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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. set of four model a shocks for rebuild 99. and 20. for the ride to the lower 48 rdz69@aol.com
  2. when you break down, knowing AAA is in your back pocket, you can have the assurance that the worst that can happen is you get to ride in a tow truck all the way home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not a bad feeling. used it on my 2000 silverado when the fuel pump went out. they towed me 200 miles, and I had a free 200 mile tow included in my package. yes, free is a misnomer........... at least I didnt have to call anyone up, get them out of bed and bother them. I dealt with the fuel pump the next day.
  3. My question is, if you are not mechanically inclined, like me, and your car breaks down far from home, what do you do? AAA is around 100. a year for plus. gives you 4 free 100 mile tows. wouldnt be wo it!
  4. 1000s of dollars in games and prizes..............................!
  5. From time to time I have wondered whether the popularity of the worn and rusted look is related to the high cost of automotive paints these days. no doubt, when you can have twice as many cars by cost of paint, which only fades away like a lilly anyway!
  6. for what porcelain signs go for today, Ild much rather have the cash. Everything has its price point.
  7. The crankcase is an aluminum alloy so I don't know about welding? all it takes is a phone call...........or you could think about it for a couple of years.
  8. Report post Posted December 30, 2019 T-Head Mercer Raceabout in yellow. that would have set you back about 5k in 1913 big $
  9. Welding, Cast Iron Click photo for MORE Photos Antique & Classic Casting Rebuilders specializes in the "Fusion Welding" method in the repair of anything made of cast iron, including, (but not limited to) Cylinder heads Blocks Manifolds Transmission-rear end housings And More ... I have 50+ years of experience and do all of the work myself. I have total control of the process & quality I was in the diesel engine component reman industry for 30 years & the automotive cylinder head business for 13 years The first 10 years I was a welder so I got pretty good at it My story & pictures of my work are on my website: accastingrebuilders.com Contact: Click to Email Richard Geertsema Kelseyville, CA, (415) 269-5483 (866) 935-3227 BET THIS GUY CAN DO IT FOR YOU...........................................................
  10. I have a 37 plymouth truck title. only one and yes, they are pretty rare. dodges were abundant
  11. MOST LIKELY WOULD BE MORE DIFF TO FIND A REPLACEMENT, THEN TO REPAIR. the jugs on these often crack and runs of the jugs have been made.
  12. I need a Cord though to keep matching you. 🙂 nah, all of your cars have been in much better condition........... I would be so lucky as to have your discriminate taste. I buy anything that rolls.............lol
  13. AHa, it is all a matter of choice. to lose money, break even or make a boat load of money.............. choices we make. no different then buying location location location in real estate. some care and some dont. Many a rich person has lived in an average house and been quite content, while they could have had much more. A model A ford can make most happy and are not extravagantly expensive. all it comes down to- is what do you want?
  14. in that case, to hell with the mortgage.....................................!
  15. after 50 years in cars, patina is the end all for me. no interest in 25k paint jobs. they do nothing for me.
  16. someone who has had a face lift, better known in the industry as the "surprise face"...............
  17. thank you John. You are a wealth of information and your humor is never lacking...................... Happy and healthy New Year.
  18. signs are priced very high these days............... the last time I went to Hershey, I saw more overpriced signs then cars. ebay is a good gauge as to value and yes, many imposters.
  19. Shoveled his Roof then had to go shovel the car out. so that's how you got through HS............................................................
  20. When i had my 56 Chevy in the 80s, me too! uncanny...................56 4 dr that needed a ring and valve job, so I sold it. should have kept it.
  21. well Matt, they are calling for 100-150. but the car does have a good bit of wear. 840 is a top of the line model........... who knows. time will tell.
  22. If things were different out here I would jump on it. And would not change a thing. You will find a buyer/trade. Tough to beat the looks of an open Cord. I had your Auburn, timing is everything. couldnt agree more. 5 years ago I would have been all over this cord. I am winding down a little and carefully choosing my battles........ time is running out and I have plenty of cars to spend time on for the rest of my life.
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