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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. I recall seeing a video online about this type of repair. There's a special "solder" that can be used after stripping and drilling the pits and then it can be sent back out for detailing and chrome. I have no experience with such, just recall seeing it. Perhaps a YouTube search would find it.
  2. Talented? Bwahahaha! Keep in mind Suzanne ultimately created the template / stencil for me and I just made copies. After that, I was back in elementary school, but used a paint pen instead of pencil crayons. I do like the paint pen generally though. You may want to look in a craft store, especially if they have a section for decorating wood or ceramics.
  3. George, According to http://www.carnut.com/specs/gen/buick20.html, the original was 6.00x21 for all Series 129. The smaller series are listed as 30x5.5 and 30x6.5. There are no exceptions noted for different wheels. That said, I haven't verified with my other sources. The tires being used are 7.00x20. The overall width is about the same, but has a significantly wider tread and is a bit taller. It was confirmed not to rub lock to lock, but who knows it it would remain the same if the suspension were working a bit more. These tires came from China. The positive is that the size was listed and they could be obtained through the usual channels, which meant no special shipping charges as there would have been getting from the usual suspects in North America. This size was suggested by Tony Bult as they fill in the wheel well a bit more.
  4. Thanks Brad. Those are hub caps, paired on either side. I've looked online a few times for the correct replacements and they are out ther, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I didn't realize we are missing trim. I will have to dig into that and see if I can find something. As for selling, you will need to talk to She Who Must Be Obeyed. I don't see it happening any time soon.
  5. Can't say I've heard of Canadian Mist, but it is an Ontario based brand and we do have a competing distillery just north of here.
  6. To follow up with Gary, when one doesn't live in close proximity to a chapter, it makes it more difficult to feel engaged with a club. Granted, he may not be all that far physically from Michigan or NY chapters but there is a border crossing involved. If membership is just about the Bugle, then people may do their cost-benefit analysis based solely on that and perhaps how well it covers their interests. For me, it is well over 400 miles to a chapter (I do belong to Gopher State), so I don't get to many chapter events but generally feel welcome at them and have developed some wonderful friendships. To get people to join a club, the club has to appeal to them. Since there are many varied interests, can members accurately determine what non-members want from a club by making a hypothesis? The only way may be to ask. Of course, if a member is gung ho about judging and factory correct, how well will they connect with a non-member who is into driving their car even if it means a few tweaks away from originality or is more into modified cars? The biggest thing may be for us as members to be good ambassadors for the club. What if each of us made a point of introducing one new member in the next year? That wouldn't be hard for us to do as individuals yet would have a huge impact on the BCA.
  7. Well, can't go ice fishing yet. I'm not sure I'd call it sad, but it's a change and we have no choice but to adapt or go hermit. It does make some things more difficult and some things impossible so I need to adjust what I plan to do. At least I don't have to cut grass for several months (of course trading that for moving snow...my Toro makes that a bit easier).
  8. I don't recall for certain, but I may have received an axle or two with my 1923. I will try to remember to look when I'm out there (possibly Monday).
  9. Here's one with a mounted tire. They are radial truck tires, slightly bigger than original but saved a chunk of cash with these as opposed to a specialty or vintage tire shop.
  10. Winter is effectively begun in this part of the world. The 1929 will be coming home yet too so started tidying the garage. Didn't get too far though.
  11. This is such a happy little car. Suzanne wants to call it Hawkeye, but the children, who think of the Marvel character rather than the MASH character are fighting it. That said, it's the end of a season. I'm happy I drove it out to the country on Thursday as that was our last dry day. We now have snow and if the prediction is correct it with temperatures it won't be gone until spring.
  12. The paint code is 552 (lower right corner). According to http://www.autocolorlibrary.com/aclchip.aspx?image=1940-Buick-pg01.jpg it should be a two tone green. Paint code 551 is the grey upper and blue lower. If that link doesn't work properly search autocolorlibrary.com and you can choose year and make to get the paint charts. It's s a very nice car.
  13. I don't remember for certainty the paint code, but your car has a similar (if not the same) paint scheme as my 1941 Special. If I recall, the paint code on mine is a 1940 code, not a 1941 code. You have a nice nice looking car. Enjoy!
