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Mickey McChesney

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Posts posted by Mickey McChesney

  1. For sale: 12 reprints of the Chevrolet Service Newleter for 1932. Covers months Jan-Dec 1932 These are 1979 reprints by I&I. These newsleters were what we call service bulletins and provide info and updates to the dealers. ($75) Reprints of 1932 Chevrolet Repair Manual ; condensed size for carrying in the automobile ($15)

    Reprint of 1932 Chevrolet Accessory Catalogue $10. Reprint of the Chevrolet ad brochure "New Chevrolet Six" $10. All prices plus postage.

    Package Deal All for $100 plus postage.

    contact mick32chevy@cox.net





  2. Anybody have experience (positive or negitive) with the installation and maintainability of the solid state replacement ignition systems now available? I am considering replaceing the breaker points etc. on my '68 Olds 455 Delta 88. Saw a system advertised in JWO that interested me. Is the hotter coil a good recomendation that is worthy of consideration?



  3. The first tool I bought (Dad didn't have one) was a 1/2 inch drive wratchet that I still have and is in my "travel box" Bought it in 1956 to work on my first car a '46 Ford coupe. Wish I still had that car; good memories dating the wife and racing on country roads.

  4. I agree; The '37 PT-50 is a real head turner. I did a body-off restoration on one about 9 years ago. I'm Chevy guy but I hated to turn that Plymouth over to it's owner. The truck had'58 Plymouth six and had been converted to 12v. Found an original '37 truck motor and every thing needed to restore to orig (that's what the owner wanted). Hemmings, Hershey, Plymouth Club all good assets. Didn't do much with internet then, but sure would today. Good luck with the project, it will be worth it!


  5. Is anyone reproducing the spiral shocks for the "big" Olds cars. I know the Tri Five Chevys and Chevelle type cars have shocks available but I would like to keep my '68 Delta 88 original if I can. The old shocks are a bit mushy even with only 24K miles on them. I guess they are 40 years old.

    Appreciate any help.


  6. I want to thank Don Reid and all of the Queen City Region for hosting a wonderful Meet. It was obvious that a lot of planning and prep went into this past weekend event. The host hotel was wonderful and the hotel staff could not have been better. Friday night was unbelievable and the show setting will never be surpassed. I never want to do a parking lot show again!!! Don, contrats on a job well done!

    Mickey McChesney

    Past Pres.

    Tidewater Region, VA

  7. Might be a little sticker shock, ($3.39 vs $3.51) but do the math. For me it is about 350 miles to Cumberland. I avg. 15mpg with my Olds or about 23 gal one way. At 3.39/gal that is approx $79; at $3.51/gal that is about $82, $3 one way, or a total of $6 round trip. Is $6 going to stop me from attending a show, I don't think so!!!


    I have restored two '32 Chevy's; a Sport Coupe and a Coach. Both cars are Deluxe versions with sidemounts. Both cars are Grand National Senior cars and the Sport Coupe is the 2005 Louis Chevrolet Award Winner. While the '32 Chevy may be more appropriate with blackwalls, I choose Coker Firestone whitewalls BECAUSE it looks better and makes ME happy. The Coach was done in 1996 and the tires still clean up very well even after 3 Glidden Tours. There is no yellowing and the tires look great on the car.



  9. ex98thdrill

    The 2006 Spring Meet, held in Virginia Beach, was on grass! The selection of a site was very difficult; trailer parking, sufficient space for swap meet and of course show car parking was at the top of or list. We lucked out! we gained access to a VA National Guard base which provided everything. Our show field was the drill field which provided excellent hardpacked turf and excellent drainage if it happened to rain. Good luck in your planning and if we in Tidewater can be of assistance don't hesitate to call.


  10. I have used Royal Silver Mfg. in Norfolk, VA for all of my work; including two '32 Chevy radiator shells. Very happy with their work. One shell had two radius cracks which they fixed. Let them know what you expect as a finished product, they will do show quality work.


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