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Everything posted by Clipper47

  1. Wes, You would trade your Packard for an SUV of any origin? I could see you trading for another Packard but not one of those godawful ugly boxes!!
  2. Randall, Just keep driving the old cars like I do. While the Hummer, Excursion and Escalade crowd keeping driving their gas guzzling non desript junk I'll drive my Packard with pride as you should with your Cadillac.
  3. I remember back in 1963 when I began working in the James Bay area and gas was $1.00 an Imperial gallon. Gas back home was about 30 cents a gallon at the time. I paid $1.09CDN a litre yesterday which is about $3.73US dollars per US gallon.
  4. Joey, I also bought my first (and only) Cadillac when I was 22. It was a 1947 75 Imperial Limousine. I paid $300 for it. Keep up the good work restoring your piece of history. Don't get discouraged as at times you will. The reward will be the satisfaction and pride when you finish the project and get the admiring smiles and thumbs up from passersby as you drive proudly down the road.
  5. Clipper47

    I love my Packard

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I assume that JATO looking thing on the side is an evaporative cooler. Do those things actually work or is the benefit mainly pshchological? </div></div> One of the Catalinas I flew had the mounts for a JATO but I never saw a complete unit before. Thanks for the photo! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. The Goddess hood ornament arrived in yesterdays mail and I am not disappointed. After I polished off the grime it looked so good I put it on the car and it looks great. It will need a replating for show but at 80 mph who can tell the difference? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I still wonder why I got it so cheap compared to what they usually sell for?
  7. Clipper47

    I love my Packard

    Twitch,It's a beautiful Packard you have.
  8. Thanks for all the advice. The lettering is not raised very much and by lettering I mean the tire makers name : "Toyo". I suspect that sanding with 180 grit sandpaper and then finer paper will do the trick but I don't want to spend the money buying the tires and find out that it can't be done. Somehow "Toyo" doesn't look right on a slightly postwar Packard. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. Susan, You are welcome. If I had posted these to the old Misc. Forum I am sure that some would get very political with comments. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. I have found a set of 700-15 radial tires which will fit my Packard. Problem is that both sides of the tire have large raised letters of the manufacturer. Has anyone found a way to safely remove the letters (sandpaper etc.)without damaging the tire?
  11. Clipper47

    I love my Packard

    I had mine out as well yesterday. The bias ply tires thumped for a few minutes and then all went smootly. Great to be back behind the wheel of such a wonderful machine isn't it?
  12. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I wonder what EL-President Fidel Castro & and his henchmen drive??? Perhapps another Revolution is overdue??? Might happen very soon! </div></div> I think I saw him once near Revolution Square riding in a 1947 Packard. If so he does have an impeccably good taste in cars! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  13. Havana waterfront. Nice 57 Chev and even an old Morris Minor survived the years.
  14. Old Havana with old Dodge and Chevrolet. Many of the old cars are used as tourist taxis now rather than out of necessity since new European and Asian cars are being imported in considerable numbers.
  15. Susan, Here is a Cuban bus. No A/C and appears Iron Curtain era but bus service is quite good considering and the buses are always full. Government employees driving government vehicles are required to pick up anyone waiting for a ride at the side of the road if there are vacant seats in the car. People wearing green coloured jackets stand by the road and flag down cars to assist other people to get rides. Everyone with a car is expected to give others rides so cars are usually always full of people. Crime is very low so picking up hitchhikers is not a big risk. Cops ride old Soviet bloc motorcycles and Lada cars.
  16. I've been to Cuba recently also and it is amazing to see all the old cars on the road. A young fellow who worked at the resort I was staying at drove a 49 Ford to work everday. I asked to look at it and he proudly showed me the engine which was a 4 cylinder Lada engine with a 4 speed manual trans. He had a few chrome add ons as well that he managed to purchase. Many old 40's and 50's cars are used as taxis in Havana for tourists. I even saw a '47 Packard Super like mine but by the time I got to where it was parked he had left. I can post a few pictures if anyone is interested. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  17. Now I am worried! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Yesterday I "sniped" a 1947 Goddess of Speed hood ornament on Ebay for $51 which I thought was a bargain and wondered why there were only 2 bids. Tonight I see another one which appears to be slightly better go for $139 with 13 bids. Did everyone else see or know something I didn't? I guess I'll just have to see what arrives in the box in a couple of weeks. I sure hope I got a deal but maybe........not? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
  18. Thanks fellows, I have pretty much decided that is what I will be buying.
  19. I am looking for opinions on Lester tires. I know that they are bias ply and I am not looking for an opinion about bias vs. radial tires just opinions or experiences bad or good about this brand. PM me if you don't want to write any negative comments. Thanks.
  20. I am looking for opinions on Lester tires. I know that they are bias ply and I am not looking for an opinion about bias vs. radial tires just opinions or experiences bad or good about this brand and comparisons with similar tires (Coker etc.). PM me if you don't want to write any negative comments. Thanks.
  21. I once drove 900 miles non stop to buy a '29 Packard based on a bunch of photos. Boy was that car a clunker but looked great in the pix. Honestly I think the seller believed he had done a good resto job but I guess he never heard a Packard running because his sounded like every rod and main bearing was loose. Better to lose sleep and drive the distance though than have it shipped sight unseen and find out then what you bought. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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