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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. The 3rd one seems to have sold. Hemi cars sit in their own world. Not fair to compare them to the almost identical non-hemi cars.
  2. 20 years ago in the company I was working for your username was assigned as first letter of first name and first 7 letters of last. But since I worked with my brother and we both had the same first letter they used first two letters of first name and then the first 6 of the last name.
  3. This thought passed through my head yesterday actually. Car restoration is like anything else in life. There are some things we can do on our own, like mow our lawn, that may be just as good or better than a professional. There are other things, like restoring a car that we may be able to do ok at with practice, but in theory would never approach the skill level of a really good professional. I guess it depends on the owner's skill level and what car he is working on. A high end car would only be wrecked by an amateur restoration. A cheaper car it doesn't matter and restoration may only make sense if the owner does most of his own work.
  4. Neat but limited market. Top original condition I will say 7500. Go down from there. If it needs any work then much much less.
  5. That is a cool car. I'm sure there is a bunch of guys on this forum that would love that to death.
  6. Those Dietrich designed bodies are very attractive.
  7. I need to get the rims and mount them to be sure but I'm feeling good!
  8. Curt, is there a 1 3/8 medialion on that carburetor?
  9. I have seen them both buffed and natural. Curt can chime in and tell us if natural is actually correct.
  10. I never pay attention to what I think the investment value of a particular car might be. It is impossible to forecast in any event. For years my dad and I have pondered the relative cheapness of the 39-42 Packard Darrin. Never understood the market for those. Why is the 851 Speedster a lock to bring 400k to 600k when the equal 812 SC Conv Coupe will bring 50% of that? There is definitely a trend towards the sporty but I guess you could say that trend has always existed. It is best to pray you have good enough taste that some other fool will buy your car when you are done enjoying it.
  11. I always enjoy Hershey but you can't stop the inevitable. eBay, March of time, etc have made it different.
  12. This may come across as helpful or not but appraisers are worthless. I don't want to derail your thread with a long discussion why but your best bet is to take some good pictures and post them here. You will get genuine feedback that will be for the most part free from any agendas. EDIT: Sorry, should have gone to page two. Good idea posting the pictures.
  13. That engine can run 45k to rebuild. These are not cars that can be restored by someone that does not know what they are doing. You need to post pictures as it is impossible to give you an accurate estimate otherwise.
  14. This was on the 32 12 Conv coupe the Packard Museum just bought and was displaying at Hershey. It matched the other gauges and the drive did not appear after market.
  15. I think it depends what kind of car we are talking about. Without pictures very hard to say. You could be pouring 500.00 into a 300 dollar car and end up with a 400 dollar car.
  16. The Indiana region of the CCCA made these in all sizes for many years. The project stalled but is supposed to start up again next year. They were very reasonable last time.
  17. alsancle


    That would be great if you could find some pictures!
  18. If you pass we have the world's number one Kissel expert on the forum and I'm sure he will be in touch. I agree with the 5 to 7,500 estimate.
  19. You can cut it up but that would financially be foolish. A full restoration in a profession shop to 95 point status would be over 100k. However you could probably do a driver level job on your own for around 50k if you can do most of the work yourself.
  20. The restoration business is very hard. Do you get to keep some customers? It would help a lot.
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