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daniel boeve

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Posts posted by daniel boeve

  1. Does anybody knows what kit i need for a 1953 special when i want to repair the oil leak at my torque ball .I saw on ebay the kits are for automatic gearbox in 1953 .Maybe those of earlier models will fit mine also .I am curious .On the other hand i fill up the gearbox and it leaks till the gearbox is at a certain level and then it stops leaking and i drive on because a manual gearbox will run as good with a little less oil but i don't like it .

  2. 15 hours ago, Buick35 said:

    Looks like a good deal.The parts alone should be worth it. I wish I had the dual carbs. on my 35. I wonder if the radio works. Wish I were closer.

    Indeed not much to complain .If you buy it you will have

    Sun visor

    Good running engine

    Dual carb set up

    Newer exhaust and brake system

    Original radio

    Complete car with title with thousands of parts .

    I made an offer on a 1940 Buick here in Belgium and i would thank God if i could buy this car here in the neighborhood .

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  3. 4 hours ago, Marty Roth said:



    Thank you for your response. I have been very satisfied with the quality and the value of this style pump.

    I wish you success.

    Try to locate the electric pump as low, and as close to the gas tank as safe and reasonable. Electric pumps are a good "pusher", and not as good "puller/sucker"

    You can also add a fuel pressure regulator if needed, but you should be able to read the detailed specifications of the pump, either at the sale website, or you can google the manufacturer's website and search for the pump with the best pressure for your application. 

    Marty , thanks , at this moment i have also a  Mercedes 300 adenauer with electric pump and it sits in the front and it works on my nerves to hear that ticking sound all the time .So as you say this is a rotary pump that i will not hear when installed .The only thing is I am in Belgium and this is a import and time problem .I see what i can do .Daniel

  4. 3 hours ago, Jim Eviston said:

    I know the whereabouts of a 1950 Buick parts car that has the side to side opening type hood.

    If you still need one let me know and I'll get you a picture to see if they are the same.

    Thanls for your offered help but a 50 opens sideways and a 1953 from front to rear like 99% of all other cars

  5. On 11/25/2022 at 10:44 PM, Marty Roth said:

    Adding a good quality electric rotary vane fuel pump (in addition to your mechanical pump), as low, and as close to the fuel tank as reasonable, such as the CARTER #P4070 is likely the best and easiest way to resolve the issue. This style is (IMO) far better than a "Pulse-type" bullet-shaped version. Also, after sitting in traffic, or at a light, some cars will drive a short distance and then seem to falter - a sign of vapor lock - and flipping a switch to activate the electric pump resolves the issue here as well. Yet another benefit is to use the electric pump to prime the carburetor prior to starting a car which has been stored for some period - sometimes as little as overnight, depending on the condition of the vehicle.

    The below Amazon example is but one of several, and at widely varying prices, 

    and a comparable 6 volt version is also available (Carter #P4594 at Ebay and Walmart, as well as Amazon and others.

    Depending on the vehicle, a fuel pressure regulator may be a worthwhile addition.

    Carter Universal Electric Fuel Pump Automotive Replacement 12V (P4070)

     -16% $52.78$52.78


    Marty , i had same problem with my cad .I had to use a electric pump to solve the problem also .I looked at your numbers but the 6 volt is Nr P 4259 i saw on ebay .Does not say how much pressure this pump produces .I had to use a 12 v pump and extra battery to put it in use because i am in belgium and couldn't get a 6 v pump here .But might use it now as i can order such rotary pump on ebay as you advice and is a good solutition

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 10/28/2022 at 4:47 AM, HBergh said:

    After driving my 1953 stock Cadillac series 62 sedan for a hour or so, it will not start after stopping the engine for a while.  It appears to be heat related because after letting the car set for a half hour or so, the car will start and run just fine as if nothing happened.  I've replaced the coil but problem still exists.  Has anyone else experienced this problem; and if so what was your resolution?  Thanks!

