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Everything posted by Booreatta

  1. Hey how are you doing, The one that that I need is Dark Green. Somewhere I have lost it and before I use a chisel and hammer I want to try to find one. I am not in a hurry as the blue car is in storage and will not be making any long trips. Are you going to go to the homecomming? if so drive carefully and tell everyone hello. Thanks Chuck
  2. Ok does any one remember or know if the locking lug nut that were on some Reattas were they a GM item. I have traced the mfg of the locks to a company called McGard in Buffalo NY> I have also found a installation instruction sheet with a GM part number 9591444. I just dont know if the locks were dealer installed or if they were a GM part for each car and what year they were supplied for. This is not a big deal but I do have an extra key with the white dot if anyone knows for sure that they need one Just looking for someone with a memory of this system
  3. nitrogen tire inflation is the comming thing, the molcules are larger that air and the tire does hold pressure better. Less air escapes as the temp of the seasons and tmep of the tire changes. This was developed as cars have more wheel inflation monitors the need was there to keep the tires at a more constant inflation, I dont think that it has anything to do with speed.
  4. F-14 is right you have one light out. I would bet that the turn signal is also changed on the side that is out. Turn on your flashers and look at all of your lights.
  5. I have in my hand a repair quote from a dealer for a friend of mine 89 Reatta repair bill. The car was taken to Schofield Pontiac Buick GMC to get an est on the repair cost of the brakes. The repair est was $5111.50 for the repair. Here is the break down found a defective master cylinder/accumulator/anti-lock combination module, also found a worn out broken r.r. brake cable. customer was quoted but declined repairs. The car was repaired at a mechanic in Wichita for $148.00. WOW what a difference. here is the cost of the parts quoted part # 25533700 switch 174.92 25535707 pump and motor 778.38 25535706 acturatio???? 2398.68 1646523 f-valve 854.51 12377967 accumulator 192.87 12377967 fluid 16.20 And that is just the parts. Labor was quoted at 8 hours. and just to make you feel warm and fuzzy the dealer also quoted 17.95 for the air filter and 16.00 for wiper blades, why the blades were going to be replaced when the brakes didnt work is beyound logic. When I heard of this I requested a copy of the est because I thought that there was no way it could cost anywhere near that amount, but it is in my hand and I still dont belive it..again parts 4440.00 plus labor for a total of 5111.50. I have done business with this dealer before, but now I would have to give it another thought
  6. MMMMMM I didnt think that you looked that old to have a daughter in HS. My daughter is just finishing up her masters in Trumput performance and I am still wondering what she will do with that degree. She wants to teach music at the college level. I have listened to a lot of jazz over the years and you just cant beat jazz.
  7. A nice cruise for dinner hosted by Jim Finn. There are 36 Reattas in the parking lot. Thursday 7-13-2006
  8. Man the plates look great. Good job,,,,Got one in Rochester. Now for the pewter car, can a repop be done?????????
  9. We will be leaving Wichita on Tuesday morning the 11th and will travel up I 35 and hope to arrive in Rochester the 11th late. Any one going that way call us at 1-316-655-1099 maybe hook up if you are heading that way everybody have a safe trip Booreatta
  10. If I remember correctly when you are putting things back togather make sure that the headlight bulb is also installed. When I did mine I tried to make everything work and I hooked up all of the wires and nothing. I put the headlight bulb in and presto it worked. The elect drawings does not show that the bulb has to be installed. I have used a set of bellcranks that Barney has made and they work great. It solves the issues that we all have been fighting. Try it youl like it
  11. I have had the same problem and I unhooked the battery and refilled the system with freeze 12. If it avail in your area the cost is about $6.00 a can, much less that R12.
  12. So how many of these cars are going to go on the RENDEZVOUS this is the really cool part of the Nationals How Many????????????????
  13. The red Reatta on E-Bay is an 88 and the car fax is clean the ad states that the car has a moon roof. I was not aware that the 88 had a moonroof from the photos it does appear to be factory. Am I right did the 88 have a sunroof? the number on e-bay is 4651213215. This car is also not in the data base. The cars history is all in Indiana.
