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Everything posted by ericmac

  1. Agreed. Glad you are on the mend. Restoration of the vehicle often leads to restoration of the soul.
  2. That's a 10K car at most in my book.i do like it though.
  3. When the Southwest Michigan region hosted their first and (so far) only meet it was announced that Pinky would be the head judge. Being relatively new to the hobby, the group and AACA, my response was "Pinky who?" By the time we wrapped up the meet I had absolutely no doubt of who he was and that we were among one of the greats in the hobby. Pinky will be sorely missed.
  4. I think it is a '29. I too have limited knowledge about these cars but I don't think the '28s had outside door handles. That may have only been the Phaeton bodystyle. A Model A expert would know. Neat photo and great car there.
  5. I agree about the "one and sour" sentiment. In my case it happened to be a Toyota Corolla SR5. My cousin bought one new and raved about the car. I liked the looks of them and bought one for myself. At the time I was commuting 100 miles per day and the Toyota had the most uncomfortable seats I have ever experienced. Inside of six months I traded the car off and have never once considered buying another Toyota. I replaced it with a Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe with Recaro seats and have been a US car buyer ever since...with the exception of a couple Mazda Miatas...but that's a whole different ballgame.
  6. Joe, I like this topic and the inherent positivity that it is likely to generate. We all need more of that. I have had a lot of great experiences along the way and it's a little hard to narrow them down to just one. While the chance to let children sit in the cars is the best (if a child is near the car, I always let them sit in it and take a photo), some of the best times have involved episodes of mechanical challenges, or just foolish things on my part. I was driving my '26 Ford to a friend's house and remembered that I neglected to check the gas before leaving home. Almost on cue the car began to misfire and was out of gas. I got out to push the car to the side of the road and hoof it to my buddy's house (walk of shame). At that moment man came by on a garden tractor. He asked if I needed help so I explained my situation. Within two minutes he was back with a 5 gallon can of gas and told me to put all of it in the car. When I was done, he asked if he could take a picture of the car. Then he refused to accept any money for the gas explaining that it was worth it to him just to be allowed to see the car up close. I have many more stories of the happiness my cars bring to others. Again, great thread Joe. Eric
  7. I think Joe is on the right track, not just for Matt's car, but for all of our cars. I like to drive my cars to mundane places like the bank drive through or the grocery store. Invariably I have people stopping and gawking. My favorite stop was at a grocery store. A man was with his son, who was clearly mesmerized by the sight of a 108 year old car. I asked if the little boy would like to sir behind the wheel. We all know the answer. Next, I encouraged his dad to take a picture. I think I created a car guy right there. And that's what it's all about for me. I wish Matt and everyone on this forum similar good times.
  8. I used to own one of these in similar condition. They don't "handle" well as previously noted but probably had the most comfortable seats of any car I've owned other than a Peugeot. If I wasn't looking at something else I'd be very tempted indeed.
  9. Looking at his other postings that George pointed out, I would say the barometer he's using to measure the project car market may be giving him a faulty reading. That being said, for 5-7k I would love to park this one next to my '37 Cadillac.
  10. I am delighted to see that this car wound up with a member of this forum. Congrats!
  11. Looking beyond this Olds I see at least five other cars in the building that look somewhat interesting. It might be worth the trip just to get a look around.
  12. Personally, I don't see a lot on this car I don't like other than a couple bolt ons that could be addressedin under 20 minutes. I admit to being someone who doesn't mind brown on a car and that interior looks quite nice. Price? Well, that's always negotiable.
  13. Great minds think alike John. Too bad about the sealed beam headlamps. As for price...I think he is easily 15k too high. If it was running and driving well, and on new rubber...Oh! and cleaned, it might fetch more but as a completely unknown project there just are too many what ifs at his asking price.
  14. I've owned 12 of these over the years and have photographed hundreds of them. After a while you get to know them. I've said publicly that I would never own another then I find myself looking at them again. In my opinion the best years were '63 and '65, though I know some really like '64. I like them except (again in my view) the '64 grill is ugly. I'd replace it with a '62 grill and have a incorrect, but pretty car. These are great cars to drive and the styling is great (other than that '64 grill). So long as nobody incompetent has messed with the car they can be quite reliable. But...start hacking on them and you'll have a real problem.
  15. I'll say. Nice car. I do notice a few things. It clearly has the wrong size wheels, hubcaps, likely 15" which was a common change along with the 64-68 era hubcaps. Also one could get the car with woodgrain trim for the steering wheel, shifter, knobs, etc, but the there would be matching walnut trim on the glove box and inset door trim instead of the stainless. The steering column for a black and white trimmed car would have been black, not honey beige. So...methinks the interior came in honey beige, maybe gold rayon/leather bolsters, instead of the more attractive black and white. And...on this car, the black and white has been flip-flopped as the bolsters and trim should have been white with black seating surfaces. A very attractive car, it would struggle in point judging without a significat infusion of cash but would be a magnificent road car.
  16. I've always liked green but have grown to dislike whitewalls. This car on the other hand looks fabulous with both.
  17. FINALLY I am invited to the society of the Secret Handshake! I never thought this day would come! Car snob? Me? Guilty as charged.
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