    VAPOR LOCK ! I had same problem with my 50 cad .Solved with electric pump

  7. On 12/10/2022 at 4:34 PM, TerryB said:

    Common to have a floor shifter in a car that was converted from automatic to standard shift.  My guess it’s a 348 cubic inch engine under the hood.

    Well , i could contact the owner and he said to me its 348 ci floor shifter .He is aware that in the US the people are crazy  about those cars .Since the internet everybody knows everything .He looked at Hagerty and was amazed that the prices went so high for those models .We was so happy before the internet spoiled eveything .

    • Like 1
  8. There is a Plymouth for sale in Belgium that was in service till 1963.Since then the owner passed and the car sat next to the heating system and was preserved .It did 40.000 KM .These cars with the big wings are all gone since long and also these had a very bad reputation to rust .The headlights fell out after a few years .This car is like new in and out .But it has the 6 cylinder flat head with manual gearbox .These cars have been used here for taxis many times in Brussels .I was amazed that such car could survive .I know exporting to the US is expensive and its no power car neither only good to go from point A to point B at your ease.Price is not determinated at this moment .



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  9. 7 hours ago, John Bloom said:

    “Not Running”....”hasn’t run in years”......”ran when parked years/decades ago”......


    it is easy to beat up cars with these type of descriptions, they are practically begging for it.  I bought my first “old car” in 1981 at age 16, I have made plenty of mistakes, However, in the last 10 years, I have three times walked out on that thin branch of optimism and brought home another “hope and prayer “. The non running status was clearly reflected in the price I paid. In each case, the seller didn’t have much more than very basic mechanical skills.  I don’t think they even knew where to start trying to get it running.  In all three cases I had the car running within 20 hours of basic “awakening” items on a common sense checklist. I will probably regret sharing this and am setting myself up for endless disaster/jinxing  from this day forward. My point is this, if you are handy and logical and this isn’t your first rodeo, make an offer that reflects the non running status.   Ed mentioned parts availability and that is a very good point, so that too should be part of your calculation. 

    using this car as an example, if you love  it and can diagnose and fix things, tell the seller “I’ll pay you (xxxxx) for the car if you have it running, or I’ll take it off your hands just as it is, not running for (xxxx).  I don’t know the market for these but I was thinking half his asking price. There’s a good chance he might take it on the spot, or after three more months of frustration without resolution, call you back up and say he would take your offer if it was still good. It is hard to sell a car that doesn’t run.  Don’t be embarrassed, throw out a low offer. You might be doing him a favor. The worst thing is he might act offended and tell you no. No big deal. There are other people with interesting cars that don’t  run that will take a lowball offer. Go find one of those people to give your money to....

    pick a non running price that you can live with if you never get it up and running.  


    Correct ! I bought several cars unseen in the US and even non running but then  i gave a price that was still good even i had unexpected surprises .And i had surprises but also had good surprises so in the end all was good .

  10. 1 hour ago, Hans1965 said:

    Here in Europe this is a 30.000 Eur car. I would not wonder, if it comes over to here. 54 to 59 caddies are so common cars due to their many followers that the earlier generation of cars is a pleasant variety. I would not have a 1950 Cadillac Coupe this would have been mine now. 

    Are you sure the car is sold , many times the owner bids it up himself and espicially when at a no reserve auction .30.000 euro car ?? I wish you luck because i know not many people run around with 30K in their pocket .If it was a Mercedes OK thats another thing

  11. 15 hours ago, neil morse said:

    This looks like a very nice car at a very reasonable price.  I would definitely be interested if I were in the market.

    Indeed looks like a very nice car but when you look better it will need a paint job and thats a mayor thing .Will be very expensive .I am in Belgium and the paint costs almost as much as liqiud gold and i am afraid that i will first will have to rob a bank before I can go to pay for a quality paint job .And then it costs as much to paint a 4-door sedan as for a 2-door or a cvt .Or you can use the car in the preservation class .

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