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Xander Wildeisen

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Everything posted by Xander Wildeisen

  1. Working by myself I liked having two customers cars going at once. 40 hours worked, was 40 hours billed with any other cost on my end. I would jump on the other car, customer billed would need to pay for work done. Then I would continue on their car. Simple billing, easy for everyone.
  2. He owned K-gap I think. Reproduction rubber products for Hudson’s. Cool truck, I have one on the trailer right now at the DMV.
  3. The value in the truck is how it sits. Finished or left in an aged condition. Very popular look and style that is trending. From a project to be restored standpoint. Buy in cost is to great.
  4. I go back to my statement above. Quality shops and quality customers. If a shop has other interests, or the customers have other interests. The project and experience for all parties will go south. I have been busy the last few days, moving cars around. The Cadillac sold, it will be picked up tomorrow. Might have a buyer for the Hudson truck. Will let the 47 convertible go, and sell out of all the 46-47 parts. Get down to the Jag and the Hornet. Working towards making a move out of the State of Idaho with all my stuff. To much stuff to move. I guess where I am going with this is there are other ways of looking at things. Idaho and customers lost a quality business. All in an attempt to own a person. Many of you on here have read my comments over the years. I can give you a list of names, as a business you would not want to do any work for these people. Big public meeting coming up on may 9th. I guess we will see what people intend to do. Customers and shops have a lot to deal with on these expensive builds/restorations. I have seen the harm people can bring to your business. When I hear stories of customers getting ripped off by shops, it falls pretty flat in my opinion. I never ripped anyone off. But I have seen questionable shops somehow keep the doors open. I guess we all have a purpose. Will look for a small space to lease down the road. And get back to what I enjoy doing.
  5. You can not build a house until you are approved for the loan or have cash. Estimated cost for lot, site prep, under ground, lumber package, wall cover and finish materials. Standard stuff, you know going into it about what it could cost. Changes can be made, upgrades and extras can be added and do ad to the finished cost. Now go to that same home builder, show him the 1940’s built house you bought. Tell him you want to strip it to the studs, redo everything with some upgrades and bring it up to code. See if he gives you a price. I bet he will say I have no idea what I will be dealing with until we open up walls. Very easy to give numbers on kit or reproduction cars built in a assembly line order, pick what you want. Reproduction Cobra’s are a good example. A dead rotten car in the field, no way you will know total cost involved. Just a cracked engine block can add thousands by itself. Quality shops, quality customers. That is the only way it works.
  6. My guess is if you add up the total over head cost, of all money spent. You will come to the conclusion it was not a Ponzi scam. On the car shop issue, it all comes down to your customers. Have customers with ill intentions for your business, and you will pay a price.
  7. Dodge made some beautiful cars. Unfortunately dodge’s in these years don’t get a lot of love.
  8. Fun reading comments and facts about cars posted in this section by members. Very knowledgeable people on here.
  9. https://www.bigiron.com/Lots/1952HudsonCommodore64-DoorSedan I have never seen this auction website before.
  10. Top shelf stuff is spendy. “Pardon me, will you pass the PPG”😂.
  11. What is the scope of your build/restoration. Are you painting the underside of the car as well?
  12. A gallon of base coat at 1,500. Three gallons needed for a Cadillac. 4,500 in base paint alone. I am going to run with your numbers. Three gallons of base paint reduced most likely to a 1:1 ratio. Gives you six gallons of sprayable material. Yes base can be 1,500. And top shelf paint is expensive, PPG is a great product line. I have used it before. My experience in painting is doing my own stuff. As a business I have always farmed out the paint work. 12k in materials alone, shop hourly rates for prep and body work. Labor to cut and polish. A high quality paint job will by itself eclipse the value of the car. I have worked on customers cars that have had 100’s of thousands of dollars in. My stuff is done in the corner on the cheap. Don’t doubt what you are saying, crazy numbers. Prices I gave are right off Summit Racings website.
  13. High build primers 100-130 about the same cost. Paint is all over the map in price. Top shelf stuff is spendy, I have always tried to use quality products when it comes to paint. Never had a problem with any quality paint products. Cheap stuff can be found and used. But if you have a problem, it is no longer cheap.
  14. Quick check on body filler 60-160 a gallon. About the same price.
  15. 12k seems high in materials. I think there is a large amount of material waste, or stuff is walking out the door on someone else’s car. Last stuff I bought was around 100 dollars per gallon on primers/sealers/high build primers, + or -. Paint was around 750-2000 a gallon high end was for specialty paint tri stage. Body fillers 75-120 a gallon.
  16. I remember running my business, at what would be the height of your career. You are hit with a pay to play. Throw on top of exposing crimes by the State. And on top of that finding out you are set up to be walked into fraud. Your choices are clear. Free will kool aid as captain says. Or take a dive. Not a fan of being a chump, I followed the teachings of my spiritual leader, the great Dangerfield.
  17. In Idaho over charging is forced on businesses. This is done for many reasons. All of which will be met with the wall of silence. Grown adults acting like they have no clue. A wall will be hit at some point. Can’t wait to get my stuff out of there. No need to change my name nothing wrong with it. I wonder if I changed my name, would someone take my name?
  18. And that is why the original or patina finishes are so popular. Knock out the dents and forget the rest.
  19. https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/962145638060197/
  20. A lot does not look right about the car that gets shot up. A hornet is seen at first, and then to me it looks like a fake wasp sedan. The width of the grill does not look right, chrome looks fake and outside bumper guards look to tall. Definitely a waspish car is shot up. With hornet parking lights on it. I think a mocked up front clip was used. I wonder if that hornet is still around? Who has the porky’s Hudson?
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