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Posts posted by mercer09

  1. Trying to post on the ACD Club forum and am having trouble with the website. Won't allow me to post. Anyone else have this problem?

    Pulled all of the hoses today and everything clogged with silica and rust. The 2 elbows that join the heads to the intakes are rotted. I spoke with a friend yesterday and he said that I should avoid the "new head" manufacturer in ElPaso. Lots of problems with him. Any suggestions on new or used heads, gaskets and the elbows previously mentioned? Also , how to best "clean out" the motor?

    thanks in advance!

  2. Tom, the body # is C90983, as listed in Josh's Timeless Classic.

    Thank you for the offer of the 2nd one, but am wondering if I can afford the 1st one!

    I will take better photos and especially, of the shifter. It appears to be only mechanical?

    A rod below the steering column with a shifter knob.

    While I am in preference of originality, I cannot honestly say that I think a rear wheel drive conversion

    is the worst thing in the world. This is a tough car to get "right" .

  3. Thanks Justin. I need to take better photos. The weather was bad and so it is.

    Am planning on tackling those rear wheels today-literally and see if I can free them up.

    Would also like to get that head pulled this week.

    Any idea of who sells the headgaskets?

    The seats are original for the most part and I am going to leave them alone for know. Looks like the carpet was replaced. The outside paint is definitely a 30 footer!

    I will take your advice and get signed up with the clubs and go from there.

  4. Justin, thanks for the paint color. I am still trying to figure how to upload the pictures on this sight.

    BTW, there is no preselector off of my column. Only a shift lever below the column with a knob on it. The preselector hole has been covered with a homemade tin plate.

    So what have I got? The original motor appears correct as does the trans. What kind of conversion do I have???

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