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Everything posted by MarkV

  1. Here in S. ca the economy is in the toilet and everywhere you look there are foreclosures and old cars for sale! It is a buyers market now for houses and old cars, because of the crappy economy, and people, do not want a gas guzzler (Lincolns are out!) and very few people have extra money to spend. The time to buy the old cars for 'investments' was in the 80's when there was a large wealth of original cars from the 60's and before sitting out in fields and in people's garages in good condition and when alot of the ones in yards were being scrapped for the metal in the late 80's (I have a book on this). Don't get into it for an investment, but, only if you enjoy it.
  2. But, did she know about that? I don't think so. My car was reassigned, with a new # yet, on the reg. it has the old vin, and I have the records on mine back to the 1950's so, mistakes and losses of records do happen, and sometimes no one knows about it and does not pay attention. She, probably never even noticed, because all the ford 'stang vins at that time had the same prefix just different last #'s so, if you did not read it all the way through, you would not know, also, whatever is on the DMV paper is king and if the car was in a major accident and 2 cars were smushed together, like what one of my friends does, it might have a firewall from one car a fender from another and parts from another, so, none of the numbers match and the DMV paperwork is different, did anyone ever stop and think that this car might not be the guy's but rather have some parts from it (remember it is a different color altogether)? and that the majority of the car was a different 'stang and just got into a bad accident and someone was dumb enough to leave on both #'s instead of just the one that matched the title! Why does everyone automatically think that it is the stolen one, rather than one with the stolen one's parts? There should be a way that we can brand cars and car parts w/o seeing the brand, just like cattle!
  3. What brand of V-8 is in there, mine has a Mercury V-8. You can drive those Lincolns Everyday, they perform well!
  4. You would not if the pink slip was forged years ago and new ones were issued and if it was reassigned.
  5. Sounds like a nice one, I have no idea what something like that is worth do you have pics.?
  6. No, it is sold, but, I do have a fluid drive driveshaft, complete rear axle and a radio, and heater
  7. Well, no wonder why NY has a 'high crime rate' if you do not know something is stolen and you buy it unwittingly and w/o knowledge it is not your fault!
  8. Nice Linc.! Where did you find it?
  9. Rolf, Where is the body # on my '48?
  10. Give it a good washdown and fluid change and oil pump and battery and you'll be off! Out of curiosity, did you drive it when you got it? and what kind of flathead is in it?
  11. My sister can't stand the old cars because of me! Oh, she does like a couple, but, she is not a die hard like myself! But, I don't think anyone is!
  12. So, what happened to cause your injury and prevention of fun on that '48? Sometimes, when I work on my cars, I will turn the wrong way and my back will shoot out in pain! The old car hobby can be painful!
  13. For sure! Well, I ran out of places to hide eggs, my sister was finding them to easily!
  14. Here is some of the easter egg hunt of course it involves cars!, and my sister found some in my '48!, how many eggs can you fit in a '48?
  15. For Sale in perfect condition! -$100 + shipping Let me know if you are interested!
  16. Bravo! I hope that they throw a hood ornament at the guy who stole it or force the guy , to wear a plaid suit from the time period and sit in the corner! “Your typical customer involved in collecting and preserving this type of vehicle is not your average blue-collar worker. Your potential customer base will be extremely limited,” Foss said. And it’s not like you could sell it for parts. “I’m not sure what use this vehicle would be to your average car thief.” The pickup is a 1994 " So, why did the guy not have a new truck with all the security junk?
  17. Was the car in a trailer with the truck? whoever it is they might not know what is in there.
  18. Well, if you consider the MKIV a classic then it is, because the same tech, and drivetrain and even the dash and interior were re-used in the MKV. I think that the Lincolns from the 70's will be classics, because of their classic design, heck LCOC already has ones from the 90's! (YUK!)Probably someone said the same thing about cars from the 40's and 50's 40 years ago!
  19. My cars stay in the family whether or not I ever have kids, my sister (who is 11!) will get them if I am gone before tI have kids, I already have written out instructions and told my dad, also, they are not to be turned over until she has a way of supporting herself and is out of college, if something happens to me, that way they wont get sold if she needs money. but, need to update it with the '48. Even though she is not a die hard car person, she understands the sentimental and the important aspects of the family history when it comes to my cars, and she is only 11! When my grandpa died it was just understood that I got the '21 because he and I had worked on it for 10 years and he wanted me to have it and drive it to school! So, my grandma signed it over because she knew of all the hours we worked on it and both of them wanted me to have it.
  20. I know that Michael Corleone and Joey Zaza were there and there was something about a helicopter coming through the glass dome of one of the hotels to get some of the mobsters! JUST KIDDING! That was Godfather pt. III! I had no idea that they had a car show!
  21. That build sheet is from my MKV do you still want to see it?
  22. how often do you drive them (even if they are not daily drivers)?
  23. Be careful and do not put stress on the engine, because, the timing gear can go out, but, if the overdrive is working you should be fine. Mine has a Mercury V-8 and when I have the overdrive off, it confortably goes at 45 or 50, with the overdrive, I have had it at 65-75. I had my 48 towed home because I had not seen it in 16 years (a long story!) and had no idea what had been done or what had not been done to it As for 6 volt systems, they are fine, I drive my 48 cont. every day and my 41 dodge and they do fine in modern traffic. People think I am crazy though! Post some pics.!
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