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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. Just ran across this photo online and would like opinions on what it shows. It shows a 1918 or 1919 Maxwell with what appears to be a plated radiator shell. Is it really plated or just a very shiny black painted?? Howard Dennis
  2. Did you see my private message about this? Howard Dennis
  3. My poor photos failed to show that every car is a custom body. Howard Dennis
  4. Just acquired this Lincoln Sales brochure and would like to know if anyone can tell me what year it is for? Howard Dennis
  5. dc-8dave, Thanks for identifying where this was taken. The heart shaped radiator opening was last used in 1919 so it's no later than that. Because it shows a factory cut away chassis I'd say they are touting the longer wheelbase and new rear springs of the 1918 Model 25. 1918 also saw the windshield bottom corners rounded instead of 1917's square corners. Howard Dennis
  6. Being a Maxwell owner I'm a bit prejudiced but some may enjoy these: Howard Dennis
  7. Reposting these for Forum Member 1924 Maxwell "Sorry, I haven't gotten these earlier, but I had to wait until my Son, came in to show me how to do it. If you want, my Email is Brisco6872@frontiernet.net. Phone, is 304-287-2205. Price is negotiable. As you can see, there are eight. I thought that I only had six. I would like to get $50.00 each".
  8. Bought myself a new computer for Christmas and have expanded my research capabilities. Just found this July 5th 1906 The Automobile article covering the above cars. So that's a 2300 cubic inch 12 cylinder and 785 cubic inch 8 cylinder, gotta love the oldtimers, bigger was always better. Howard Dennis
  9. Actually I think it says Q.M.C.U.S.A. which would make it Quarter Master Corps U.S.A. As an old Marine I always look for USMC markings. Howard Dennis Semper Fi
  10. Just found this page 18 in a Google books search. Tony told me years ago, probably early 1960's a 90 something gentleman came looking for the GJG and told Tony "Yep, that's my old car, see that patch, I put a rod thru that hole in 1911 at Sheepshead Bay!" He told Tony he was the son of the GJG Company owner. Maybe this picture is how Tony's car should be restored? Howard Dennis
  11. Hey Bob, wish I could take credit but I pulled them off the internet from an article about the car a few years ago. I'm trying to repost it here but don't know if it will work. Howard Dennis https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/wwi/GJG_Car_NYG.pdf https://www.hemmings.com/blog/2010/04/08/was-the-privates-car-a-g-j-g/ https://www.hemmings.com/blog/2010/05/19/more-photos-of-private-van-alstynes-car-surface/
  12. I stopped in every time I was in the area and always wanted to buy his Peerless chassis but never did. At least it was built into a racer later and is seen by people frequently. The GJG last I heard is in New Jersey but nothing has changed since you and I last saw it. Howard Dennis
  13. Dave, did you know Tony LaPorta and his GJG race car? Howard Dennis
  14. Could we see some pictures and prices? Howard Dennis
  15. Anyone know where to purchase a suitable replacement switch for a Sparton Chime horn like the one shown in these instructions? Howard Dennis
  16. Anyone know where to purchase a suitable replacement switch for a Sparton Chime horn like the one shown in these instructions? Howard Dennis
  17. Since I received no replies I tried to find it online. It appears to be from a 1914 4-48 Packard and possibly a Packard truck. Does that seem right and does it fit any other years and models? Howard Dennis
  18. Found a light in antique shop identical to this except it doesn't have any glass other than the clear front lens . Any idea what it would fit? This picture is one like it but I didn't buy the one in the antique shop. Howard Dennis
  19. Here's more to add to this information. Howard Dennis
  20. Still looking for a way to reproduce these or information on the fellow who sent me a private message saying he had made some and might be able to help? Howard Dennis
  21. http://www.mykmlifestyle.com/ Howard Dennis
  22. Glad you had such a wonderful homecoming Carl. Mine was more like Grimy's, spit on by the first girl I saw after landing in San Diego, booed out of my hometown night club because I wore my uniform and none of my old school buddies wanted to hear about my year in combat. Came home and put my Eagle Globe and Anchor in the closet for the next 30 years instead of being able to wear it with the pride it deserved, your experience may vary! Howard Dennis Charlie Battery 1st Battalion 12th Marines 3rd Marine Division Viet Nam 1968-1969
  23. All I was saying is unless the tube is checked you have no idea if it is intact or not. Howard Dennis
  24. Found this on a Mopar Forum and thought it might be your problem: "Was the water distribution tube checked and or replaced when the engine was rebuilt? Those tubes had a real tendency to rust and cause overheating. Had one flathead 6 years ago where the thing looked like swiss cheese with all of the holes in it.. Was the tube reinstalled when the engine was reassembled? I remember a few cases where the tube was not installed after a rebuild causing quick overheating." Howard Dennis
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