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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. Study the market for whatever you like the best for at least 6 months before jumping in. There are always subtleties that are lost on somebody not familiar with a particular model. Some things are easy to know, like 4 speeds bring a lot more than automatics in the muscle car world. Other's not so easy to know.
  2. The individual sales that I witnessed at BJ where I really wondered who the hell was overpaying usually ended up being him. This could be much like the O'Coin collection where must cars are sold at a loss.
  3. Ryan will have the statistics and know for sure but I personally have gone from checking once a day to once a week.
  4. I was going to say some variation on "what unattractive car with a number of technical problems that never really made it in to production some how develops a cult following?".
  5. Is that the Dunlop tire test car? Not as pretty as the earlier models.
  6. Most people don't realize what a problem this is for restorers. Your name gets attached to the car. The owner will never admit to telling the restorer to just do a "quickie".
  7. Perhaps the greatest fender of all time.
  8. Looks great. Thanks for the update. Who is doing the engine?
  9. Now that I know just a little bit more about Royale's I thought I would bring this back up. There were two standard wheelbases 131 & 135 which designated two different model Royales. Both shared the same body but the shorter wheelbased car has 4 inches taken from the hood, louvers or 4 vents instead of 5 and a cheaper dash and some other cost savings. The wheelbase on this car looks longer than 131 but the other details seem to indicate that model. But maybe it is a Flying Cloud?
  10. Actually, I think it is the glove box on a Royale also.
  11. Wood looks great on some cars and it would be unique. Not sure how I would feel about going 60 mph on wood however.
  12. There is a very interesting story behind how this book was eventually published and the great lengths the club went to make it happen. I don't know all the exact details so I won't mess it up. I agree the pictures are not that great and I think there may be a future revision in the works. Pictures aside, it is a must have book for any prewar car guy.
  13. alsancle


    I would say the factory lights were replaced with Marchals at some point.
  14. I'm sure it was a lot of work so I hate to say anything but I liked it better before.
  15. alsancle


    Jonathan, I think I might have mentioned to you I swear I saw that car for sale in 2001 for around 180/200k. It was definitely in Connecticut so I can't imagine there were many others. Do you know what it looks like now? Hopefully not bright red.
  16. Follow the advice here and do not jump into a full restoration. Get it assembled and running and fix/clean/repair as needed. You will regret tearing that car down for a full restoration. There is a lot of experience on this forum that will back that up.
  17. alsancle


    The last Horch is an interesting story: http://www.fourtitude.com/news/publish/Tradition_News/article_4150.shtml
  18. The Jaffa car? Very cool, I agree - but I think that the lack of the Mercedes nose hurts it with the purists.
  19. alsancle


    Here it is at the auction. I don't think they even washed it when it was brought to Pebble.
  20. alsancle


    I was at the Stevens auction and went into shock when that car sold for 300k
  21. These are all West's pictures of Dick Saunder's car(s). I'm posting them here because they are boattails. West, will post to ACD tomorrow.
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