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Everything posted by HarryJ

  1. 52er....Several people rebuild sending units of this era. If the reostat is not severly corroded a little judicious application of oil and time might get it working again. Check a reference such as "Hemmings" for people to rebuild the unit. As to the fuel pump, carb, and fuel lines ; I would rebuild all of them. There is bound to be shellac residue in all of these systems. Make sure the car is fully lubricated before you crank and drive it. Main bearings, rod bearings, and cylinder bores that have been sitting for some time will become dry as to lubrication.
  2. JO BO.....according to the few sources I have, in 1929 Chevrolet built "the roadster with pick-up body" . This was a very rare option as only 1,210 roadsters were built that year; and the roadster pick-up was an option. ( Ref:" 75 years of Chevrolet", by G.H. Dammann.)
  3. I have used Brasso to polish Bakelite, or pre-WWII plastic.
  4. OTD Bob.... Check out page 470 of the " Third edition of " The Standard Catalog of American Cars", or check with the Chrysler Historical Data Collection. There are also parts books available for this model Dodge.
  5. Maybe I was a little too dramatic with my last comment in my last quote. Yes, we need to get off our rear end and develope a new energy source for the future. Public transportation will work in high transportation cooridors; however, we need to get an energy source that will allow us to trade and communicate quickly. Electric cars will not work unless, we can develope a good energy storage system. If we are to win the challenge of the future we must engineer a solution.
  6. Be prepared for much higher oil /gas prices in the future. More and more people world wide are bidding on a shrinking commodity. Economics 101....shrinking supply...increasing demand? Welcome to the world commodities market. In 1970 America had 20%~ of the world's population; yet, consumed 75% of the world's natural reasources. Not just oil; steal scrap, copper, lead, wheat, cotton, etc. are being bid on by what in the past were considered to be third world countries whose demand was discounted in the face of the U.S.; today, they are bellying up to the table and effectively bidding against us. Oil is going up no two ways about it; however we need to watch our backside. Today, China is buying our scrap metal that we leave lying about at a significant discount, in my opinion. We as Americans, have put a good bit of effort into finding, harvesting, smelting/refining and proccessing these natural reasources; to duplicate this effort today, "$" wise would be a figure far higher than the cost to buy the scrap. The horse is dead as a mode of transportation; Studebaker learned this, the end of the hydrocarbon age is upon us.
  7. 1927Novice......Yes clean out the fuel tank and system. Bill Hirsch makes an excellent gas tank sealer once the tank is cleaned and etched. Clean and gap the plugs, gap the points, file them if necessary, and check out the electrical system. Spark plug wires are available from several sources. I don't know if this model Chrysler had rubber or braided spark plug wires from new. I would not tackle a restoration on this car unless you are commited to spending much money and time. According to the May 2005 "Keith Martin's Sports Car Market", a 1928, what appears to be "52" Chrysler sold for $7,290 at auction in January. This car was an older restoration in condition 4. I would suggest enjoying and preserving your "new" car.
  8. Ken G.....I have never seen an oil pressure guage gyrate as you describe. I wouldn't think it is a bearing as you suspect. It might be a defective oil pump that has a broken tooth causing a rapid oscilation in pressure as it rotates. It could also be a defective oil pressure relief valve. The valve could be openning and closing in spurts. These units should be easy to check.
  9. 1927Novice.....Owners and parts manuals exsist for this car. Chrysler Corp. carries the owner's manual for a small fee and the parts manual has been republished by Crank'en Hope Publishcations. Before you start the car I would make sure it was throughly lubricated; also I would overhaul the brakes. Put a few squirts of oil in each cylinder for a few weeks in advance of turning it over; then, turn it over by hand. Drain the oil pan and fill with fresh oil. What body style is your car? The series "52" is the last four cylinder Chrysler and the last vestage of the Maxwell. If the car is in half way presentable condition, it sounds like a candidate for AACA, HPOF.
  10. HENRYALBERT....The six cylinder in your DA6 should be nearly as hot as a '51 Dodge. I would seek to obtain an original replacement motor. This action will help to maintain it's resale value. Remember, Chrysler designed sixes of this era were quite hot performers of their day.
  11. CarFreak......I agree with BillP and R.W.Burgess, get it out in the open and if you must; run for office.
  12. HarryJ


    Peter....Thanks for re-upping the castings discussion. Solving the problem of reproducing cast parts for the hobby is going to take some time and thought.
  13. bousdula.....What does the carb fit on?
  14. Leif W/Old Chrysler.....To convert from wood to wire or disc would require replacement of the brake drums and hubs. According to the info I have these wheels (wire and disc) were offered as options on your car; however in the case of wood the brake drums were attached to the wood wheels with bradded or peened bolts, requiring separate drums with lugs when converting to disc or wire. I do not believe 1928 wires would work on a 1924. In 1928 Chrysler produced 4 different models ( 52, 62, 72 &80). By the way, tire size designations changed since your car was built so disregard the 30 inch figure and go with the 20 inch by "X".
  15. HarryJ


    deleted-ML-287389-ML- This was a new "Castings" thread. To leave it here would "bury" the original "Castings" thread information. Regards, PJH
  16. My guess is a 1930 Oldsmobile model F-30.
  17. Didn't Pontiac replace the staid old Oakland in the line up? GM has faced many challanges in it's history; including, having to rid itself of Billy Durant twice and Senate hearings in 1956 as to whether it was operating in a monopolistic fashion. American industry faces a global market today with strong highly skilled competitors. Whether GM's business school educated management can handle the stiuation only time will reveal. This goes for Ford and Chrysler also.
  18. PS to my post....If you have a large brass hammer it will prevent marring or a brass bar to put between the steel hammer and axle.
  19. RW....This doesn't exactly relate to the post you made; however, I own a 1928 Lincoln 7 passenger sedan that was used in a gangster movie probably shot in the 70's or 80's, that had Lester Maddox (former gov. of Ga.) in it. He played the govenor of Arkansas? I saw part of this movie and glimpsed my car once; unfortunately, I was not able to get the movie name. My car is Maroon with Black fenders. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
  20. RO....I checked a quantity of NOS filters I have accumulated over the years using the cross reference nos. ply33 gave....no luck.
  21. Jim N....I must correct myself, according to the Chrysler master parts list your car should run a Stromberg U-2 carb. This was also die cast, so finding a unit in good or rebuildable condition may be difficult to impossible.
  22. deepsix.....I am not familiar with CM Chryslers; however, if they have houdaille type shocks, removal should very easy by removing the two mounting bolts to the frame and disconnecting the linkage. As for the tie rod ends the Chrysler master parts list indicates they also fit CI's.
  23. Leif....This should be a cellular unit made of brass that is soldered together, my series "72"'s radiator was made by Fedders. Make sure you get a radiator repairman who is familiar with cellular units if it requires repairs. Sounds like you have stripped it if you can see the solder.
  24. kidd.....Do you have the type and number of the carb? ie Carter XXX?
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