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Everything posted by Rooster

  1. Rooster

    rod bearings

    Mark, I think it was around 1950 or thereabouts. Stuart, AKA 50Jetback will confirm for you.
  2. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I am almost sure these parts are off at least a Buick of some year.
  3. Nothing pulls out Adam. The only thing that moves is the air flow direction knob.
  4. That's what I'm thinking also.
  5. OK I have this part also that came along with the chrome piece. Anyone recognize it as Buick ? Looks like it forms part of the air system.
  6. No casting numbers on it. It seems like it may not even be Buick at all. I got it with a bunch of other Buick stuff so thought it might be.
  7. It's got 4 mounting points on the underside. Maybe it's not '59 but another year ?
  8. Rooster

    1960 Invicta

    Certainly the old Invicta will be able to cope. Mostly it will depend on the depth of your pockets for filling up the fuel tank. Is the car running OK now ? You're right, there will not be many parts floating around for 1960 Buicks. But you should be able to source most parts from the USA. Unfortunately that's the price we pay (no pun intended ) for owning an old Buick here in Australia. Shipping is expensive from USA, plus there is no surface mail anymore. :mad: Don't be dismayed however ---- go for it. 1960 Buicks are cool. Show us some pictures of it.
  9. I have this chrome piece from what I believe is a 1959 model. Any ideas of what it is and where it goes ?
  10. Do you mean bleach or washing powder ? Washing powder is mild caustic soda based ( Sodium Hydroxide ) which is what you find in the generic radiator cleaner / flush you buy from the auto parts store.
  11. I agree with Willie. First check that the radiator was properly worked on. Tanks taken off and core rodded out.
  12. Rob McDonald did offer you a grill for the cost of shipping last year --------- :cool: I reckon I'd take up that offer if it's still available.
  13. That looks like a good deal. :cool: Well worth a 6 pack I reckon.
  14. Now there's a idea :cool: Drive across the Nullabor Plain in a 1934 with overdrive auto.
  15. I always thought modern engines these days were fully sealed and have a closed circuit where the crankcase is actually under negative pressure ? This also helps in combating oil leaks. Correct me if I'm wrong. So why wouldn't the older engines benefit from the same set up ?
  16. I've been to his website. Looks like he is on selling the Bendtsens kit. At the moment I thought of trying my luck at sourcing a used one if there is such an animal in existence. By the time I buy new, add shipping , red tape and more $$ to Govt. grabbers it will turn out to be an expensive bit of gear. :eek:
  17. Yep, no problem. My current project attached. A cut up 34 sedan from years ago now rebuilding into a pickup. Got a Nailhead engine to slot in with ( hopefully ) a Chev T700r4 auto.
  18. Nailhead engine 57 - 63 to Chev auto transmission adaptor kit. Got one of these laying around not going to be used ? I know it's along shot but ----------- You never know. I believe Bendtsens kit is the one to get, although I have heard of a make called EELCO.
  19. Lamar when I first saw the thread post First Born --- I thought you were a Grand Daddy !!
  20. If your Dynaflow is like my '54 , there is 1 bellhousing mounting bolt behind the torque converter that threads directly into the oil filled case of the main section. Did you know about that and did you put thread sealant on that 1 bolt ?
  21. David ---- excellent information, thanks. I'm looking to do this conversion. Did you happen to take any pictures during the process ?
  22. Yep. 1929 has 20" rims. The only year for Buick. You could bend / hammer it back into shape with some heat ( take tyre and tube off ) Hard to say if there will be success , depends on where and how the rim is buckled.
  23. Are 7" rims standard on 1955 Brian ? If using non factory rims rims you will have to check rim backspace so the front tyres don't rub on the steering.
  24. 2-3 years eh Mr. Earl. I managed to squeeze 7 years out of Irene's heart starter, but alas it let me down a few weeks ago and I had to sheepishly borrow a set of jumper cables off Stuart ( aka 50Jetback ) to get her going. Those batteries are almost impossible to get here, the closest I could find was going to cost close to $400. So I went for an Optima AGM battery. Not the correct size , but I made it fit sort of nice and it should last many years. And yes always keep a smart trickle charger connected.
  25. Tony , do you realize this thread is over 12 years old !
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