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Everything posted by DAVES89

  1. I think you should try the blower control module. I replaced mine at the reunion and it seems to work better [or would that be my imagination?]
  2. Jim, [or anyone else for that matter] The Packers will still end up with the best record. I predict 13-3 or better. The Vikings [if they get Favre] will also do well, as they should.They keep grabbing all those Packer castoffs!lol I sure am glad I wore a Packer shirt! It made for quite the conversation starter.
  3. All you have to do is click on steaks name on the far left part of the page that identifies him as a member. It will drop down different info on him, but most important it will drop down posts. Click on that and scan thru his prior posts and click on what you want. This saves going thru the file the hard way. I use this way when I want to see what a particular person has for a car model year as well as any problems/questions/solutions they might have.
  4. Being a member for almost 2 years, this was my first real chance to go to a reunion.[Couldn't go to Washington]. I just want to say that I had a great time and would recomend that if the opportunity presents itself that you go as well. I didn't know anyone prior to getting there[other then posts on this forum]. But I was easily accepted. Thank you for that. There were about 75 Reattas there, of all years, coupes and verts. I was very impressed by the care and appearance of these cars. After a tech forum from the designers of the Reatta we went on a cruise and then toured a Reatta "nuts" warehouse of Reattas [aprox.60 in various state of repairs]. Friday and Sat. I went over to the showground and toured the grounds looking at all the vintage Buicks as well as took in the Buick museum. Very impressive! The Reatta far and away had the most cars there, even more then Rivs. While we were on the grounds I set up shop and sold most of my excess inventory of parts [iPCs,remotes,etc.].As a matter of fact Manikmekanik and I helped fellow Reatta owners rekey their remotes, so even some service work was done. Overall a very good experience and I want to thank everyone for welcoming me into the Reatta experience!
  5. Just this morning I went on Ronnies website. Almost any info that someone is looking for to repair their car is there. If you havn't gone there lately you should.
  6. I am really confused. Steak and now 7654321 are swapping out the Teves. They will have way more [time and parts] then the average cost of both an accumulater and pressure switch [aprox, $200.00] in changing over the brake system. From what I have learned the Teves system only requires that you bleed the fluid out every 2 years and if service is required either or both the pressure switch or accumulater is bad. The pump very seldom goes bad and Jim has those as well. Now with the change over they have lost ABS. Can someone enlighten me?
  7. It is the brown plastic switch located inside the door down towards the very rear bottom of door. It has 2 leads that come off it. Jim Finn has them available. Or you could try any 87-93 Riv out in a u-pick yard they are the same.
  8. DAVES89

    Quick struts???

    I have always used both spring compressors on each spring. DO NOT use just 1 spring compressor on a spring. If it gets away serious damage to you or others may result.
  9. Question above is moot. I got to the u-pull yard and got the replacement cannister. ALL the air lines were dryrottede. They looked good [i could still read the print on the lines]. Everything replaced and the cruise works great!
  10. The servo is directly below the hose that goes from the air filter box to the engine. I replaced my hoses today. They all were all dryrotted. I however broke the fitting that is on the round vaccum cannister. I put a plug in the vaccum tube end that goes to that cannister. The cruise works good. If I have time tomorrow I will get a good one from the bone yard before I leave for Flint. If I don't will I have issues with the cruise?
  11. The code is located in your trunk. I believe it to be on the tire pressboard piece.
  12. Jim is quite a guy... Fair minded in most everything but Packers and Brett Farve. Wouldn't that be a scream if they got him to play for the Vikes?!? The hillbilly from the south leads em to the Super Bowl? I am really looking forward to this season. Sorry to steal this thread, but it was already stolen to compliment Jim, our inventory specialist from Duluth.
  13. DAVES89


    Yes. The first time I did it I removed the glove box[it was a car at the u-pick yard]. I boughtthe ECM for the eprom. As a had a difficult time doing it at the yard, I asked my mechanic friend to replace it. He took off the trim under the dash, peeled back the carpet, removed 1 maybe 2 nuts. He then slid the unit out a couple of inches and unplugged the unit. Then the unit came out the rest of the way.
  14. I am going for 2 reasons. 1] It is the 100 anniversary of GM 2] Gas is expensive now? Wait for years to come. This year will look like a bargain, ga$ wise.
  15. Congrats on gettin it fixed! I echo the patience part. The question in back of my mind is did you forgive the debt? And then I wonder if he charged you storage. That should almost be a first repair on cars with either hard start/first start or won't start. Those coils are 20 years old and should be upgraded to the delco.
  16. We could steal this thread for awhile and do Tennessee/redneck jokes? For instance... I went to my family reunion to find a new wife. or The inventor of the toothbrush is from Tenneesse, if he was from anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush. But seriously, I think some of the most beautiful places in the country can be found in Tn.
  17. We could steal this thread for awhile and do Tennessee/redneck jokes? For instance... I went to my family reunion to find a new wife. or The inventor of the toothbrush is from Tenneesse, if he was from anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush. But seriously, I think some of the most beautiful places in the country can be found in Te.
  18. Looks like the deal fell thru. We are past the 7/1 deadline for Reattamanz retiring. [Lucky him, I think?] Too many things had to line up in too short a time.
  19. I will bring IPC's both styles.
  20. I think there are 2 conversations going here. D.K.Watson is talking of soldering in the G.M. plant, and everyone else is talking about buying an aftermarket. I would expect that there would be soldering at the plant because one tank can be used on numerous cars with just a change in the filler neck. I would also expect an aftermarket tank to be ready for installation with the appropiate filler neck already soldered in place.
  21. DAVES89

    Salvage yards

    I think those are what my brother used to call "Wolfs Row" cars. They were trade ins that weren't worth reselling because if the safty check found anything wrong, it would be too costly for repairs, then adding the cost of adding to inventory, and paying of salesman commissions, just not enough left for profit. So off to the salvage yard it goes. Our local u-pick yard pays dealer $300.00, puts car out in yard for about 6 months. Car gets picked over, making yard between $500 to $1500, aluminum wheels scapped at $30.00 ea. And then off to the crusher.
  22. DAVES89

    Salvage yards

    I agree with the importance of grabbing anything that works in a Reatta. I go to u-pick yards all the time. I take a portable battery jumper and check the IPC's and CRT's. I have 3 IPC's for sale. I had two great CRT's but sold one. I always keep a spare on hand.
  23. I agree with F14. Nowhere on this forum have I read of blown head gaskets. Valve cover,intake manifold,oil pan and transmision pan gaskets yes. But never the head gaskets[ big bucks]...
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