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Everything posted by buick5563

  1. I like cork a little better for all of the stamped metal (tins). Rubber, however can be reused at least once. It's actually amazing you don't have a water crossover leak. Those suckers are hard to seal. Is the rear main pouring out, or just a few drips? I haven't ever had a distributor leak either. Fuel pump-try another 1/8 -1/4 turn on the bolts first.
  2. Thanks for deleting my inappropriate language you babies.
  3. Average temp, but a cool number. Fresh engine in a 55 Century
  4. Greg, I understand what you are saying, but you should definitely scan that page for visualizing.
  5. I DO have Facebook and I come here to escape when political rantings exceed my tolerance on any given day. Like I said in Jason's thread. I don't personally care if it is somehow related to cool or fast motoring programs or slightly OT (off topic) non-Buick items of interest. We are family here and I like seeing other folks interests RELATED to motoring. Hell, my last Great Race thread didn't involve Buicks at all, so I am guilty of it too. But since I am such an interesting cat and totally beloved here on the forum, I naturally shared my experiences crossing the country here. I seem to recall asking permission, and if I didn't... I apologize to anybody who had to read about how cool I was this past summer. Cheers, Buick family!
  6. Here are my thoughts about the Buick Forum Family (BFF) posting non-Buick stuff here. Kinda like Terry HD link and VickyBlue posting about his Chevy. I am personally ok with this. I would use one word in parentheses to let people know it isn't Buick related. Obviously, if it got out of control, another sub category might have to be considered. I only regularly check in on General and Post War, and wouldn't go to the Blah Blah Blah section more than once a month. However, I would toss precedent out the window if it got taken advantage of. Thus I have spoken.
  7. If I am not mistaken, AC could not have been ordered in a Model 48 (Special 2 dr. sedan) ...says the guy who added factory AC to his model 48. I'm not 100% sure the model 68 was available as anything but a cop car.
  8. Not from the factory. Pics would help.
  9. Sedan will be taller than the hardtop. PM me, I might want the sedan version.
  10. Interesting. Thanks Beemon. I couldn't find one when I bought mine and I am usually really good at finding stuff on the web.
  11. Two things. A)The field "lamp" terminal isn't available anymore. B ) I have floored it and it has never kicked in. (Think 75 mph and passing somebody uphill). I have literally tried to make it fail, so I could then troubleshoot.
  12. I run a generator in my Special with no problems either. I also ran it in my wagon with the underdash AC for several years with only minor issues. I don't like people who discard old tech just cuz it is old tech. With that said, my wagon is a test bed for newer ideas and like I said, it is running a lot of extras that Buick never thought would exist. The cost of the alternator conversion is more expensive than a rebuilt generator, although the voltage regulator prices have crept up to offset that price difference.
  13. Forgot. There are a bunch of threads on the forum and on the internet that I read before starting this project. Originally, I installed a one wire PowerMaster (the kind that looks like a generator). It only was putting out around 12 volts with stereo, AC, iPods charging, gps (my speedo) and any other items I randomly selected to run...lights or electric wiper, etc. This worked fine, but I got to thinking it would be a pain to have to make a change in the road. Do I carry a generator and have to rewire, or an alternator that wouldn't fit the original bracket? Buying an additional $350-400 spare seemed silly. I also wanted to try and figure out how to run a second belt on my compressor, so I bought a single wire, two belt alternator. This wiring works for either alternator. Remove green ground wire from GEN terminal on Voltage regulator (from starter relay). Ground it. I went to the starter relay mounting screw. Tape back the ARM and FIELD wires at the generator. That's it. I didn't install a diode or extra bulb or brake light switch. I personally have never had the starter engage, which is what people have claimed might happen. I do know this is a possibility, but it has not happened in the three years I have been driving this car across country with an alternator. The new alternator puts out a consistent 13.6-14 volts depending on what is turned on. I don't remember the amps. BTW, my AC was fine with the stock generator, but I wanted to be able to consider adding other accessories, which is why I changed it over. Secondly. The wires in the regulator pic appears to be burnt. It is just crud.
  14. Do ya punk? There is a measurement in the manual. I know a modern replacement was too long and bottomed out, necessitating me cutting a quarter inch off the bottom.
  15. I know Willie's car runs fine and he is just trying to improve it a bit. He likes monkeying with setups. After they fail, he usually offers the old parts to me at a 2% discount. FWIW, My wagon was recored with a larger capacity core and I run a five blade flex fan, which cools it fine. I had to trim the edges off of the fan to fit within the shroud which means I have five razor blades waiting to bite me in the engine compartment. Just for fun. What would happen if you took the fan shroud off? Would that take the clutch size and proximity to the radiator out of the equation? Still allowing air to pass? Like I said, just curious for more engineering type feedback. I'm not changing my cars even though I'm sure I will get a real bargain on a slightly used fan / clutch soon...
  16. Looks like this one. Time stamp on pic is 2005, so maybe it got repainted to the now (oh, so popular) Leno colors.
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