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Posts posted by johndog1957

  1. Miles, we just SOLD the 1932 Cadillac Seven Passenger Sedan that you sold us in late 2006!   After 15 years of Aof fun, touring, shows, proms, weddings. and a full restoration, "our" 1932 Cadillac is going to a new home in Frederickburg VA.  To fill in the blanks on the history, I actually just talked to Dr. Frank Livolski, the collector who owned it from the early 1980s to about 2001.


    Here are the "for sale" photos!  We did a full restoration in 2013.


    Attached is my final "beauty shot" before loading on the transport yesterday...


    (Hello also to Don Rungren, who is following this thread!)

    2021-05-16 09.05.21.jpg

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  2. I went to the site for more info and found my questions are not answered. Does one have to be a CCCA member to go? Is there an age limit as to the cars allowed to participate; such as none newer than 19xx?

    To make it plain, I suspect that my 1962 Oldsmobile, being only 51 years young, is not welcome?


    Yes, you must be a CCCA member and yes, CCCA events are only open to what the club calls "Full Classics". See more at: Classic Car Club of America ? What is Classic Car?

    If you are not a member already, you should check out AACA. My 1988 convertible just now qualifies for THAT club!


  3. Does anyone have contact with Jerry Washburn? I head he had cancer.

    Fred Rawling fred.rawling@live.com

    Yes, Fred, I connected with Jerry by phone in late August 2012 to have my 32 Cadillac water pump re-engineered. He said at the time that he was 82 and had cancer that slowed him down, but that he was feeling better. I sent him my water pump and a check and a few weeks later he called to say it was complete and he would ship it the next day.

    That is the last I heard. The water pump never arrived and there has been no answer since at his home phone or his shop phone. Overnight letters have been returned to me undelivered or refused. I reached the next door neighbor to his shop and she reports not seeing him there.

    My guess is that unfortunately Jerry is out of commission for good. I expect that someone someday will sort out his shop and I will get my finished water pump back. That could be months or years from now. In the meantime, I have had to buy a replacement from Pete Sanders to get my car back on the road.

    If you are looking for someone else to do the same work that Jerry did, try Tony Coenradi, the Flying Dutchman in Oregon... Home

    Happy motoring!

  4. Hi Marv... I have this exact trunk on my 1932 Cadillac Seven Passenger Sedan and my friend Al Kroemer (former CCCA President) has it on his 1932 Chrysler Imperial Sedan. I have old Cadillac literature that shows this trunk and the fitted luggage. Interestingly, the price list shows that the trunk ALWAYS had a set of luggage (one of five different sets); there was no price for a trunk without luggage!

  5. Paul,

    Actually, our 1932 Cadillac V12 gets about 12 MPG on the highway, thanks in part to the modern carbs!

    We just took it up to Amarillo TX for a Cadillac LaSalle Club tour... You know, if you drive an 80-year old 100,000 mile car down into a canyon at 100 degrees, it may -- since it has a mind of its own -- decide it dosn't want to climb OUT! (Sounds like some Florida retirees I know! <GRIN>) Oh, well, it was time for a new clutch, anyway! We posted pictures at:

    CLC National Tour Amarillo - johnandmike's Photos

    Best to you and Inge! Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

    John and Mike


  6. The complete clutch assembly will not interchange, interchange will, the '30 to '33 clutch drive with the disks, as well as the throw out bearing, Johan

    Hi Johan,

    Am I correct or mistaken that the clutch plates in this era were the same for the 1928-1935 "Twin Disc" or "Two Plate" clutch? I have the same car as Don (he just sold it actually) and I need a replacement cluthc plate as shown below. any guidance for me? Thanks! -- John Sweney, Houston TX


  7. Don, sorry you hit the end of your ropes with the '32... Indeed our "sister" cars are very expensive and time consuming to maintain. I hope you find it a good home.

    We took ours on a recent Cadillac LaSalleClub tour in Amarillo... See tour leader Rubye Musser point out the cow patty, below. See other photos at:

    CLC National Tour Amarillo - johnandmike's Photos

    I suppose it is not a good idea to take an 80 year old car with 100 thousand miles into a canyon in the summer... We almost didn't get out! But then again, some of the later 1960's cars in the tour almost didn't make it either!

    You don't happen to have a spare clutch plate (the spoked one) for the 370ABC series, do you?


    John Sweney


  8. First, thanks to Wayne Graefon and his friend Jeff for all the help with the 1932 Cadillac water pump! The small leak had gone from minor nuisance to major flow, and we would have been stopped in our tracks without help to get new packing!

    Also, I have lots of pictures and video snippets, which i will post later... Here is a TEST of one short clip from Luckenbach!

    <EMBED height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emb29Dcdeag&hl=en_US&fs=1& allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>

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