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Posts posted by slightmiss

  1. Thanks for your help I think I found it! It was a wild goose chase of sites but finally found it on a marine engine site. It is a Beilfuss motor co. engine and from what I have found they made stationary, marine and car engines. they supplyed engines to the Luvernes car company from 1904 to 1909. Also they supplyed replacement engines for cars and people building there own 1 off cars.


  2. I posted this engine all around the net and I have had a lot reponse but nothing definate yet. Also there is no serial numbers on the top of the jug or anywhere I could find. I would be interested in selling it if I had a clue on its value.

  3. I thought the fairmount railroad cart engines were all 2 stroke. I will dig the rest of the motor out this week and see if I can get some more photos of it to post I didn't realize it would be this hard.

  4. The front frame horns looked to be choped off and a upper cross member put on to mount full eliptical springs, I bet they were originaly half elipticals. that would set them in a little so you could pick up those narower holes in the front axle. Also the frame is stright, not many manufactors were using stright frames in 1914 most had drops to lower the body on the chassis it mabe a earlier chassis. that and the non demountable wheels.

  5. New, complete, authentic restoration of a 1 cyl, air-cooled Knox. Ready for show or touring.

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    A very unique and rare automobile. London to Brighton ready. $85,000.00 U.S.

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