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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. We own an '84 gas Westfalia camper and my personal taste is original, original, original. As said earlier in this discussion, customizations are to an owners preference so I would not bother to do anything. Super clean it and polish it and then sell it. As for coming to the US to sell, the diesels were not that well received because they were considered underpowered and basically could not get out of their own way. I have heard of a number of them being switched to gas or even Subaru engines to get more power and reliability. Campers have the real value and the people haulers not so much. Just my thoughts and we have owned our bus for about 35 years.
  2. George passed a few years ago and the business is closed. If you want a hub puller made, contact Dave Brennen on this site. He does a great job. He is at https://forums.aaca.org/profile/87870-dandy-dave/
  3. My first guess would be silicone contamination, not outgassing.
  4. They are fairly plentiful. I have one or two out in the garage somewhere when I bought a box of wrenches.
  5. I would say manual thermostat for summer/winter change over.
  6. I will be at the HCCA tent at 10:00 on Wednesday with the rest of the Brass Buick group.
  7. It is all about the money! If you want to talk about safety, safety is about #879 on the list of 1,000 items with money being #1.
  8. The axle is still available. Let me know if you are interested.
  9. Short answer, yes along with the diameter of the pipes/hoses. More 90deg turns, smaller diameter pipe/hoses the less available air at the nozzle compared to the air pressure at the compressor.
  10. There are some good shops in the US, but that might be a shipping issue for you. How far are you willing to take/ship the engine? I live in Michigan and take my antique engine work to a shop in Ohio. Also the good shops have long wait lists and up to one year time is more often the time frame. As for not Barrett Jackson price, you can generally estimate the price to be at least US$1,000.00/ cylinder. Might be less or more depending on the condition of the engine.
  11. Yes it is. My daughter thought of bringing him because people kept asking her if she/husband were the original owner.
  12. Are you sure that it is not South American? Some of those vehicles are fairly ornate.
  13. That is the reason that a newer coolant should be used. Modern coolants are designed to protect all of the different metals in a modern engine from corroding or acting like a battery and dissolving. That is what I use in all of my old cars. If your are foaming, there is mechanical issue with the engine. IMO
  14. Three years ago before the current Washington policies, the cheap oil that I use in my old cars from Sam's Club was $19.95/12 quart case. It is now $38.95. What is there to discuss? The price of everything is up and not limited to zinc added oils.
  15. I would argue that a lot of the lack of interest in the old cars has come from our generation and our cars telling the younger generation to "look but don't touch" message that we have been sending to the next generation for years. When they have heard that message for years, individuals move on to other interests. I for one have been on the other side of the ledger and with our offspring let them drive anything they want. One day I came home and our 1915 Buick truck was not in the garage, but our sons car was home. A little time later he comes rolling into the drive with one of his girlfriends that he had taken on a ride. He was 16 years old. In my world, no problem. Put a smile on his face, the girlfriends face and my face too. My younger daughter and her husband now tour with us and have been on a couple of tours and they are in their early 30's. Here they are on a tour with us. Picture from the Buick Bugle.
  16. Best thing is driving the cars. We just came back from a one week tour that we put 450 miles on our 1913 Buick touring car. It was a lot more fun than going to some amusement park or other activity. That is the way we cash out the "value" from the purchase price and upkeep of our vehicles. We have seven tours scheduled this summer to make those fun withdrawals. We usually put between 1,500-2,000 miles on this car each year. How much "value" is that worth?
  17. Well, ended up the week on the tour driving 450 miles for the week. Also that was with ZERO issues. Purred along at about 30-35MPH, except when going down hills and sometimes hit about 40 but that was OK in preparation for going up the side of the next hill.
  18. The least expensive oil today is better than the best oil "in the day". edinmass here on this forum has said that todays oils are probably three times better than the in the day oil. Use what ever you want and it will be fine.
  19. No pictures today, but about 140 miles added on the clock. At least it was dry with no rain.
  20. Up until the 80's +- I believe the labor amount was a 50/50 split between the dealer and the technician.
  21. We went out on a 125 mile drive today with some friends. Good drive not for the faint of heart.
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