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Everything posted by D-a-n-i-e-l

  1. Vince you can just replace the radio brain or repair the capacitors in the original radio brain. The brains ar plentiful. So if you are not too worried about keeping the original it is much faster and easier to replace the brain.
  2. I would check for intake leaks. One way I have done this is by spraying staring fluid along the intake gasket area, insuring not to spray the air intake. If the engine revs it is from the engine sucking in the starting fluid.
  3. I think it was a bad day for him. Kind of like my last two. All you can do is keep your head up, return the wrong parts, and have the mount re-welded. Well that was my couple days. He may have had something like that.
  4. I posted that so you would know that yo can see real time info through your TCC. This also shows you hawo to clear all codes in the ECM, BCM, and TCC. This allowing you and us to diagnose any issues that are happening in the present. The bad part about history codes is we do not know how long ago they set. It could have been 2 years or two seconds.
  5. I am in for one even at $40, and it is not like we have any other source for these parts.
  6. Also go here. It will help you understand all yoiu can do with your touch screen. It is quite impressive, kind of like having the factory diagnostic tool in your pocket, without the buldge. http://reatta.net/diagnostics/diag_88.pdf
  7. I cant buy all of them, but I am in for one or two if some one can.
  8. I am still going to do this, but due to time constraints and lack of the proper flairing tool I will be putting it off until September or October.
  9. Greg I may have to tke you up on that offer. Also I am going to have to talk with you later about a 5 speed conversion, but that is a long time from now. As for this project. I have the trany in and am working on the wiring. As I stated earlier, the passenger side axle can be gotten off a 91' Reatta or a few other cars. I was going to buy the 91 trany mount from Jim, but I am on a short schedule for this swap. So I overpaid a local welding shop to cut and weld the original mount. Needless to say after that robbery I will not be using them again, and the wife is closer to letting me buy my own welder. I will be posting the reqired wiring to run the 4t60e, but I will be doing it as what wires, by name, not color. As I am finding that the HD vertion of the trany has a different color code than the normal 4t60e. Also there is differences from year to year and modle to modle of GM cars.
  10. It is gone, not that I am surprised.
  11. Just one thing on the E-85. If it was given an octan rating it would be around 106. If you know about octane rating and how they react to your car this sould tell you what is already being stated here. Your milage will be lower than gas. The only good thing about E-85 is it allows for a much higher compression ratio engine. Thus enabling a more efficent engine. As stated earlier stated, use of E-85 and mass produced biodiesel will lead to food and crop shortages. Just one other fact, if all our crop were put tward fuel it would only power less than one percent of the vehicles on the road. Ethenol being added to gas has been hoppening for years, especially to the higher octan fuels. I would guess that the stations are advertising it now to appear more enviormently friendly.
  12. Realy sounds like a dead or very weak battery. The buzzing is most like the fuel pump and tthe clicking says that the brake pump relay is kicking on and off do to the load of the brake pump. Try to jump it and if that works get a new battery.
  13. I do not have the grand right now. All my money is going to this house, to get it ready to sell. If I had the money I would have bought it on the spot.
  14. http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/car/710795773.html It could use a paint job and some engine cleaning, but the car is well worth the price pluss more.
  15. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gr8scott</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I can live without it, but DW wants music of her choice. Everything I read about repairing Reatta cassette players is scary, so is any other cassette player, like a Riv or Allante compatible enough to work in an '89? </div></div> To answer your question, yes. The 88-89 Riv will fit, with no modification. Also I there was a 86' and I know there was an 87' Riv that used a very simular caset player. To use one of these players you would also have to use the bessel that came from them. They have the play, stop, ffw, ect buttons on the side of the tape player. This means that these buttons will not show up on the TCC.
  16. Sory for the brain fart here. The 91 already cam with the 4t60e. SO this swap should be very easy. if you can fint the whole trany mount for the 91 Reatta. The axle is pretty common in Cadillacs.
  17. I did talk with the Trany shop. They were willing to add some clutches ect. to the 440t4, but realy did not want to say yes or no about a hybrid. They are a good shop, but wanted to pull the black magic trany act when I realy got into the hybrid topic. After the swap is done I will be pulling the stock trany apart to get an indepth understanding of it, and will most likely take a shot at rebuilding it myself. As far as being on when I am in school, I am not sure. Althoug most of the hotels I have stayed in do have the net, so I should be around. I am having some trouble with the axle. No one I have talked with around here will shorten the axle. Also I have been unable to find a GM axle to take its place. The issue comes down to Gm switching to a ABS hub instead of a ABS axle. I could update the hubs, if I cannot find a way to shorten the axle. It is amazing,back in small town Idaho I could get it done in a matter of minutes, here in the Seattle/Olympia area, evey one says go to Portland. I just do not get it.
