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Mickey McChesney

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Posts posted by Mickey McChesney

  1. Currently looking, on line, at a couple of 1940, 90 Series Olds sedans.  One is in Flushing, MI at Sovereign Auto Group; it is a 2 tone blue. The other car is at Connors Motors Co in West Chester, PA; it is a black sedan. Obviously, these cars have been around a while and I was hoping someone on the forum may have some info on these cars.

  2. Answers to the above questions:

    Several food vendors will be available at the show field on Sat. Visiting your cars prior to show day is not a issue, your trailer is available to you.

    We will be able to accommodate all trailers at the museum


  3. I'll try to answer several questions in this response. Yes, we are planning a shuttle from the hotel to the museum with a stop at the trailer parking. Not locked in stone as to the schedule as of yet. A map is planned as part of the trifold, registration opening is controlled by AACA Headquarters.

    I know you folks have a lot of questions, but we are still working on activities and logistics, so as time passes we will get the info out to you.



  4. Mitch,

    I will attempt to answer your questions: The Judges Breakfast, show, banquet and awards will be held at the airfield. The trailer parking will be split, with brass car parking at the airfield location and others at a location approx. 3-4 miles away. We anticipate 400-500 cars with approx. 350 trailers. The museum/airfield is in the rural area of Virginia Beach approx. 14 miles from the hotel area at the beach. Flea market not historically large, but we expect a large influx from the public to see the cars and the aircraft as a bundle. Hope to see you there, it will be fun!


  5. Real good driver. Motor runs well, oil pres. at idle is 15lbs. cruise pres. 30lbs. New radiator, shocks rebuilt, 5 new tires, new fuel pump, gas tank treated and sealed. Older interior but still presentable. Body solid but needs paint (20 footer). asking $18,000. Call Mickey at 757-770-7196.




  6. Good driver, motor runs well; oil pressure at idle is 15lbs, at cruise is 30lbs. Five new tires, rebuilt shocks, new fuel pump and radiator. All gauges rebuilt and have new faces (even the clock). Solid body but needs paint (a 20 footer). Older interior redone several years ago. Asking $18,000: Phone: 757-770-7196

    Contact: Mickey McChesney

    Virginia Beach, VA




  7. A GOOD IDEA! The idea of splitting the judging team to accomodate Preservation cars with a separate team is a good idea, and would have been really demonstrated as such if the weather had not masked the results. Our team had far more preservation cars than point judged cars even with the low turnout. If the single team had to judge all cars it would not have been fun.

    Suggestion: Have the Asst. Capt. function as coordinator for the Preservation team and let them do their thing. It slows thing down when the overall Team Capt still has to monitor and coordinate the effort. The Asst. can tabulate the Pres. teams paperwork and provide to the Capt at the completion.

    Also, liked the idea of moving rapidly to hand out judging chips and cars at the completion (hate sitting around to get paid)


  8. FYI, I used Reliable Carriers for my transport. Went with them based on prior poor experience with an independent broker. Car was delivered in very good condition and at my front door. If they are good enough for Barrett Jackson, they are good enough for me.


  9. Just wanted to let you all know I'm the " next door neighbor" who supplied the block and head. Christian came to me with the idea and I had the engine from an old project. The vision was all his! Makes me glad that we have young people that have the love for cars and the history of them. They are the future of AACA and we should all encourage any interest in the hobby. I've seen V-8 motors done but this is the first '32 Chevy Six Cyl. Coffee Table I've ever seen; I love it!


  10. Been watching this thread for the past couple of days. Some interesting perspectives on HPOF and HPOF Original. My input pertains to paint. How much repaint would an HPOF Judge allow on a car to not qualify as HPOF or better yet HPOF Original. over the past couple of years I have seen full repaints on both catagories qualify. I don't agree,

    but that's just me. I am an advocate of original cars and really enjoy them. Currently have 2 HPOF Original cars. (neither has been repainted)

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