will change....

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I participate in a couple other forums as well. This is by far the most civil. I must say it is refreshing to come here and not be subjected to all the ugly stuff I see elswhere. I like the censorship here. It keeps us from becoming like every other board. If I want to get in a pi$$ing contest on the web I can do it elswhere.

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Guest TommyH

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EDBS0</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is a lot of this going on recently.

Much more this year than in the previous 7 years totaled!


O great protector of the information, please identify yourself.</div></div>

I belong to other forums that use the same software, and they rarely delete threads. They just lock them so no new comments can be posted on them. This place also issues many infractions of the rules, I have two, one for 'talking trash' about jap-crap, and the other for 'advertising help' by telling people to send me a personal message if they need help finding the hidden key in the game.

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Guest EDBS0

Rawja, I suspect that this does go against your grain.

There was another sad period of earth history that was not too pretty where many atrocities were committed, the main defense at the Nuremburg Trials was "I was just obeying orders". Are you allowing yourself to be taken in that direction?


Our host is running a for profit busisness.

I have no interest in "pissing contests", I do enjoy and appreciate others and their points of view and agree that other forums are out of control. We are over-controlled.

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Guest Reatta1

Rawja, I actually enjoyed the sparring debates we used to have on the former 'Rants & Raves' aka Misc. Chat section. I think you did a great job of overseeing that. I didn't agree with the decision to eliminate it, as I think it served a useful purpose, but, I'm not the one who sounds the bells and whistles on this forum. I WOULD hope that sometime in the future we can come up with something similar for the former 'cellar dwellers'. Bloodied noses aside, we had some great discussions there.

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