  18. I contacted the guy, he has a shop there and want $3,500 to build one and a guy on the 60 deg V6 forum said he is very slow. I did a lot of research on doing it and found that it really is not feasable. You would be better off having a good trany shop beef up the 440t4. Mine would have done it for $1,500 +/- a bit. The reasons I am going with the 4t60e are: I got it for $65 it is a fresh goodwrench rebuild (maybe 18-24 months old) the PCM was $12 and I am on a tight schedule to get this done and drivable before I have to leave for school.
  19. One other thing I am going to work on is a brake upgrade using the ABS (without traction control) sytem and master cylinder out of a 98-02 Camarro/Firebird. I am not sure I will be able to do the upgrade but with the drive train out I think now is the best time to try this. There are a couple reasons for picking this set up. One it has three brake outputs. Two I already am using the Camarro frount brakes. Three the setup has an automatic porpotioning valve. I am also using the powerbooster out of a 90 Cadillac Eldarodo The issues I may run into. 1. ABS may not work due to lack of communication with a CAN bus 2. ABS light may not be able to be used. (I think I have already over come this) 3. The set up only uses three wheel sensor inputs. (It may have provitions for a fourth but I am not sure yet) If there is not a fourth input I will do the upgrade with a cadillac modle of the boch 5.3 ABS, but this means running an other line. If any one has input on this or knows about the GM class 2 bus let me know.
  20. OK to start off I do not know if this is going to be a complete write up, but I will try. I already swapped in the series one superchared engine and well, my 130k trany has desided to let go. I have been doing a little research and do not think that this swap will be too difficult. I honestly think that the hardest part of the swap is going to be the axle conversion. If I have to do it. The Reatta passenger side axel is about 1.5" longer than it needs to be. I am hoping that a axle from the park ave ultra will swap in and match up with the splines and abs wheel. If not I will be making my own hybrid axle. Ok I am swaping in a 4t60e, and I believ it is the HD version. I am also using the computer (PCM) from the Park. There are many computers you could use for the swap, personally I woulgrab what ever one you get the trany from. There are a couple I am not sure of. One major is how the speedo will work with the new trany. I do not know if it will be on or if the stock computer will have to be reprogramed to be calibrated to the trany final drive ratio. Thankfuly I am still tuning the whole thing with Ryan, fro GMtuners. Next thing I am unsure of is the trany mounts. I have already pull my drive train and started the mock up for this. I grabbed all the mounts that touched thr new trany when I pulled it. Which was a good thing. The motor to trany mount is diffrent, do to a differance in trany length. The Reatta main trany mount mounted to the trany with only one issue. One of the trany mount legs on to does not have any where to bolt to. I am not going to wory about the missing mount hole. The Reatta mount is very robust and I realy do not think it will be an issue. The Real issue with the mounts will be the passenger side trany mount. The Reatta mount will not work, it sits about 1.5" away from the original holes. I think I can make the Park ave mount work with the use of a aftermarket mount from Autozone. I will find out tomarrow. If it does not I will have to have one made, which should not cost more than $50 at a decent weld/machine shop. \ The wiring for this swap should not bee too hard and I will post what wire I used and how they were connected. I am doing a write up on this, because I think it makes a valid replacement for any one who has a trany go bad. The 4t60e is a much stronger trany and a major over kill for the stock Reatta engine. This mean a much longer trany life for those of you who plan on keeping there Reatta for a while.
  21. Thanks great info Padgett. I looked on there and they have the 93' park ave ECM (16141470) listed also, but no info.
  22. Thanks Ronnie. Was that in the FSM? because if it was I completely missed it.
  23. Does anyone have a pinout/wire diagram for the 89' ECM. If I have to I will spend the hours tracking it down through the service manual, and if you have used the service manual diagram you already know that the diagrams are not great for specific pinouts. Although they are great for normal trouble shooting. Also I need a pinout for the ECM/PCM of a 93' Park Ave Ultra with the green connector. Not the orange.
  24. I know of a place that would do it, but I am not sure of the price. I will check on it this week. Also I am attempting to swap out the ECM for a 93' PCM to run a electronic trany. I do need the pinout/digram of the ECM connection, anyone have one? I really do not want to spend the hours tracking it down through the service maual. By the way it is for the 89' Reatta.
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