  14. Similarly if we are just looking at custom Buicks it occurred to me how long will it be before this thread shows a photo of a forum member's car and bad feelings are created.
  15. JD, I think there may be an error in your math. If I understand it correctly, there are about 7,000 BCA members. With 300-600 members at a National, I think we are in the 5-10% range rather than less than one. I didn't want to wade into this - I prefer Brian's approach. First, I'm not sure there is a big emphasis on judging. Perhaps it is a perceived emphasis to those who don't have their beautiful Buicks judged. Yes, there are more resources put toward the awards and banquet presentations, but having a Buick judged costs more on the registration so that should cover those resources. Our Reatta hasn't been judged so it typically hasn't been parked with the rest of the herd. I'm not sure if that is good or bad, but it doesn't feel inclusive. If they were parked by year, the four years the Reatta was produced would have them all relatively close to each other regardless of judging class. The Modified group is probably the biggest issue. I understand them being parked separately for judging as they are judged differently and cover a wide range of years. However, parking in their own group also leads to segregation, which isn't necessarily good. I understand the BCA has had greater membership in the past. The question is what is the trend and is that trend also seen across other groups. My understanding is that the younger generation is less likely to join something like a car club. Are we just chasing our tails in a circle if we are trying to fight demographic trends? I think there is room for everyone in the club, especially if we are tolerant of those who don't want exactly the same thing from the club as we as individuals do. We are all different. Some have one Buick they enjoy that may be in "poor" condition. Others have one high dollar Buick...and they may feel they are protecting it by enclosing it in a trailer. Others enjoy their Buicks by driving them - assuming they are friendly with other humans, they can be true ambassadors of the club and hobby. Others among us have a disease of accumulating Buicks (especially when we think we need to put up yet another building) and getting to the point where they don't necessarily get enough exercise and issues don't get addressed in a timely fashion, resulting in a variation of Larry's drive, break, fix, repeat to drive, break, put it away and use another car, then hopefully someday fix, repeat, or something along those lines. Alternatively if one breaks, you can buy another (I did behave myself for a few years). There's probably more, but I'm tired and the glass of rye is empty so bed beckons.
  16. Well now I'm hemming and hawing. We got the grad schedule and based on that we could make it work, although we would need to head straight home in something reliable. However since the dithering has led to a lack of room availability at a decent price, I'm not sure. MrEarl is finally showing up at a National again so I ought to go. Sigh. Decisions decisions.
  17. Love it, except for the removal of that great car from Canada. Sounds like quite the adventure. We used to get to Kelowna every November for a meeting. Beautiful country. I hope you didn't have to pay extra for a bag you never saw on your trip. That's part of why I prefer just carry-on if I can.
  18. Headlight doors so similar to a 1953 Buick had me fooled. Grill didn't look right to me but I thought perhaps it was an artsy side of the photo. So did KF buy the parts from GM? Mind you I don't recall the park / marker light being in the headlight door. And why is it called a door anyway? Perhaps I can come up with a few more questions....
  19. I don't have a Bugle easily at hand. Is it nine BOD members? So an increase of, at most, $1800, assuming my memory is correct. If the board is distributed around, it's possible some will have little expenses to claim (I.e. Don't claim maximum). Some may not claim at all if they were planning to be at the meet regardless. Nickel and diming will have an impact, but we've got bigger things to deal with in a club of 7,000 if we are going to get up in arms over a couple grand.
  20. Thanks. My reference wasn't very handy when I'd posted.
  21. Was it 1913 that Buick went to left hand drive? All these are RHD so would be from before the change.
  22. I read the Bugle cover to cover. Costs go up, so the first item seemed reasonable to me. I'm not sure I've ever felt about the CFO position. Of course, I don't know that I have all the pertinent details. I do know I wouldn't be particularly interested in the treasurer job for an organization like the BCA with the size of budget involved (not scared of the numbers, just that budgets and the associated elements aren't really my thing). Question though. What date begins a 30 day comment period when published in the club magazine which has variable delivery dates for members? Of course, as this site isn't strictly for members, we want to be conscious of responses related to internal club business. Perhaps a rhetorical question.
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