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Everything posted by alsfarms

  1. Hello Al. Thanks for the posting of this early 48. Yes, I did build a place for all 6 cylinders both 48 and 38 to chat. Look under the main heading of "Locomobile". I have a Locomobile Steam, Locomobile 4 cylinder, Locomobile 38 and 48, and Locomobile - Riker trucks gathering places. I also have parts for sale and parts wanted chat forums. It is my hope that from these common chat areas that Locomobile owners can unit, in some form, for our common good and preservation of history, literature and of course our Locomobile automobiles. This is not an attempt to take away from the last of the Locomobiles that came about as a result of the "Billy Durant" era and the Durant Club,, but to give a home and gathering place for the the early Locomobiles. Al
  2. Tim, Thanks for the response. I will check with your source. Al
  3. Al, I agree, it would be good for preservation of the history of as many cars as could be located. That history is one aspect of a Locomobile Society. Another aspect would be compiling information and literature that can be used by those who are still in the restoration process or for future restorations as our beloved Locomobile treasures weather and age. Lastly, no matter how exclusive a particular marque may be, there is strength in numbers, from an ownership perspective. All that would need to happen is a few more dedicated souls stand up and help to make a register happen and develop a computer system to keep track of histories and numbers. If anyone else is reading these posts and has an interest in the Locomobile marque, regardless of the vintage or model, post here on this group of Locomobile forum chat rooms. Speak your thoughts. Al
  4. Hello Al, Your point is well taken. The last known attempt, was done by the group that started the Locomobile Society. That Locomobile list is now obsolete and should have a renewed group of enthusiasts overhaul that Society and put some formality to it. I would even suggest an actual affiliation with like minded Locomobilists. I would suggest a "Specialist" for Steam, a "Specialist" for the early cars up to the release of the 6 cylinder cars, a "Specialist" for the 6 cylinder cars, a "Specialist" for the Durant designed cars and lastly a "Specialist" for the commercial cars and RIker. I know that the Durant club has a "spot" for the later Locomobiles but it does not reach to well to the early Locomobile owners and can't. Any thoughts about developing an updated Roster? Al PS: My term of "Specialist" would likely mean a team or committee
  5. This picture must certainly be of a Model H. Al
  6. Thanks Al for these additional pictures of the Number 7 car. I was wondering what design radiator, flat top more like the Model L and M or rounded top more like the Model H, I (40) and often referred to as the Mercedes style radiator. That same nomenclature is also used aptly on similar vintage Simplex and its near cousin the early American-LaFrance units. The 1913 American- LaFrance original hose car, (modified later to be a city service ladder truck) I have and also the early Speedster project look very similar to the front picture of Old #7 shown above and is very indicative of the kinship with Simplex, (but the dip is tighter). Thanks for posting.... Al
  7. Nice information Layden, I have a very nice DR-4 Bosch magneto. It does look kinds similar, but I missed that this Racer was running make and break for ignition, so I do agree that a "high tension" DR-4 or similar derivative is out for this shown application. Could it be a Robert Bosch version imported from Europe? I am real curious about this chat of "low tension" magnetos as my 1909 Locomobile Model L originally ran on a "make and break" ignition. I should buy one just to display with my automobile, even though I do not have all the bits and pieces to make it run on "make and break". Al
  8. Here is another speedster picture posted by a friend on another forum. This vintage picture is of another Locomobile "built to order" speed car. Look at the size of that motor! Can anyone ID the magneto? I think it is a DR4. This photo gives us plenty of food for thought..... Al
  9. The video clip, of the red Locomobile ,is a very nice car, maybe lots of you know this car. The owner is just as nice as his car, it is nice when our hobby, both cars and owners are great like that! Al
  10. Here is a video of a Locomobile Model L with the cutout open. Enjoy. Al
  11. What size wheels does this year Regal use? Al
  12. Nice information Al...... Do you have a picture of this car from the front?
  13. Al, You have indeed come up with some interesting information regarding the Locomobile "Pup". I have never heard of that term and how it relates to Locomobile marketing. If you have any additional information as to years offered, production numbers, and what Models were involved with this type, please post. Al
  14. Good for you . Have you assembled so you really know body needs and etc.?
  15. Any new luck with locating parts for your Regal?
  16. Hello Al, This could be some sort of Model I but I really lean towards this car being a Model E Locomobile. Everything is on the lighter side as in "E". Al
  17. hahaha....The cam is a HI-PO unit out of a 350 Chev. that went round like many of them did. Al
  18. Here is an after picture which included building the steel fello bands and all new wood for wheels. This picture is of one of the rear wheels. I still need to drill for the brake drums and mounting of the demountable/detachable Firestone rims. Al
  19. Here is a before picture of what my Locomobile had for wheels when I started. Look close and you can pick out the spokes for one of the rear wheels and part of the fello. Al
  20. Hello everyone, Summer is fast going away and Hershey is coming soon. It is time to put our thoughts back on the speedster projects that we dream about while we don't have time to do anything but work.....(yard, home repairs, honey-do's, jobs and etc). Farm work has kept me busy this summer, as always but I am now getting back to the shop and have a question for this group. Does anyone here have new information on a source for large series Wisconsin parts or complete engines that could be for sale? My Wisconsin Model "M" still needs a few items to have it be totally complete. If any of you are starting on a new Speedster creation whether it be Model T, Buick, Nash or what ever, share your thoughts, needs and aspirations here. Al
  21. Joe, What are you using to take such good close-up pictures with? I can get some but not all of my close pictures to turn out like yours. Al
  22. Hello Mike, I also hope that you get back on your feet soon! You have some good work to get done, so get better and share more updates when you are up to it. I certainly agree that this getting old thing is not what we all look forward to, AT ALL. I hope you are spending your quiet time getting all that "in head engineering" completed so when you get back to the shop the gears will be turning! Good luck we are thinking of you.... Al
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