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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. I like that car a lot. But if Hyman is selling it for 62,500 there is a good chance you can find something comparable for 50k or less.
  2. I think most people probably think the way you do Greg which is perfectly fine way to approach life. Incremental improvement and achievement and minimizing the risk of catastrophe is a prudent way to go and probably the smartest thing when you have kids to worry about. It also means you won't be driving a Duesenberg but that shouldn't be a problem. I would argue that your average collector will get just as much joy from any particular car as the wealthy guy gets from his top end collectable.
  3. Joel, I like your intersection of Hemi cars and prewar Classics. The Model J is certainly one of the great Musclecars of all time. I had the opportunity 15 years ago to buy one of the 10 or so Hemi 68 GTX 4 speed verts. It wasn't cheap but I probably should have followed through. I think I have said this so much I'm like a broken record. Off the top of my head I have pretty good insight into the backgrounds of at least a dozen collectors that we could all agree are in the very wealthy category. Every single one of them has a story similar to yours. Everything you said is spot on but I feel you are wasting your breath. People reading this thread fall into two buckets automatically. And the buckets have nothing to do with net worth or the number of cars you own. It has everything to do with your outlook on life.
  4. I have a casual view from afar but it looks like they are after the guy for something else and are using this as a way to harass/pressure the owner. Like most "barn finds" this was no big secret.
  5. The easiest thing in the world to do is take a car apart. Probably the worst thing for it too.
  6. As a general rule 4 door sedans are the bottom of the value curve. Spend the absolute minimum necessary to have fun with the car. You probably won't get your money back but the idea is you paid to have fun.
  7. I have always been a big fan of the 32/33 Hupp cycle fendered cars. If this was running it would not be a horrible deal. Feels a little strong at 19500 with the engine out.
  8. Yes, this is why I let Ed buy me lunch whenever possible.
  9. So I was looking through the article I just posted on the 290. I guess you are supposed to leave the dust and dirt all over the car when you show it now? I guess I'm missing something.
  10. Many good cars sell quietly through personal relationships. The only way to establish those relationships is to be part of clubs, participate and be likable. Lots of people fail on the likable part.
  11. You are using an old link. Use this: http://acdclub.org/forums
  12. Has anyone else seen this? Unrestored 290 Cab A. http://www.carbuildindex.com/25892/survivor-sunday-1935-mercedes-benz-290a-cabriolet/
  13. Actually, your question was completely vague. However your follow up provides the necessary info. Since the car was manufactured in the U.S. there are no vats or taxes. Since this question has been asked quite a bit between here and the HAMB if you do a search you will get lots of details on which crossings are more of an issue, how long it takes to get the paperwork, etc. But to summarize, if you show up at the border with the car and paperwork you will get through in about 10 minutes.
  14. If the car was originally manufactured in the U.S. then there is little to no issue. Generally, you will get better help if you put more effort into the question.
  15. Your view of economics is not what I have seen. People that do really well get lucky, but they put themselves in a position to be lucky. Are you willing to work 80 hours a week and maybe get paid for 20? Are you willing to work straight through a weekend, and again maybe not get paid? Most people count every minute they work and want to be compensated for it at market rate. They are unwilling or unable to take risks. We all make decisions in life that have a bigger impact on where we end up than the hidden hand. Expecting others, your boss, a business, the government to give you what you want guarantees you will never be happy. You need to make your own way or simply be content with what others give you.
  16. I saw that. Neat car. Club sedans always look good to me.
  17. You did the right think losing the accessory trunk.
  18. Ron, I'm sure you know about this already but Vanderbrink is selling a nice Gold Bug.
  19. Too bad about the colors, otherwise this is awesome!
  20. You are looking at the later Samco cars that were built using the molds after Glenn Pray's company folded with the 8/10 Cord. Personally, I really like the 8/10 cars as they used stock from the original ACD factory that Glenn owned. Those were powered by a front engined Corvair drivetrain turining the front wheels like the original. You could get them with the 4 speed and turbo too. On the plus side I see the Samco cars reasonably priced, on the minus side I see many that have been butchered over the years. Same feedback to all car inquires is buy the best one you can afford.
  21. Dav, I'll agree with the 500-600 for a junk Cab B, although I don't think there are many of those left. If I go along with your 100-120 for the body (which I think is probably 50% low) you still need the 500k to restore the whole thing. With 500k being a very quicky restoration. Top end these days in the U.S.A would be closer to 800k for a 540k restoration. So I still think you are talking a hefty number even for a rebodied car. I'm sure Craig knows the numbers better than I.
  22. Maybe I'm opening a can of worms, but when your transport fell through did you want to back out or did the seller? Or did the seller not want to wait for you to find another transport?
  23. Love it. Go here and these guys will be able to help you: http://p15-d24.com/
  24. In 1942 they would think nothing of beating the crap out of a Bugatti Royale. Craig is right, these days everything is fabricated. It always amazes me when somebody writes a healthy check without knowing what they are doing. It is practically impossible for a car of stature not to have at least a 40 year history if not much longer. I can see things being fuzzy around the war but a half a million dollar plus car you should be able to trace back. I think the internet makes it harder and harder to pull a fast one.
  25. Having something handed to you is rarely a good thing. However, "inherited wealth" is such a miniscule issue compared to "I refuse to work and here are 100 reasons why I can't". Also, if you happen to be the guy that worked your ass off to create the wealth you should get to choose what you want to do with it. Even if it means giving it to your potentially lay about kids. It will be gone in one generation anyways.
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