  14. ok it is time to ask, how many folks on this discussion group are planning to take their cars to the Nationals at Rochester. How about a list. I am planning on making the trip.
  15. I will respond by saying that I have not made an attack on you. Your opinion is very important, and the point that I have been trying to make is that Barney is looing for ideas and as a member of the club I feel that it is my duty to try and help. You may be right that some changes need to be made but they wont be made if you dont belong. You cant win the lottery if you dont buy a ticket. Share the postive and keep the negative. And that is all I will say about that
  16. Greg I make my statement based on high respect for you ability to do mods on your car, I have read a great many of your posts and I admire your ability, but It is time to get off of your soap box. In defense of Barney, It takes a great deal of time for him to research the Tech stuff and I am sure that he is not paid. All of us including you can benefit from his work. All of his articles in the Reatta are posted on the Reatta web site. So dont get out your check book its still free. I am sure that anyone who wants to join the club would be welcome regardless how that they see the hobby of colletable cars. That would explain why some of us like Buicks, Fords, etc. I really dont see why anyone would find the need to not belong just because they disagree with the direction of the club. I would challange any one who quit the BCA or the Reatta club to rejoin and focus your efforts to help make the club better. Change is slow but the BCA and the Reatta always can make improvements. The changes can not come if they dont get all sides of an issue. I have said before and I will say again, It is well worth the time and the money to belong. You get out what you put in. My hat is off to Barney who works hard for our hobby and deserves a big THANKS. I still respect your knowledge but get off your soap box and retire it. Thanks for listening
  17. [color:"red"] While surfing I ran across a car called the Weidner Condor 70S and I know that some one on this group must have heard of it. Any body have any information on this car I had never heard of it before
  18. Go to the top of this page and click on Photo Gallery and you will see a lot of the guys rides.
  19. AAAH Alf I have a newborn respect and I think that you got it right... [color:"red"] GOOD JOB
  20. ya know Dakota I have a grandson named Dakota also and the question of the chicken and the egg has been studied by some of the best minds in the country and the answer is ...............There aint one.......Now from all of the research being done on the subject we do know why the chicken crossed the road. and that answer is KFC WAS CHASING IT AND THEY DO CHICKEN RIGHT....I hope that explanes everything and all is well
  21. GM has made a lot of great cars and the 80s are still affordable. I have been bidding on any Reatta vert that looks good, also looking for a 80s Riviera convertible. Both of these cars are still affordable if you can find a good one. My dream car has always been a Mclaren. Any body want to make a loan??????
  22. The black zippered case contained the following items a flashlight, an ink pen, a tire guage, a plastic door key, a note pad, the owners manual, a Buick booklet called "lets talk, Buick roadside assistance guide booklet, a booklet called Reatta A Handcrafted Buick,a Reatta road atlas, General Motors Maintenance schedule for passenger cars, a post card to order an engraved nameplate for the front of the zippered portfolio,The Reatta craftsman's log, and last but not least the directions for lowering the Reatta Convertible top if it was a convertible. A lot of stuff for a small package. It is fairly rare to find all of the parts still intact.
  23. yah and the new and improved ones work well. I had a few issues with the 3 white rollers on the right side, has problems with the big white gear as the brushes fell out and it took two of us to get it back togather, but 2 paperclips work well just my 2 cents
  24. wow the flashlight sold tonight for $103.50 wow now lets see what the tire guage goes for. Hard to believe that those items bring that much money
  25. Well welcome I have heard of your car from a friend of yours and mine in NZ. Mike Hanning in your country is a good friend and a great friend of Buick Mike told me you were waiting for your car to arrive and it must be great news when a plan comes together. You will find this site very helpful as there are many knowledgeable people her. Good luck with your car, I wouldnt think that there are many Reattas in NZ. And If you see Mike say Hello. He is a super fellow
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