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Posts posted by RickBrinker

  1. 1940 DODGE D14 Six Deluxe Dsp/HP Eng Fair Good Exc Show Loan

    SEDAN 218/87 6C 2,000 3,100 5,000 7,600 2,700

    COUPE RS 218/87 6C 2,200 3,400 5,800 7,600 3,100

    CONV COUPE 5P (16 left) 218/87 6C 9,000 15,000 22,000 27,000 S 13,500

    Ded: Special models D17 $400

    Data updated August 2006 .

    this is from the Gold Book Price Guide

  2. Finaly got all the kinks out of the bands that were put in when they relined the

    the brakes seems to be better.I think after i put a few miles on it it will need

    ajusted again.Our Dodge Brothers Group (i guess that's what we call ourselves now

    days)is having what we call a Mini Meet this weekend so i will see how the brakes

    work out. Thanks.

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